ReportGenerator.javaAPI DocAndroid 1.5 API65203Wed May 06 22:41:16 BST


public final class ReportGenerator extends implements com.vladium.emma.IAppErrorCodes
Vlad Roubtsov, (C) 2003

Fields Summary
private final DecimalFormat
private final FieldPosition
private LinkedList
private IDGenerator
private IContent
private IContent
private static final boolean
private static final String
private static final String
private static final IContent
private static final IContent
private static final int
private static final int
private static final String
private static final String
private static final String
private static final String
private static final String
private static final String
private static final String
private static final String
private static final String
private static final String
private static final String
private static final String
private static final String
private static final String
private static final String
private static final String
private static final String
private static final String
private static final String
private static final String
private static final String
private static final String
private static final String
private static final String
private static final String
private static final String
private static final File
private static final int[]
private static final String
private static final int
private static final long[]
Constructors Summary
public ReportGenerator()

        m_format = (DecimalFormat) NumberFormat.getPercentInstance (); // TODO: locale
        m_fieldPosition = new FieldPosition (DecimalFormat.INTEGER_FIELD);
        m_format.setMaximumFractionDigits (0);
Methods Summary
private voidaddClassItemRow( item, boolean odd, HTMLTable table, int[] columns, java.lang.String nameHREF, boolean anchor)

        if ($assert.ENABLED)
            $assert.ASSERT (item != null, "null input: item");
            $assert.ASSERT (table != null, "null input: table");
            $assert.ASSERT (columns != null, "null input: columns");
        final HTMLTable.IRow row = table.newRow ();
        if (odd) row.setClass (CSS_ODDROW);
        final StringBuffer buf = new StringBuffer (11); // TODO: reuse a buffer
        for (int c = 0; c < columns.length; ++ c)
            final int attrID = columns [c];
            final IItemAttribute attr = item.getAttribute (attrID, m_settings.getUnitsType ());
            if (attr != null)
                final HTMLTable.ICell cell = row.newCell ();
                boolean fail = false;
                if ((nameHREF != null) && (attrID == IItemAttribute.ATTRIBUTE_NAME_ID))
                    buf.setLength (0);
                    attr.format (item, buf);
                    trimForDisplay (buf);
                    final String fullHREFName = anchor ? "#".concat (nameHREF) : nameHREF; 
                    cell.add (new HyperRef (fullHREFName, buf.toString (), true));
                    fail = (m_metrics [attrID] > 0) && ! attr.passes (item, m_metrics [attrID]);
                    buf.setLength (0);
                    attr.format (item, buf);
                    trimForDisplay (buf);
                    cell.setText (buf.toString (), true);
                cell.setClass (dataCellStyle (c, fail));
                // note: by design this puts empty cells for nonexistent attribute types
                final HTMLTable.ICell cell = row.newCell (); 
                cell.setText (" ", true);
                cell.setClass (dataCellStyle (c, false));
private voidaddClassRow( item, int clsIndex, HTMLTable table, int[] columns, java.lang.String itemHREF, boolean isAnchor)

        if ($assert.ENABLED)
            $assert.ASSERT (item != null, "null input: item");
            $assert.ASSERT (table != null, "null input: table");
            $assert.ASSERT (columns != null, "null input: columns");
        final HTMLTable.IRow blank = table.newRow ();
        final HTMLTable.IRow row = table.newRow ();
        row.setClass (CSS_CLASS_ITEM_SPECIAL);
        final StringBuffer buf = new StringBuffer (11);
        for (int c = 0; c < columns.length; ++ c)
            final int attrID = columns [c];
            final IItemAttribute attr = item.getAttribute (attrID, m_settings.getUnitsType ());
            if (attr != null)
                buf.setLength (0);
                attr.format (item, buf);
                final HTMLTable.ICell blankcell = blank.newCell ();
                blankcell.setClass (clsIndex == 0 ? CSS_BLANK : CSS_BOTTOM);
                blankcell.setText (" ", true);
                final HTMLTable.ICell cell = row.newCell ();
                boolean fail = false;
                if (attrID == IItemAttribute.ATTRIBUTE_NAME_ID)
                    if (itemHREF != null)
                        final String fullItemHREF = isAnchor ? "#".concat (itemHREF) : itemHREF;
                        cell.add (new Text ("class ", true));
                        cell.add (new HyperRef (fullItemHREF, buf.toString (), true));
                        cell.setText ("class " + buf.toString (), true);
                    fail = (m_metrics [attrID] > 0) && ! attr.passes (item, m_metrics [attrID]);
                    cell.setText (buf.toString (), true);
                cell.setClass (dataCellStyle (c, fail));
                final HTMLTable.ICell cell = row.newCell (); 
                cell.setText (" ", true);
                cell.setClass (dataCellStyle (c, false));
private int[]addHeaderRow( item, HTMLTable table, int[] columns)

        if ($assert.ENABLED)
            $assert.ASSERT (item != null, "null input: item");
            $assert.ASSERT (table != null, "null input: table");
            $assert.ASSERT (columns != null, "null input: columns");
        // header row:
        final HTMLTable.IRow header = table.newTitleRow ();
        // determine the set of columns actually present in the header [may be narrower than 'columns']:
        final IntVector headerColumns = new IntVector (columns.length);
        for (int c = 0; c < columns.length; ++ c)
            final int attrID = columns [c];
            final IItemAttribute attr = item.getAttribute (attrID, m_settings.getUnitsType ());
            if (attr != null)
                final HTMLTable.ICell cell = header.newCell ();
                cell.setText (attr.getName (), true);//.getAttributes ().set (Attribute.WIDTH, "20%");
                cell.setClass (headerCellStyle (c));
                headerColumns.add (attrID);
            // note: by design this does not create columns for nonexistent attribute types
        return headerColumns.values ();
private voidaddItemRow( item, boolean odd, HTMLTable table, int[] columns, java.lang.String nameHREF, boolean anchor)

        if ($assert.ENABLED)
            $assert.ASSERT (item != null, "null input: item");
            $assert.ASSERT (table != null, "null input: table");
            $assert.ASSERT (columns != null, "null input: columns");
        final HTMLTable.IRow row = table.newRow ();
        if (odd) row.setClass (CSS_ODDROW);
        final StringBuffer buf = new StringBuffer (11); // TODO: reuse a buffer
        for (int c = 0; c < columns.length; ++ c)
            final int attrID = columns [c];
            final IItemAttribute attr = item.getAttribute (attrID, m_settings.getUnitsType ());
            if (attr != null)
                final HTMLTable.ICell cell = row.newCell ();
                if ((nameHREF != null) && (attrID == IItemAttribute.ATTRIBUTE_NAME_ID))
                    buf.setLength (0);
                    attr.format (item, buf);
                    trimForDisplay (buf);
                    final String fullHREFName = anchor ? "#".concat (nameHREF) : nameHREF; 
                    cell.add (new HyperRef (fullHREFName, buf.toString (), true));
                    final boolean fail = (m_metrics [attrID] > 0) && ! attr.passes (item, m_metrics [attrID]);
                    buf.setLength (0);
                    attr.format (item, buf);
                    trimForDisplay (buf);
                    cell.setText (buf.toString (), true);
                    if (fail) cell.setClass (CSS_DATA_HIGHLIGHT);
                // note: by design this puts empty cells for nonexistent attribute types
                final HTMLTable.ICell cell = row.newCell (); 
                cell.setText (" ", true);
private static java.lang.StringaddLineAnchorID(int line, java.lang.String anchorID, com.vladium.util.IntObjectMap lineAnchorIDMap)

        if (line > 0)
            final String _anchorID = (String) lineAnchorIDMap.get (line);
            if (_anchorID != null)
                return _anchorID;
                lineAnchorIDMap.put (line, anchorID);

                return anchorID;
        return null;
private IElementaddPageFooter(HTMLDocument page, item,[] path)

        if ($assert.ENABLED)
            $assert.ASSERT (page != null);

        final HTMLTable footerTable = new HTMLTable ("100%", null, null, "0");
        footerTable.setClass (CSS_HEADER_FOOTER);

        // nav row:
            final HTMLTable.IRow navRow = footerTable.newRow ();
            final HTMLTable.ICell cell = navRow.newCell ();
            cell.setClass (CSS_NAV);
            final int lLimit = path.length > 1 ? path.length - 1 : path.length;
            for (int l = 0; l < lLimit; ++ l)
                cell.add (LEFT_BRACKET);
                final String name = path [l].getName ();
                final String HREF = getItemHREF (item, path [l]);
                cell.add (new HyperRef (HREF, name, true));
                cell.add (RIGHT_BRACKET);
        // title row:
            final HTMLTable.IRow titleRow = footerTable.newRow ();
            final HTMLTable.ICell cell = titleRow.newCell ();
            cell.setClass (CSS_TITLE);
            cell.add (getFooterBottom ());
        final ElementList footer = new ElementList ();
        footer.add (IElement.Factory.create (Tag.P)); // spacer
        footer.add (footerTable);
        page.setFooter (footer);
        return footerTable;
private IElementaddPageHeader(HTMLDocument page, item,[] path)

        // TODO: merge header and footer in the same method
        if ($assert.ENABLED)
            $assert.ASSERT (page != null);
        final HTMLTable header = new HTMLTable ("100%", null, null, "0");
        header.setClass (CSS_HEADER_FOOTER);

        // header row:        
        addPageHeaderTitleRow (header);
        // nav row:
            final HTMLTable.IRow navRow = header.newRow ();
            final HTMLTable.ICell cell = navRow.newCell ();
            cell.setClass (CSS_NAV);
            final int lLimit = path.length > 1 ? path.length - 1 : path.length;
            for (int l = 0; l < lLimit; ++ l)
                cell.add (LEFT_BRACKET);
                final String name = path [l].getName ();
                final String HREF = getItemHREF (item, path [l]);
                cell.add (new HyperRef (HREF, name, true));
                cell.add (RIGHT_BRACKET);
        page.setHeader (header);
        return header;
private voidaddPageHeaderTitleRow(HTMLTable header)

        final HTMLTable.IRow titleRow = header.newTitleRow ();
        final HTMLTable.ICell cell = titleRow.newCell ();
        cell.setClass (CSS_TITLE);
        cell.add (getPageTitle ());
public voidcleanup()

        m_queue = null;
        m_reportIDNamespace = null;
        super.cleanup ();
private HTMLDocumentcreatePage(java.lang.String title)

        final HTMLDocument page = new HTMLDocument (title, m_settings.getOutEncoding ());
        page.addStyle (CSS); // TODO: split by visit type
        return page;
private static java.lang.StringdataCellStyle(int column, boolean highlight)

        if (column == 0)
            return highlight ? CSS_DATA_HIGHLIGHT_FIRST : CSS_DATA_FIRST;
            return highlight ? CSS_DATA_HIGHLIGHT : CSS_DATA;
private voidembedSrcFile( item, HTMLDocument page, com.vladium.util.IntObjectMap anchorMap, cache)

        if ($assert.ENABLED)
            $assert.ASSERT (item != null, "null input: item");
            $assert.ASSERT (page != null, "null input: page");
        final String fileName = item.getName ();
        if ($assert.ENABLED) $assert.ASSERT (fileName.endsWith (".java"), "cache only handles .java extensions");
        // TODO: should I keep VM names in package items?
        final String packageVMName = ((PackageItem) item.getParent ()).getVMName ();
        boolean success = false;

        final HTMLTable srcTable = new HTMLTable ("100%", null, null, "0");
        if (cache != null) // TODO: do this check earlier, in outer scope
            srcTable.setClass (CSS_SOURCE);
            final File srcFile = cache.find (packageVMName, fileName);
            if (srcFile != null)
                BufferedReader in = null;
                    in = new BufferedReader (new FileReader (srcFile), IO_BUF_SIZE);
                    final boolean markupCoverage = m_hasLineNumberInfo;
                    final int unitsType = m_settings.getUnitsType ();
                    IntObjectMap /* line num:int -> SrcFileItem.LineCoverageData */ lineCoverageMap = null;
                    StringBuffer tooltipBuffer = null;
                    if (markupCoverage)
                        lineCoverageMap = item.getLineCoverage ();
                        $assert.ASSERT (lineCoverageMap != null, "null: lineCoverageMap");
                        tooltipBuffer = new StringBuffer (64);
                    int l = 1;
                    for (String line; (line = in.readLine ()) != null; ++ l)
                        final HTMLTable.IRow srcline = srcTable.newRow ();
                        final HTMLTable.ICell lineNumCell = srcline.newCell ();
                        lineNumCell.setClass (CSS_LINENUM);
                        if (anchorMap != null)
                            final int adjustedl = l < SRC_LINE_OFFSET ? l : l + SRC_LINE_OFFSET;
                            final String anchor = (String) anchorMap.get (adjustedl);
                            if (anchor != null)
                                final IElement a = IElement.Factory.create (Tag.A);
                                //a.getAttributes ().set (Attribute.ID, anchor); ID anchoring does not work in NS 4.0
                                a.getAttributes ().set (Attribute.NAME, anchor);
                                a.setText (Integer.toString (l), true);
                                lineNumCell.add (a);
                                lineNumCell.setText (Integer.toString (l), true);
                            lineNumCell.setText (Integer.toString (l), true);
                        final HTMLTable.ICell lineTxtCell = srcline.newCell ();
                        lineTxtCell.setText (line.length () > 0 ? line : " ", true);
                        if (markupCoverage)
                            final SrcFileItem.LineCoverageData lCoverageData = (SrcFileItem.LineCoverageData) lineCoverageMap.get (l);
                            if (lCoverageData != null)
                                switch (lCoverageData.m_coverageStatus)
                                    case SrcFileItem.LineCoverageData.LINE_COVERAGE_ZERO:
                                        srcline.setClass (CSS_COVERAGE_ZERO);
                                    case SrcFileItem.LineCoverageData.LINE_COVERAGE_PARTIAL:
                                        srcline.setClass (CSS_COVERAGE_PARTIAL);
                                        if (USE_LINE_COVERAGE_TOOLTIPS)
                                            tooltipBuffer.setLength (0);
                                            final int [] coverageRatio = lCoverageData.m_coverageRatio [unitsType];
                                            final int d = coverageRatio [0];
                                            final int n = coverageRatio [1];

                                            m_format.format ((double) n / d, tooltipBuffer, m_fieldPosition);
                                            tooltipBuffer.append (" line coverage (");
                                            tooltipBuffer.append (n);
                                            tooltipBuffer.append (" out of ");
                                            tooltipBuffer.append (d);

                                            switch (unitsType)
                                                case IItemAttribute.UNITS_COUNT:
                                                    tooltipBuffer.append (" basic blocks)");
                                                case IItemAttribute.UNITS_INSTR:
                                                    tooltipBuffer.append (" instructions)");
                                            // [Opera does not display TITLE tooltios on <TR> elements]
                                            lineNumCell.getAttributes ().set (Attribute.TITLE, tooltipBuffer.toString ());
                                            lineTxtCell.getAttributes ().set (Attribute.TITLE, tooltipBuffer.toString ());
                                    case SrcFileItem.LineCoverageData.LINE_COVERAGE_COMPLETE:
                                        srcline.setClass (CSS_COVERAGE_COMPLETE);
                                    default: $assert.ASSERT (false, "invalid line coverage status: " + lCoverageData.m_coverageStatus);
                                } // end of switch
                    success = true;
                catch (Throwable t)
                    t.printStackTrace (System.out); // TODO: logging
                    success = false;
                    if (in != null) try { in.close (); } catch (Throwable ignore) {}
                    in = null;
        if (! success)
            srcTable.setClass (CSS_INVISIBLE_TABLE);
            final HTMLTable.IRow row = srcTable.newTitleRow ();
            row.newCell ().setText ("[source file '" + Descriptors.combineVMName (packageVMName, fileName) + "' not found in sourcepath]", false);
        page.add (srcTable);
private IContentgetFooterBottom()

        IContent bottom = m_footerBottom;
        if (bottom == null)
            final IElementList _bottom = new ElementList ();
            _bottom.add (new HyperRef (IAppConstants.APP_BUG_REPORT_LINK, IAppConstants.APP_NAME + " " + IAppConstants.APP_VERSION_WITH_BUILD_ID_AND_TAG, true));
            _bottom.add (new Text (" " + IAppConstants.APP_COPYRIGHT, true));
            m_footerBottom = bottom = _bottom;
        return bottom;
private static parentDir, java.lang.String itemKey)

        if (parentDir == null)
            return new File (itemKey.concat (FILE_EXTENSION));
            return new File (parentDir, itemKey.concat (FILE_EXTENSION));
private java.lang.StringgetItemHREF( base, item)

        final String itemHREF;
        if (item instanceof AllItem)
            itemHREF = m_settings.getOutFile ().getName (); // note that this is always a simple filename [no parent path]
            itemHREF = m_reportIDNamespace.getID (getItemKey (item)).concat (FILE_EXTENSION);
        final String fullHREF;
        if (base == null)
            fullHREF = itemHREF;
            final int nesting = NESTING [base.getMetadata ().getTypeID ()] [item.getMetadata ().getTypeID ()];
            if (nesting == 1)
                fullHREF = NESTED_ITEMS_PARENT_DIRNAME.concat ("/").concat (itemHREF);
            else if (nesting == -1)
                fullHREF = "../".concat (itemHREF);
                fullHREF = itemHREF;
        return fullHREF;
private static java.lang.StringgetItemKey( item)

        final StringBuffer result = new StringBuffer ();
        for ( ; item != null; item = item.getParent ())
            result.append (item.getName ());
            result.append (':");
        return result.toString ();
private IContentgetPageTitle()

        IContent title = m_pageTitle;
        if (title == null)
            final IElementList _title = new ElementList ();
            _title.add (new HyperRef (IAppConstants.APP_HOME_SITE_LINK, IAppConstants.APP_NAME, true));
            final StringBuffer s = new StringBuffer (" Coverage Report (generated ");
            s.append (new Date (EMMAProperties.getTimeStamp ()));
            s.append (')");
            _title.add (new Text (s.toString (), true));
            m_pageTitle = title = _title;
        return title;
private[]getParentPath( item)

        final LinkedList /* IItem */ _result = new LinkedList ();
        for ( ; item != null; item = item.getParent ())
            _result.add (item);
        final IItem [] result = new IItem [_result.size ()];
        int j = result.length - 1;
        for (Iterator i = _result.iterator (); i.hasNext (); -- j)
            result [j] = (IItem) ();
        return result;
public final java.lang.StringgetType()

        return TYPE;
private static java.lang.StringheaderCellStyle(int column)

        return (column == 0) ? CSS_HEADER_FIRST : CSS_HEADER;
private static HTMLWriteropenOutFile( file, java.lang.String encoding, boolean mkdirs)

        BufferedWriter out = null;
            if (mkdirs)
                final File parent = file.getParentFile ();
                if (parent != null) parent.mkdirs ();
            out = new BufferedWriter (new OutputStreamWriter (new FileOutputStream (file), encoding), IO_BUF_SIZE);
        catch (UnsupportedEncodingException uee)
            // TODO: error code
            throw new EMMARuntimeException (uee);
        // note: in J2SDK 1.3 FileOutputStream constructor's throws clause
        // was narrowed to FileNotFoundException:
        catch (IOException fnfe) // FileNotFoundException  
            // TODO: error code
            throw new EMMARuntimeException (fnfe);
        return new HTMLWriter (out);
public voidprocess( mdata, cdata, cache, com.vladium.util.IProperties properties)

        initialize (mdata, cdata, cache, properties);
        m_pageTitle = null;
        m_footerBottom = null;
        File outDir = m_settings.getOutDir ();
        if ((outDir == null) /* this should never happen */ || (outDir.equals (new File (Property.getSystemProperty ("user.dir", "")))))
            outDir = new File ("coverage");
            m_settings.setOutDir (outDir);
        long start = 0, end;
        final boolean trace1 = m_log.atTRACE1 ();
        if (trace1) start = System.currentTimeMillis ();
            m_queue = new LinkedList ();
            m_reportIDNamespace = new IDGenerator (mdata.size ());
            for (m_queue.add (m_view.getRoot ()); ! m_queue.isEmpty (); )
                final IItem head = (IItem) m_queue.removeFirst ();
                head.accept (this, null);
            m_reportIDNamespace = null;
        if (trace1)
            end = System.currentTimeMillis ();
            m_log.trace1 ("process", "[" + getType () + "] report generated in " + (end - start) + " ms");
private booleansrcFileAvailable( item, cache)

        if (cache == null) return false;
        if ($assert.ENABLED) $assert.ASSERT (item != null, "null input: item");
        final String fileName = item.getName ();
        if ($assert.ENABLED) $assert.ASSERT (fileName.endsWith (".java"), "cache only handles .java extensions");
        // TODO: should I keep VM names in package items?
        final String packageVMName = ((PackageItem) item.getParent ()).getVMName ();
        return (cache.find (packageVMName, fileName) != null);
private static voidtrimForDisplay(java.lang.StringBuffer buf)

        if (buf.length () > MAX_DISPLAY_NAME_LENGTH)
            buf.setLength (MAX_DISPLAY_NAME_LENGTH - 3);
            buf.append ("...");
public java.lang.Objectvisit( item, java.lang.Object ctx)

        HTMLWriter out = null;
            File outFile = m_settings.getOutFile ();
            if (outFile == null)
                outFile = new File ("index".concat (FILE_EXTENSION));
                m_settings.setOutFile (outFile);
            final File fullOutFile = Files.newFile (m_settings.getOutDir (), outFile);
   ("writing [" + getType () + "] report to [" + fullOutFile.getAbsolutePath () + "] ...");
            out = openOutFile (fullOutFile, m_settings.getOutEncoding (), true);
            final int [] columns = m_settings.getColumnOrder ();
            final StringBuffer buf = new StringBuffer ();
            final String title;
                final StringBuffer _title = new StringBuffer (REPORT_HEADER_TITLE);
                _title.append (" (generated ");
                _title.append (new Date (EMMAProperties.getTimeStamp ()));
                _title.append (')");
                title = _title.toString ();
            final HTMLDocument page = createPage (title);            
                final IItem [] path = getParentPath (item);
                addPageHeader (page, item, path);
                addPageFooter (page, item, path);
            // [all] coverage summary table:
            page.addH (1, "OVERALL COVERAGE SUMMARY", null);
            final HTMLTable summaryTable = new HTMLTable ("100%", null, null, "0");
                // header row:
                final HTMLTable.IRow header = summaryTable.newTitleRow ();
                // coverage row:
                final HTMLTable.IRow coverage = summaryTable.newRow ();
                for (int c = 0; c < columns.length; ++ c)
                    final int attrID = columns [c];
                    final IItemAttribute attr = item.getAttribute (attrID, m_settings.getUnitsType ());
                    final HTMLTable.ICell headercell = header.newCell ();
                    headercell.setText (attr.getName (), true);
                    if (attr != null)
                        boolean fail = (m_metrics [attrID] > 0) && ! attr.passes (item, m_metrics [attrID]);
                        buf.setLength (0);
                        attr.format (item, buf);
                        final HTMLTable.ICell cell = coverage.newCell (); 
                        cell.setText (buf.toString (), true);
                        if (fail) cell.setClass (CSS_DATA_HIGHLIGHT);
            page.add (summaryTable);
            // [all] stats summary table ([all] only):

            page.addH (2, "OVERALL STATS SUMMARY", null);
            final HTMLTable statsTable = new HTMLTable (null, null, null, "0");
            statsTable.setClass (CSS_INVISIBLE_TABLE);
                HTMLTable.IRow row = statsTable.newRow ();
                row.newCell ().setText ("total packages:", true);
                row.newCell ().setText ("" + item.getChildCount (), false);
                if (m_srcView && m_hasSrcFileInfo)
                    row = statsTable.newRow ();
                    row.newCell ().setText ("total executable files:", true);
                    row.newCell ().setText ("" + item.getAggregate (IItem.TOTAL_SRCFILE_COUNT), false);
                row = statsTable.newRow ();
                row.newCell ().setText ("total classes:", true);
                row.newCell ().setText ("" + item.getAggregate (IItem.TOTAL_CLASS_COUNT), true);
                row = statsTable.newRow ();
                row.newCell ().setText ("total methods:", true);
                row.newCell ().setText ("" + item.getAggregate (IItem.TOTAL_METHOD_COUNT), true);
                if (m_srcView && m_hasSrcFileInfo && m_hasLineNumberInfo)
                    row = statsTable.newRow ();
                    row.newCell ().setText ("total executable lines:", true);
                    row.newCell ().setText ("" + item.getAggregate (IItem.TOTAL_LINE_COUNT), true);
                final HTMLTable.IRow first = statsTable.newRow (); // stats always available
                first.newCell ().setText ("total packages: " + item.getChildCount (), true);
                first.newCell ().setText ("total classes: " + item.getAggregate (IItem.TOTAL_CLASS_COUNT), true);
                first.newCell ().setText ("total methods: " + item.getAggregate (IItem.TOTAL_METHOD_COUNT), true);
                if (m_srcView && m_hasSrcFileInfo)
                    final HTMLTable.IRow second = statsTable.newRow ();
                    final HTMLTable.ICell cell1 = second.newCell ();
                    cell1.setText ("total source files: " + item.getAggregate (IItem.TOTAL_SRCFILE_COUNT), true);
                    if (m_hasLineNumberInfo)
                        final HTMLTable.ICell cell2 = second.newCell ();
                        cell2.setText ("total executable source lines: " + item.getAggregate (IItem.TOTAL_LINE_COUNT), true);
                        cell2.getAttributes ().set (Attribute.COLSPAN, "2");
                        cell1.getAttributes ().set (Attribute.COLSPAN, "3");
            page.add (statsTable);
            final boolean deeper = (m_settings.getDepth () > item.getMetadata ().getTypeID ());
            // render package summary tables on the same page:
            page.addH (2, "COVERAGE BREAKDOWN BY PACKAGE", null);
            final HTMLTable childSummaryTable = new HTMLTable ("100%", null, null, "0");
                int [] headerColumns = null;
                boolean odd = true;
                final ItemComparator order = m_typeSortComparators [PackageItem.getTypeMetadata ().getTypeID ()];
                for (Iterator packages = item.getChildren (order); packages.hasNext (); odd = ! odd)
                    final IItem pkg = (IItem) ();
                    if (headerColumns == null)
                        // header row:
                        headerColumns = addHeaderRow (pkg, childSummaryTable, columns);                        
                    // coverage row:
                    String childHREF = null;
                    if (deeper)
                        childHREF = getItemHREF (item, pkg);
                    addItemRow (pkg, odd, childSummaryTable, headerColumns, childHREF, false);
                    if (deeper) m_queue.addLast (pkg);
            page.add (childSummaryTable);
            page.emit (out);            
            out.flush ();
            if (out != null) out.close ();
            out = null;
        return ctx;
public java.lang.Objectvisit( item, java.lang.Object ctx)

        HTMLWriter out = null;
            if (m_verbose) m_log.verbose ("  report: processing package [" + item.getName () + "] ...");
            final File outFile = getItemFile (NESTED_ITEMS_PARENT_DIR, m_reportIDNamespace.getID (getItemKey (item)));
            out = openOutFile (Files.newFile (m_settings.getOutDir (), outFile), m_settings.getOutEncoding (), true);
            final int [] columns = m_settings.getColumnOrder ();            
            final StringBuffer buf = new StringBuffer ();
            // TODO: set title [from a prop?]
            final HTMLDocument page = createPage (REPORT_HEADER_TITLE);
                final IItem [] path = getParentPath (item);
                addPageHeader (page, item, path);
                addPageFooter (page, item, path);
            // summary table:
                final IElement itemname = IElement.Factory.create (Tag.SPAN);
                itemname.setText (item.getName (), true);
                itemname.setClass (CSS_ITEM_NAME);
                final IElementList title = new ElementList ();
                title.add (new Text ("COVERAGE SUMMARY FOR PACKAGE [", true));
                title.add (itemname);
                title.add (new Text ("]", true));
                page.addH (1, title, null);
            final HTMLTable summaryTable = new HTMLTable ("100%", null, null, "0");
                // header row:
                final HTMLTable.IRow header = summaryTable.newTitleRow ();
                // coverage row:
                final HTMLTable.IRow coverage = summaryTable.newRow ();
                for (int c = 0; c < columns.length; ++ c)
                    final int attrID = columns [c];
                    final IItemAttribute attr = item.getAttribute (attrID, m_settings.getUnitsType ());
                    final HTMLTable.ICell headercell = header.newCell ();
                    headercell.setText (attr.getName (), true);
                    if (attr != null)
                        boolean fail = (m_metrics [attrID] > 0) && ! attr.passes (item, m_metrics [attrID]);
                        buf.setLength (0);
                        attr.format (item, buf);
                        final HTMLTable.ICell cell = coverage.newCell (); 
                        cell.setText (buf.toString (), true);
                        if (fail) cell.setClass (CSS_DATA_HIGHLIGHT);
            page.add (summaryTable);
            final boolean deeper = (m_settings.getDepth () > item.getMetadata ().getTypeID ());
            // render child summary tables on the same page:
            final String summaryTitle = m_srcView ? "COVERAGE BREAKDOWN BY SOURCE FILE" : "COVERAGE BREAKDOWN BY CLASS";
            page.addH (2, summaryTitle, null);
            final HTMLTable childSummaryTable = new HTMLTable ("100%", null, null, "0");
                int [] headerColumns = null;
                boolean odd = true;
                final ItemComparator order = m_typeSortComparators [m_srcView ? SrcFileItem.getTypeMetadata ().getTypeID () : ClassItem.getTypeMetadata ().getTypeID ()];                
                for (Iterator srcORclsFiles = item.getChildren (order); srcORclsFiles.hasNext (); odd = ! odd)
                    final IItem srcORcls = (IItem) ();
                    if (headerColumns == null)
                        // header row:
                        headerColumns = addHeaderRow (srcORcls, childSummaryTable, columns);                        
                    // coverage row:
                    String childHREF = null;
                    if (deeper)
                        childHREF = getItemHREF (item, srcORcls);
                    addItemRow (srcORcls, odd, childSummaryTable, headerColumns, childHREF, false);
                    if (deeper) m_queue.addLast (srcORcls);
            page.add (childSummaryTable);
            page.emit (out);            
            out.flush ();
            if (out != null) out.close ();
            out = null;
        return ctx;
public java.lang.Objectvisit( item, java.lang.Object ctx)

        // this visit only takes place in src views
        HTMLWriter out = null;
            final File outFile = getItemFile (NESTED_ITEMS_PARENT_DIR, m_reportIDNamespace.getID (getItemKey (item)));
            out = openOutFile (Files.newFile (m_settings.getOutDir (), outFile), m_settings.getOutEncoding (), true);
            final int [] columns = m_settings.getColumnOrder ();            
            final StringBuffer buf = new StringBuffer ();
            // TODO: set title [from a prop?]
            final HTMLDocument page = createPage (REPORT_HEADER_TITLE);
                final IItem [] path = getParentPath (item);
                addPageHeader (page, item, path);
                addPageFooter (page, item, path);
            // summary table:
                final IElement itemname = IElement.Factory.create (Tag.SPAN);
                itemname.setText (item.getName (), true);
                itemname.setClass (CSS_ITEM_NAME);
                final IElementList title = new ElementList ();
                title.add (new Text ("COVERAGE SUMMARY FOR SOURCE FILE [", true));
                title.add (itemname);
                title.add (new Text ("]", true));
                page.addH (1, title, null);
            final HTMLTable summaryTable = new HTMLTable ("100%", null, null, "0");
                // header row:
                final HTMLTable.IRow header = summaryTable.newTitleRow ();
                // coverage row:
                final HTMLTable.IRow coverage = summaryTable.newRow ();
                for (int c = 0; c < columns.length; ++ c)
                    final int attrID = columns [c];
                    final IItemAttribute attr = item.getAttribute (attrID, m_settings.getUnitsType ());
                    final HTMLTable.ICell headercell = header.newCell ();
                    headercell.setText (attr.getName (), true);
                    if (attr != null)
                        boolean fail = (m_metrics [attrID] > 0) && ! attr.passes (item, m_metrics [attrID]);
                        buf.setLength (0);
                        attr.format (item, buf);
                        final HTMLTable.ICell cell = coverage.newCell (); 
                        cell.setText (buf.toString (), true);
                        if (fail) cell.setClass (CSS_DATA_HIGHLIGHT);
            page.add (summaryTable);    
            final boolean deeper = (m_settings.getDepth () > ClassItem.getTypeMetadata ().getTypeID ());
            final boolean embedSrcFile = deeper && srcFileAvailable (item, m_cache);
            final boolean createAnchors = embedSrcFile && m_hasLineNumberInfo;
            final IDGenerator pageIDNamespace = createAnchors ? new IDGenerator () : null;
            // child summary table is special for srcfile items:
            page.addH (2, "COVERAGE BREAKDOWN BY CLASS AND METHOD", null);

            final IntObjectMap lineAnchorIDMap = embedSrcFile ? new IntObjectMap () : null;
            final HTMLTable childSummaryTable = new HTMLTable ("100%", null, null, "0");
            childSummaryTable.setClass (CSS_CLS_NOLEFT);
                int [] headerColumns = null;

                final ItemComparator order = m_typeSortComparators [ClassItem.getTypeMetadata ().getTypeID ()];
                int clsIndex = 0;                
                for (Iterator classes = item.getChildren (order); classes.hasNext (); ++ clsIndex)
                    final ClassItem cls = (ClassItem) ();

                    if (headerColumns == null)
                        // header row:
                        headerColumns = addHeaderRow (cls, childSummaryTable, columns);                        
                    String HREFname = null;
                    // special class subheader:
                    if (createAnchors)
                        if ($assert.ENABLED)
                            $assert.ASSERT (lineAnchorIDMap != null);
                            $assert.ASSERT (pageIDNamespace != null);
                        final String childKey = getItemKey (cls);
                        HREFname = addLineAnchorID (cls.getFirstLine (), pageIDNamespace.getID (childKey), lineAnchorIDMap);

                    addClassRow (cls, clsIndex, childSummaryTable, headerColumns, HREFname, createAnchors);
//                    // row to separate this class's methods:
//                    final HTMLTable.IRow subheader = childSummaryTable.newTitleRow ();
//                    final HTMLTable.ICell cell = subheader.newCell ();
//                    // TODO: cell.setColspan (???)
//                    cell.setText ("class " + child.getName () + " methods:", true);
                    boolean odd = false;
                    final ItemComparator order2 = m_typeSortComparators [MethodItem.getTypeMetadata ().getTypeID ()];                
                    for (Iterator methods = cls.getChildren (order2); methods.hasNext (); odd = ! odd)
                        final MethodItem method = (MethodItem) ();
                        HREFname = null;
                        if (createAnchors)
                            if ($assert.ENABLED)
                                $assert.ASSERT (lineAnchorIDMap != null);
                                $assert.ASSERT (pageIDNamespace != null);
                            final String child2Key = getItemKey (method);
                            HREFname = addLineAnchorID (method.getFirstLine (), pageIDNamespace.getID (child2Key), lineAnchorIDMap);

                        addClassItemRow (method, odd, childSummaryTable, headerColumns, HREFname, createAnchors);
            page.add (childSummaryTable);
            // embed source file:
            if (deeper)
                //page.addHR (1);
                page.addEmptyP ();
                    embedSrcFile (item, page, lineAnchorIDMap, m_cache);
                //page.addHR (1);
            page.emit (out);            
            out.flush ();
            if (out != null) out.close ();
            out = null;

        return ctx;
public java.lang.Objectvisit( item, java.lang.Object ctx)

        // this visit only takes place in class views
        HTMLWriter out = null;
            final File outFile = getItemFile (NESTED_ITEMS_PARENT_DIR, m_reportIDNamespace.getID (getItemKey (item)));
            // TODO: deal with overwrites
            out = openOutFile (Files.newFile (m_settings.getOutDir (), outFile), m_settings.getOutEncoding (), true);
            final int [] columns = m_settings.getColumnOrder ();            
            final StringBuffer buf = new StringBuffer ();
            // TODO: set title [from a prop?]
            final HTMLDocument page = createPage (REPORT_HEADER_TITLE);
                final IItem [] path = getParentPath (item);
                addPageHeader (page, item, path);
                addPageFooter (page, item, path);
            // summary table:
                final IElement itemname = IElement.Factory.create (Tag.SPAN);
                itemname.setText (item.getName (), true);
                itemname.setClass (CSS_ITEM_NAME);
                final IElementList title = new ElementList ();
                title.add (new Text ("COVERAGE SUMMARY FOR CLASS [", true));
                title.add (itemname);
                title.add (new Text ("]", true));
                page.addH (1, title, null);
            final HTMLTable summaryTable = new HTMLTable ("100%", null, null, "0");
                // header row:
                final HTMLTable.IRow header = summaryTable.newTitleRow ();
                // coverage row:
                final HTMLTable.IRow coverage = summaryTable.newRow ();
                for (int c = 0; c < columns.length; ++ c)
                    final int attrID = columns [c];
                    final IItemAttribute attr = item.getAttribute (attrID, m_settings.getUnitsType ());
                    final HTMLTable.ICell headercell = header.newCell ();
                    headercell.setText (attr.getName (), true);
                    if (attr != null)
                        boolean fail = (m_metrics [attrID] > 0) && ! attr.passes (item, m_metrics [attrID]);
                        buf.setLength (0);
                        attr.format (item, buf);
                        final HTMLTable.ICell cell = coverage.newCell (); 
                        cell.setText (buf.toString (), true);
                        if (fail) cell.setClass (CSS_DATA_HIGHLIGHT);
            page.add (summaryTable);
            // child summary table:
            page.addH (2, "COVERAGE BREAKDOWN BY METHOD", null);

            final HTMLTable childSummaryTable = new HTMLTable ("100%", null, null, "0");
                int [] headerColumns = null;
                boolean odd = true;
                final ItemComparator order = m_typeSortComparators [MethodItem.getTypeMetadata ().getTypeID ()];                
                for (Iterator methods = item.getChildren (order); methods.hasNext (); odd = ! odd)
                    final MethodItem method = (MethodItem) ();

                    if (headerColumns == null)
                        // header row:
                        headerColumns = addHeaderRow (method, childSummaryTable, columns);                        
                    addItemRow (method, odd, childSummaryTable, headerColumns, null, false);
            page.add (childSummaryTable);
            page.emit (out);            
            out.flush ();
            if (out != null) out.close ();
            out = null;

        return ctx;