MediaCodec.javaAPI DocAndroid 5.1 API74693Thu Mar 12 22:22:30 GMT


public final class MediaCodec extends Object
MediaCodec class can be used to access low-level media codec, i.e. encoder/decoder components.

MediaCodec is generally used like this:

MediaCodec codec = MediaCodec.createDecoderByType(type);
codec.configure(format, ...);

// if API level <= 20, get input and output buffer arrays here
ByteBuffer[] inputBuffers = codec.getInputBuffers();
ByteBuffer[] outputBuffers = codec.getOutputBuffers();
for (;;) {
int inputBufferIndex = codec.dequeueInputBuffer(timeoutUs);
if (inputBufferIndex >= 0) {
// if API level >= 21, get input buffer here
ByteBuffer inputBuffer = codec.getInputBuffer(inputBufferIndex);
// fill inputBuffers[inputBufferIndex] with valid data
codec.queueInputBuffer(inputBufferIndex, ...);

int outputBufferIndex = codec.dequeueOutputBuffer(timeoutUs);
if (outputBufferIndex >= 0) {
// if API level >= 21, get output buffer here
ByteBuffer outputBuffer = codec.getOutputBuffer(outputBufferIndex);
// outputBuffer is ready to be processed or rendered.
codec.releaseOutputBuffer(outputBufferIndex, ...);
} else if (outputBufferIndex == MediaCodec.INFO_OUTPUT_BUFFERS_CHANGED) {
// no needed to handle if API level >= 21 and using getOutputBuffer(int)
outputBuffers = codec.getOutputBuffers();
} else if (outputBufferIndex == MediaCodec.INFO_OUTPUT_FORMAT_CHANGED) {
// Subsequent data will conform to new format.
// can ignore if API level >= 21 and using getOutputFormat(outputBufferIndex)
MediaFormat format = codec.getOutputFormat();
codec = null;
Each codec maintains a number of input and output buffers that are referred to by index in API calls.

For API levels 20 and below: The contents of these buffers are represented by the ByteBuffer[] arrays accessible through {@link #getInputBuffers} and {@link #getOutputBuffers}.

After a successful call to {@link #start} the client "owns" neither input nor output buffers, subsequent calls to {@link #dequeueInputBuffer} and {@link #dequeueOutputBuffer} then transfer ownership from the codec to the client.

The client is not required to resubmit/release buffers immediately to the codec, the sample code above simply does this for simplicity's sake. Nonetheless, it is possible that a codec may hold off on generating output buffers until all outstanding buffers have been released/resubmitted.

Once the client has an input buffer available it can fill it with data and submit it it to the codec via a call to {@link #queueInputBuffer}. Do not submit multiple input buffers with the same timestamp (unless it is codec-specific data marked as such using the flag {@link #BUFFER_FLAG_CODEC_CONFIG}).

The codec in turn will return an output buffer to the client in response to {@link #dequeueOutputBuffer}. After the output buffer has been processed a call to {@link #releaseOutputBuffer} will return it to the codec. If a video surface has been provided in the call to {@link #configure}, {@link #releaseOutputBuffer} optionally allows rendering of the buffer to the surface.

Input buffers (for decoders) and Output buffers (for encoders) contain encoded data according to the format's type. For video types this data is all the encoded data representing a single moment in time, for audio data this is slightly relaxed in that a buffer may contain multiple encoded frames of audio. In either case, buffers do not start and end on arbitrary byte boundaries, this is not a stream of bytes, it's a stream of access units.

Most formats also require the actual data to be prefixed by a number of buffers containing setup data, or codec specific data, i.e. the first few buffers submitted to the codec object after starting it must be codec specific data marked as such using the flag {@link #BUFFER_FLAG_CODEC_CONFIG} in a call to {@link #queueInputBuffer}.

Codec specific data included in the format passed to {@link #configure} (in ByteBuffer entries with keys "csd-0", "csd-1", ...) is automatically submitted to the codec, this data MUST NOT be submitted explicitly by the client.

Once the client reaches the end of the input data it signals the end of the input stream by specifying a flag of {@link #BUFFER_FLAG_END_OF_STREAM} in the call to {@link #queueInputBuffer}. The codec will continue to return output buffers until it eventually signals the end of the output stream by specifying the same flag ({@link #BUFFER_FLAG_END_OF_STREAM}) on the BufferInfo returned in {@link #dequeueOutputBuffer}. Do not submit additional input buffers after signaling the end of the input stream, unless the codec has been flushed, or stopped and restarted.

Seeking & Adaptive Playback Support

You can check if a decoder supports adaptive playback via {@link MediaCodecInfo.CodecCapabilities#isFeatureSupported}. Adaptive playback is only supported if you configure the codec to decode onto a {@link android.view.Surface}.

For decoders that do not support adaptive playback (including when not decoding onto a Surface)

In order to start decoding data that's not adjacent to previously submitted data (i.e. after a seek) one must {@link #flush} the decoder. Any input or output buffers the client may own at the point of the flush are immediately revoked, i.e. after a call to {@link #flush} the client does not own any buffers anymore.

It is important that the input data after a flush starts at a suitable stream boundary. The first frame must be able to be decoded completely on its own (for most codecs this means an I-frame), and that no frames should refer to frames before that first new frame. Note that the format of the data submitted after a flush must not change, flush does not support format discontinuities, for this a full {@link #stop}, {@link #configure configure()}, {@link #start} cycle is necessary.

For decoders that support adaptive playback

In order to start decoding data that's not adjacent to previously submitted data (i.e. after a seek) it is not necessary to {@link #flush} the decoder.

It is still important that the input data after the discontinuity starts at a suitable stream boundary (e.g. I-frame), and that no new frames refer to frames before the first frame of the new input data segment.

For some video formats it is also possible to change the picture size mid-stream. To do this for H.264, the new Sequence Parameter Set (SPS) and Picture Parameter Set (PPS) values must be packaged together with an Instantaneous Decoder Refresh (IDR) frame in a single buffer, which then can be enqueued as a regular input buffer. The client will receive an {@link #INFO_OUTPUT_FORMAT_CHANGED} return value from {@link #dequeueOutputBuffer dequeueOutputBuffer()} or {@link Callback#onOutputBufferAvailable onOutputBufferAvailable()} just after the picture-size change takes place and before any frames with the new size have been returned.

Be careful when calling {@link #flush} shortly after you have changed the picture size. If you have not received confirmation of the picture size change, you will need to repeat the request for the new picture size. E.g. for H.264 you will need to prepend the PPS/SPS to the new IDR frame to ensure that the codec receives the picture size change request.

States and error handling

During its life, a codec conceptually exists in one of the following states: Initialized, Configured, Executing, Error, Uninitialized, (omitting transitory states between them). When created by one of the factory methods, the codec is in the Initialized state; {@link #configure} brings it to the Configured state; {@link #start} brings it to the Executing state. In the Executing state, decoding or encoding occurs through the buffer queue manipulation described above. The method {@link #stop} returns the codec to the Initialized state, whereupon it may be configured again, and {@link #release} brings the codec to the terminal Uninitialized state. When a codec error occurs, the codec moves to the Error state. Use {@link #reset} to bring the codec back to the Initialized state, or {@link #release} to move it to the Uninitialized state.

The factory methods {@link #createByCodecName}, {@link #createDecoderByType}, and {@link #createEncoderByType} throw {@link} on failure which the caller must catch or declare to pass up. MediaCodec methods throw {@link java.lang.IllegalStateException} when the method is called from a codec state that does not allow it; this is typically due to incorrect application API usage. Methods involving secure buffers may throw {@link MediaCodec.CryptoException#MediaCodec.CryptoException}, which has further error information obtainable from {@link MediaCodec.CryptoException#getErrorCode}.

Internal codec errors result in a {@link MediaCodec.CodecException}, which may be due to media content corruption, hardware failure, resource exhaustion, and so forth, even when the application is correctly using the API. The recommended action when receiving a {@link MediaCodec.CodecException} can be determined by calling {@link MediaCodec.CodecException#isRecoverable} and {@link MediaCodec.CodecException#isTransient}. If {@link MediaCodec.CodecException#isRecoverable} returns true, then a {@link #stop}, {@link #configure}, and {@link #start} can be performed to recover. If {@link MediaCodec.CodecException#isTransient} returns true, then resources are temporarily unavailable and the method may be retried at a later time. If both {@link MediaCodec.CodecException#isRecoverable} and {@link MediaCodec.CodecException#isTransient} return false, then the {@link MediaCodec.CodecException} is fatal and the codec must be {@link #reset reset} or {@link #release released}. Both {@link MediaCodec.CodecException#isRecoverable} and {@link MediaCodec.CodecException#isTransient} do not return true at the same time.

Fields Summary
public static final int
This indicates that the (encoded) buffer marked as such contains the data for a key frame.
public static final int
This indicates that the (encoded) buffer marked as such contains the data for a key frame.
public static final int
This indicated that the buffer marked as such contains codec initialization / codec specific data instead of media data.
public static final int
This signals the end of stream, i.e. no buffers will be available after this, unless of course, {@link #flush} follows.
private EventHandler
private Callback
private static final int
private static final int
private static final int
private static final int
private static final int
private static final int
public static final int
If this codec is to be used as an encoder, pass this flag.
public static final int
public static final int
public static final int
If a non-negative timeout had been specified in the call to {@link #dequeueOutputBuffer}, indicates that the call timed out.
public static final int
The output format has changed, subsequent data will follow the new format. {@link #getOutputFormat()} returns the new format. Note, that you can also use the new {@link #getOutputFormat(int)} method to get the format for a specific output buffer. This frees you from having to track output format changes.
public static final int
The output buffers have changed, the client must refer to the new set of output buffers returned by {@link #getOutputBuffers} from this point on.
private ByteBuffer[]
private ByteBuffer[]
private final BufferMap
private final BufferMap
private final Object
public static final int
The content is scaled to the surface dimensions
public static final int
The content is scaled, maintaining its aspect ratio, the whole surface area is used, content may be cropped
public static final String
Change a video encoder's target bitrate on the fly. The value is an Integer object containing the new bitrate in bps.
public static final String
Temporarily suspend/resume encoding of input data. While suspended input data is effectively discarded instead of being fed into the encoder. This parameter really only makes sense to use with an encoder in "surface-input" mode, as the client code has no control over the input-side of the encoder in that case. The value is an Integer object containing the value 1 to suspend or the value 0 to resume.
public static final String
Request that the encoder produce a sync frame "soon". Provide an Integer with the value 0.
private long
Constructors Summary
private MediaCodec(String name, boolean nameIsType, boolean encoder)

        Looper looper;
        if ((looper = Looper.myLooper()) != null) {
            mEventHandler = new EventHandler(this, looper);
        } else if ((looper = Looper.getMainLooper()) != null) {
            mEventHandler = new EventHandler(this, looper);
        } else {
            mEventHandler = null;
        mBufferLock = new Object();

        native_setup(name, nameIsType, encoder);
Methods Summary
private final voidcacheBuffers(boolean input)

        ByteBuffer[] buffers = null;
        try {
            buffers = getBuffers(input);
        } catch (IllegalStateException e) {
            // we don't get buffers in async mode
        if (input) {
            mCachedInputBuffers = buffers;
        } else {
            mCachedOutputBuffers = buffers;
public voidconfigure( format, android.view.Surface surface, crypto, int flags)
Configures a component.

format The format of the input data (decoder) or the desired format of the output data (encoder).
surface Specify a surface on which to render the output of this decoder.
crypto Specify a crypto object to facilitate secure decryption of the media data.
flags Specify {@link #CONFIGURE_FLAG_ENCODE} to configure the component as an encoder.
IllegalArgumentException if the surface has been released (or is invalid), or the format is unacceptable (e.g. missing a mandatory key), or the flags are not set properly (e.g. missing {@link #CONFIGURE_FLAG_ENCODE} for an encoder).
IllegalStateException if not in the Initialized state.

        Map<String, Object> formatMap = format.getMap();

        String[] keys = null;
        Object[] values = null;

        if (format != null) {
            keys = new String[formatMap.size()];
            values = new Object[formatMap.size()];

            int i = 0;
            for (Map.Entry<String, Object> entry: formatMap.entrySet()) {
                if (entry.getKey().equals(MediaFormat.KEY_AUDIO_SESSION_ID)) {
                    int sessionId = 0;
                    try {
                        sessionId = (Integer)entry.getValue();
                    catch (Exception e) {
                        throw new IllegalArgumentException("Wrong Session ID Parameter!");
                    keys[i] = "audio-hw-sync";
                    values[i] = AudioSystem.getAudioHwSyncForSession(sessionId);
                } else {
                    keys[i] = entry.getKey();
                    values[i] = entry.getValue();

        native_configure(keys, values, surface, crypto, flags);
public static name)
If you know the exact name of the component you want to instantiate use this method to instantiate it. Use with caution. Likely to be used with information obtained from {@link}

name The name of the codec to be instantiated.
IOException if the codec cannot be created.
IllegalArgumentException if name is not valid.
NullPointerException if name is null.

        return new MediaCodec(
                name, false /* nameIsType */, false /* unused */);
public static type)
Instantiate a decoder supporting input data of the given mime type. The following is a partial list of defined mime types and their semantics:
  • "video/x-vnd.on2.vp8" - VP8 video (i.e. video in .webm)
  • "video/x-vnd.on2.vp9" - VP9 video (i.e. video in .webm)
  • "video/avc" - H.264/AVC video
  • "video/hevc" - H.265/HEVC video
  • "video/mp4v-es" - MPEG4 video
  • "video/3gpp" - H.263 video
  • "audio/3gpp" - AMR narrowband audio
  • "audio/amr-wb" - AMR wideband audio
  • "audio/mpeg" - MPEG1/2 audio layer III
  • "audio/mp4a-latm" - AAC audio (note, this is raw AAC packets, not packaged in LATM!)
  • "audio/vorbis" - vorbis audio
  • "audio/g711-alaw" - G.711 alaw audio
  • "audio/g711-mlaw" - G.711 ulaw audio

type The mime type of the input data.
IOException if the codec cannot be created.
IllegalArgumentException if type is not a valid mime type.
NullPointerException if type is null.

        return new MediaCodec(type, true /* nameIsType */, false /* encoder */);
public static type)
Instantiate an encoder supporting output data of the given mime type.

type The desired mime type of the output data.
IOException if the codec cannot be created.
IllegalArgumentException if type is not a valid mime type.
NullPointerException if type is null.

        return new MediaCodec(type, true /* nameIsType */, true /* encoder */);
public final native android.view.SurfacecreateInputSurface()
Requests a Surface to use as the input to an encoder, in place of input buffers. This may only be called after {@link #configure} and before {@link #start}.

The application is responsible for calling release() on the Surface when done.

The Surface must be rendered with a hardware-accelerated API, such as OpenGL ES. {@link android.view.Surface#lockCanvas(} may fail or produce unexpected results.

IllegalStateException if not in the Configured state.

public final intdequeueInputBuffer(long timeoutUs)
Returns the index of an input buffer to be filled with valid data or -1 if no such buffer is currently available. This method will return immediately if timeoutUs == 0, wait indefinitely for the availability of an input buffer if timeoutUs < 0 or wait up to "timeoutUs" microseconds if timeoutUs > 0.

timeoutUs The timeout in microseconds, a negative timeout indicates "infinite".
IllegalStateException if not in the Executing state, or codec is configured in asynchronous mode.
MediaCodec.CodecException upon codec error.

        int res = native_dequeueInputBuffer(timeoutUs);
        if (res >= 0) {
            synchronized(mBufferLock) {
                validateInputByteBuffer(mCachedInputBuffers, res);
        return res;
public final intdequeueOutputBuffer($BufferInfo info, long timeoutUs)
Dequeue an output buffer, block at most "timeoutUs" microseconds. Returns the index of an output buffer that has been successfully decoded or one of the INFO_* constants below.

info Will be filled with buffer meta data.
timeoutUs The timeout in microseconds, a negative timeout indicates "infinite".
IllegalStateException if not in the Executing state, or codec is configured in asynchronous mode.
MediaCodec.CodecException upon codec error.

        int res = native_dequeueOutputBuffer(info, timeoutUs);
        synchronized(mBufferLock) {
            if (res == INFO_OUTPUT_BUFFERS_CHANGED) {
                cacheBuffers(false /* input */);
            } else if (res >= 0) {
                validateOutputByteBuffer(mCachedOutputBuffers, res, info);
        return res;
protected voidfinalize()

public final voidflush()
Flush both input and output ports of the component, all indices previously returned in calls to {@link #dequeueInputBuffer} and {@link #dequeueOutputBuffer} become invalid.

If codec is configured in asynchronous mode, call {@link #start} after {@code flush} has returned to resume codec operations. The codec will not request input buffers until this has happened.

If codec is configured in synchronous mode, codec will resume automatically if an input surface was created. Otherwise, it will resume when {@link #dequeueInputBuffer} is called.

IllegalStateException if not in the Executing state.
MediaCodec.CodecException upon codec error.

        synchronized(mBufferLock) {
private final voidfreeAllTrackedBuffers()

        synchronized(mBufferLock) {
            mCachedInputBuffers = null;
            mCachedOutputBuffers = null;
private final voidfreeByteBuffer(java.nio.ByteBuffer buffer)

        if (buffer != null /* && buffer.isDirect() */) {
            // all of our ByteBuffers are direct
private final voidfreeByteBuffers(java.nio.ByteBuffer[] buffers)

        if (buffers != null) {
            for (ByteBuffer buffer: buffers) {
private final native java.nio.ByteBuffergetBuffer(boolean input, int index)

private final native java.nio.ByteBuffer[]getBuffers(boolean input)

Get the codec info. If the codec was created by createDecoderByType or createEncoderByType, what component is chosen is not known beforehand, and thus the caller does not have the MediaCodecInfo.

IllegalStateException if in the Uninitialized state.

        return MediaCodecList.getInfoFor(getName());
private final native java.util.MapgetFormatNative(boolean input)

private final native input, int index)

public java.nio.ByteBuffergetInputBuffer(int index)
Returns a {@link java.nio.Buffer#clear cleared}, writable ByteBuffer object for a dequeued input buffer index to contain the input data. After calling this method any ByteBuffer or Image object previously returned for the same input index MUST no longer be used.

index The index of a client-owned input buffer previously returned from a call to {@link #dequeueInputBuffer}, or received via an onInputBufferAvailable callback.
the input buffer, or null if the index is not a dequeued input buffer, or if the codec is configured for surface input.
IllegalStateException if not in the Executing state.
MediaCodec.CodecException upon codec error.

        ByteBuffer newBuffer = getBuffer(true /* input */, index);
        synchronized(mBufferLock) {
            invalidateByteBuffer(mCachedInputBuffers, index);
            mDequeuedInputBuffers.put(index, newBuffer);
        return newBuffer;
public java.nio.ByteBuffer[]getInputBuffers()
Retrieve the set of input buffers. Call this after start() returns. After calling this method, any ByteBuffers previously returned by an earlier call to this method MUST no longer be used.

Use the new {@link #getInputBuffer} method instead each time an input buffer is dequeued. Note:As of API 21, dequeued input buffers are automatically {@link java.nio.Buffer#clear cleared}.
IllegalStateException if not in the Executing state, or codec is configured in asynchronous mode.
MediaCodec.CodecException upon codec error.

        if (mCachedInputBuffers == null) {
            throw new IllegalStateException();
        // FIXME: check codec status
        return mCachedInputBuffers;
public final
Call this after {@link #configure} returns successfully to get the input format accepted by the codec. Do this to determine what optional configuration parameters were supported by the codec.

IllegalStateException if not in the Executing or Configured state.
MediaCodec.CodecException upon codec error.

        return new MediaFormat(getFormatNative(true /* input */));
public index)
Returns a writable Image object for a dequeued input buffer index to contain the raw input video frame. After calling this method any ByteBuffer or Image object previously returned for the same input index MUST no longer be used.

index The index of a client-owned input buffer previously returned from a call to {@link #dequeueInputBuffer}, or received via an onInputBufferAvailable callback.
the input image, or null if the index is not a dequeued input buffer, or not a ByteBuffer that contains a raw image.
IllegalStateException if not in the Executing state.
MediaCodec.CodecException upon codec error.

        Image newImage = getImage(true /* input */, index);
        synchronized(mBufferLock) {
            invalidateByteBuffer(mCachedInputBuffers, index);
            mDequeuedInputBuffers.put(index, newImage);
        return newImage;
public final native java.lang.StringgetName()
Get the component name. If the codec was created by createDecoderByType or createEncoderByType, what component is chosen is not known beforehand.

IllegalStateException if in the Uninitialized state.

public java.nio.ByteBuffergetOutputBuffer(int index)
Returns a read-only ByteBuffer for a dequeued output buffer index. The position and limit of the returned buffer are set to the valid output data. After calling this method, any ByteBuffer or Image object previously returned for the same output index MUST no longer be used.

index The index of a client-owned output buffer previously returned from a call to {@link #dequeueOutputBuffer}, or received via an onOutputBufferAvailable callback.
the output buffer, or null if the index is not a dequeued output buffer, or the codec is configured with an output surface.
IllegalStateException if not in the Executing state.
MediaCodec.CodecException upon codec error.

        ByteBuffer newBuffer = getBuffer(false /* input */, index);
        synchronized(mBufferLock) {
            invalidateByteBuffer(mCachedOutputBuffers, index);
            mDequeuedOutputBuffers.put(index, newBuffer);
        return newBuffer;
public java.nio.ByteBuffer[]getOutputBuffers()
Retrieve the set of output buffers. Call this after start() returns and whenever dequeueOutputBuffer signals an output buffer change by returning {@link #INFO_OUTPUT_BUFFERS_CHANGED}. After calling this method, any ByteBuffers previously returned by an earlier call to this method MUST no longer be used.

Use the new {@link #getOutputBuffer} method instead each time an output buffer is dequeued. This method is not supported if codec is configured in asynchronous mode. Note:As of API 21, the position and limit of output buffers that are dequeued will be set to the valid data range.
IllegalStateException if not in the Executing state, or codec is configured in asynchronous mode.
MediaCodec.CodecException upon codec error.

        if (mCachedOutputBuffers == null) {
            throw new IllegalStateException();
        // FIXME: check codec status
        return mCachedOutputBuffers;
public final
Call this after dequeueOutputBuffer signals a format change by returning {@link #INFO_OUTPUT_FORMAT_CHANGED}. You can also call this after {@link #configure} returns successfully to get the output format initially configured for the codec. Do this to determine what optional configuration parameters were supported by the codec.

IllegalStateException if not in the Executing or Configured state.
MediaCodec.CodecException upon codec error.

        return new MediaFormat(getFormatNative(false /* input */));
public final index)
Returns the output format for a specific output buffer.

index The index of a client-owned input buffer previously returned from a call to {@link #dequeueInputBuffer}.
the format for the output buffer, or null if the index is not a dequeued output buffer.

        return new MediaFormat(getOutputFormatNative(index));
private final native java.util.MapgetOutputFormatNative(int index)

public index)
Returns a read-only Image object for a dequeued output buffer index that contains the raw video frame. After calling this method, any ByteBuffer or Image object previously returned for the same output index MUST no longer be used.

index The index of a client-owned output buffer previously returned from a call to {@link #dequeueOutputBuffer}, or received via an onOutputBufferAvailable callback.
the output image, or null if the index is not a dequeued output buffer, not a raw video frame, or if the codec was configured with an output surface.
IllegalStateException if not in the Executing state.
MediaCodec.CodecException upon codec error.

        Image newImage = getImage(false /* input */, index);
        synchronized(mBufferLock) {
            invalidateByteBuffer(mCachedOutputBuffers, index);
            mDequeuedOutputBuffers.put(index, newImage);
        return newImage;
private final voidinvalidateByteBuffer(java.nio.ByteBuffer[] buffers, int index)

        if (buffers != null && index >= 0 && index < buffers.length) {
            ByteBuffer buffer = buffers[index];
            if (buffer != null) {
private final voidinvalidateByteBuffers(java.nio.ByteBuffer[] buffers)

        if (buffers != null) {
            for (ByteBuffer buffer: buffers) {
                if (buffer != null) {
private final native voidnative_configure(java.lang.String[] keys, java.lang.Object[] values, android.view.Surface surface, crypto, int flags)

private final native intnative_dequeueInputBuffer(long timeoutUs)

private final native intnative_dequeueOutputBuffer($BufferInfo info, long timeoutUs)

private final native voidnative_finalize()

private final native voidnative_flush()

private static final native voidnative_init()

private final native voidnative_queueInputBuffer(int index, int offset, int size, long presentationTimeUs, int flags)

private final native voidnative_queueSecureInputBuffer(int index, int offset,$CryptoInfo info, long presentationTimeUs, int flags)

private final native voidnative_release()

private final native voidnative_reset()

private final native voidnative_setCallback($Callback cb)

private final native voidnative_setup(java.lang.String name, boolean nameIsType, boolean encoder)

private final native voidnative_start()

private final native voidnative_stop()

private voidpostEventFromNative(int what, int arg1, int arg2, java.lang.Object obj)

        if (mEventHandler != null) {
            Message msg = mEventHandler.obtainMessage(what, arg1, arg2, obj);
public final voidqueueInputBuffer(int index, int offset, int size, long presentationTimeUs, int flags)
After filling a range of the input buffer at the specified index submit it to the component. Once an input buffer is queued to the codec, it MUST NOT be used until it is later retrieved by {@link #getInputBuffer} in response to a {@link #dequeueInputBuffer} return value or a {@link Callback#onInputBufferAvailable} callback.

Many decoders require the actual compressed data stream to be preceded by "codec specific data", i.e. setup data used to initialize the codec such as PPS/SPS in the case of AVC video or code tables in the case of vorbis audio. The class {@link} provides codec specific data as part of the returned track format in entries named "csd-0", "csd-1" ...

These buffers can be submitted directly after {@link #start} or {@link #flush} by specifying the flag {@link #BUFFER_FLAG_CODEC_CONFIG}. However, if you configure the codec with a {@link MediaFormat} containing these keys, they will be automatically submitted by MediaCodec directly after start. Therefore, the use of {@link #BUFFER_FLAG_CODEC_CONFIG} flag is discouraged and is recommended only for advanced users.

To indicate that this is the final piece of input data (or rather that no more input data follows unless the decoder is subsequently flushed) specify the flag {@link #BUFFER_FLAG_END_OF_STREAM}.

index The index of a client-owned input buffer previously returned in a call to {@link #dequeueInputBuffer}.
offset The byte offset into the input buffer at which the data starts.
size The number of bytes of valid input data.
presentationTimeUs The presentation timestamp in microseconds for this buffer. This is normally the media time at which this buffer should be presented (rendered).
flags A bitmask of flags {@link #BUFFER_FLAG_CODEC_CONFIG} and {@link #BUFFER_FLAG_END_OF_STREAM}. While not prohibited, most codecs do not use the {@link #BUFFER_FLAG_KEY_FRAME} flag for input buffers.
IllegalStateException if not in the Executing state.
MediaCodec.CodecException upon codec error.
CryptoException if a crypto object has been specified in {@link #configure}

        synchronized(mBufferLock) {
            invalidateByteBuffer(mCachedInputBuffers, index);
        try {
                    index, offset, size, presentationTimeUs, flags);
        } catch (CryptoException | IllegalStateException e) {
            revalidateByteBuffer(mCachedInputBuffers, index);
            throw e;
public final voidqueueSecureInputBuffer(int index, int offset,$CryptoInfo info, long presentationTimeUs, int flags)
Similar to {@link #queueInputBuffer} but submits a buffer that is potentially encrypted.

index The index of a client-owned input buffer previously returned in a call to {@link #dequeueInputBuffer}.
offset The byte offset into the input buffer at which the data starts.
info Metadata required to facilitate decryption, the object can be reused immediately after this call returns.
presentationTimeUs The presentation timestamp in microseconds for this buffer. This is normally the media time at which this buffer should be presented (rendered).
flags A bitmask of flags {@link #BUFFER_FLAG_CODEC_CONFIG} and {@link #BUFFER_FLAG_END_OF_STREAM}. While not prohibited, most codecs do not use the {@link #BUFFER_FLAG_KEY_FRAME} flag for input buffers.
IllegalStateException if not in the Executing state.
MediaCodec.CodecException upon codec error.
CryptoException if an error occurs while attempting to decrypt the buffer. An error code associated with the exception helps identify the reason for the failure.

        synchronized(mBufferLock) {
            invalidateByteBuffer(mCachedInputBuffers, index);
        try {
                    index, offset, info, presentationTimeUs, flags);
        } catch (CryptoException | IllegalStateException e) {
            revalidateByteBuffer(mCachedInputBuffers, index);
            throw e;
public final voidrelease()
Make sure you call this when you're done to free up any opened component instance instead of relying on the garbage collector to do this for you at some point in the future.

        freeAllTrackedBuffers(); // free buffers first
public final voidreleaseOutputBuffer(int index, boolean render)
If you are done with a buffer, use this call to return the buffer to the codec. If you previously specified a surface when configuring this video decoder you can optionally render the buffer. Once an output buffer is released to the codec, it MUST NOT be used until it is later retrieved by {@link #getOutputBuffer} in response to a {@link #dequeueOutputBuffer} return value or a {@link Callback#onOutputBufferAvailable} callback.

index The index of a client-owned output buffer previously returned from a call to {@link #dequeueOutputBuffer}.
render If a valid surface was specified when configuring the codec, passing true renders this output buffer to the surface.
IllegalStateException if not in the Executing state.
MediaCodec.CodecException upon codec error.

        synchronized(mBufferLock) {
            invalidateByteBuffer(mCachedOutputBuffers, index);
        releaseOutputBuffer(index, render, false /* updatePTS */, 0 /* dummy */);
public final voidreleaseOutputBuffer(int index, long renderTimestampNs)
If you are done with a buffer, use this call to update its surface timestamp and return it to the codec to render it on the output surface. If you have not specified an output surface when configuring this video codec, this call will simply return the buffer to the codec.

The timestamp may have special meaning depending on the destination surface.
SurfaceView specifics
If you render your buffer on a {@link android.view.SurfaceView}, you can use the timestamp to render the buffer at a specific time (at the VSYNC at or after the buffer timestamp). For this to work, the timestamp needs to be reasonably close to the current {@link System#nanoTime}. Currently, this is set as within one (1) second. A few notes:
  • the buffer will not be returned to the codec until the timestamp has passed and the buffer is no longer used by the {@link android.view.Surface}.
  • buffers are processed sequentially, so you may block subsequent buffers to be displayed on the {@link android.view.Surface}. This is important if you want to react to user action, e.g. stop the video or seek.
  • if multiple buffers are sent to the {@link android.view.Surface} to be rendered at the same VSYNC, the last one will be shown, and the other ones will be dropped.
  • if the timestamp is not "reasonably close" to the current system time, the {@link android.view.Surface} will ignore the timestamp, and display the buffer at the earliest feasible time. In this mode it will not drop frames.
  • for best performance and quality, call this method when you are about two VSYNCs' time before the desired render time. For 60Hz displays, this is about 33 msec.
Once an output buffer is released to the codec, it MUST NOT be used until it is later retrieved by {@link #getOutputBuffer} in response to a {@link #dequeueOutputBuffer} return value or a {@link Callback#onOutputBufferAvailable} callback.

index The index of a client-owned output buffer previously returned from a call to {@link #dequeueOutputBuffer}.
renderTimestampNs The timestamp to associate with this buffer when it is sent to the Surface.
IllegalStateException if not in the Executing state.
MediaCodec.CodecException upon codec error.

        synchronized(mBufferLock) {
            invalidateByteBuffer(mCachedOutputBuffers, index);
                index, true /* render */, true /* updatePTS */, renderTimestampNs);
private final native voidreleaseOutputBuffer(int index, boolean render, boolean updatePTS, long timeNs)

public final voidreset()
Returns the codec to its initial (Initialized) state. Call this if an {@link MediaCodec.CodecException#isRecoverable unrecoverable} error has occured to reset the codec to its initial state after creation.

CodecException if an unrecoverable error has occured and the codec could not be reset.
IllegalStateException if in the Uninitialized state.

        freeAllTrackedBuffers(); // free buffers first
private final voidrevalidateByteBuffer(java.nio.ByteBuffer[] buffers, int index)

        synchronized(mBufferLock) {
            if (buffers != null && index >= 0 && index < buffers.length) {
                ByteBuffer buffer = buffers[index];
                if (buffer != null) {
public voidsetCallback($Callback cb)
Sets an asynchronous callback for actionable MediaCodec events. If the client intends to use the component in asynchronous mode, a valid callback should be provided before {@link #configure} is called. When asynchronous callback is enabled, the client should not call {@link #getInputBuffers}, {@link #getOutputBuffers}, {@link #dequeueInputBuffer(long)} or {@link #dequeueOutputBuffer(BufferInfo, long)}.

Also, {@link #flush} behaves differently in asynchronous mode. After calling {@code flush}, you must call {@link #start} to "resume" receiving input buffers, even if an input surface was created.

cb The callback that will run.

        if (mEventHandler != null) {
            // set java callback on handler
            Message msg = mEventHandler.obtainMessage(EVENT_SET_CALLBACK, 0, 0, cb);

            // set native handler here, don't post to handler because
            // it may cause the callback to be delayed and set in a wrong state,
            // and MediaCodec is already doing it on looper.
public final voidsetParameters(android.os.Bundle params)
Communicate additional parameter changes to the component instance.

IllegalStateException if in the Uninitialized state.

        if (params == null) {

        String[] keys = new String[params.size()];
        Object[] values = new Object[params.size()];

        int i = 0;
        for (final String key: params.keySet()) {
            keys[i] = key;
            values[i] = params.get(key);

        setParameters(keys, values);
private final native voidsetParameters(java.lang.String[] keys, java.lang.Object[] values)

public final native voidsetVideoScalingMode(int mode)
If a surface has been specified in a previous call to {@link #configure} specifies the scaling mode to use. The default is "scale to fit".

IllegalArgumentException if mode is not recognized.
IllegalStateException if in the Uninitialized state.

public final native voidsignalEndOfInputStream()
Signals end-of-stream on input. Equivalent to submitting an empty buffer with {@link #BUFFER_FLAG_END_OF_STREAM} set. This may only be used with encoders receiving input from a Surface created by {@link #createInputSurface}.

IllegalStateException if not in the Executing state.
MediaCodec.CodecException upon codec error.

public final voidstart()
After successfully configuring the component, call {@code start}.

Call {@code start} also if the codec is configured in asynchronous mode, and it has just been flushed, to resume requesting input buffers.

IllegalStateException if not in the Configured state or just after {@link #flush} for a codec that is configured in asynchronous mode.
MediaCodec.CodecException upon codec error. Note that some codec errors for start may be attributed to future method calls.

        synchronized(mBufferLock) {
            cacheBuffers(true /* input */);
            cacheBuffers(false /* input */);
public final voidstop()
Finish the decode/encode session, note that the codec instance remains active and ready to be {@link #start}ed again. To ensure that it is available to other client call {@link #release} and don't just rely on garbage collection to eventually do this for you.

IllegalStateException if in the Uninitialized state.


        if (mEventHandler != null) {
private final voidvalidateInputByteBuffer(java.nio.ByteBuffer[] buffers, int index)

        if (buffers != null && index >= 0 && index < buffers.length) {
            ByteBuffer buffer = buffers[index];
            if (buffer != null) {
private final voidvalidateOutputByteBuffer(java.nio.ByteBuffer[] buffers, int index,$BufferInfo info)

        if (buffers != null && index >= 0 && index < buffers.length) {
            ByteBuffer buffer = buffers[index];
            if (buffer != null) {
                buffer.limit(info.offset + info.size).position(info.offset);