ArrayUtil.javaAPI DocGlassfish v2 API5502Fri May 04 22:31:06 BST


public final class ArrayUtil extends Object
Provides: - utility to check for equality

Fields Summary
Constructors Summary
private ArrayUtil()

		// disallow instantiation
Methods Summary
public static booleanarrayContainsNulls(java.lang.Object[] array)

		boolean	containsNulls	= false;
		for( int i = 0; i < array.length; ++i )
			if ( array[ i ] == null )
				containsNulls	= true;
		return( containsNulls );
public static booleanarraysEqual(java.lang.Object array1, java.lang.Object array2)

		boolean	equal	= array1 == array2;
		if ( equal )
			// same object or both null
			return( true );
		else if ( array1 == null || array2 == null)
			return( false );

		if ( array1.getClass() == array2.getClass() &&
			ClassUtil.objectIsArray( array1 ) &&
			Array.getLength( array1 ) == Array.getLength( array2 ) )
			equal	= true;
			final int	length	= Array.getLength( array1 );
			for( int i = 0; i < length; ++ i )
				final Object	a1	= Array.get( array1, i );
				final Object	a2	= Array.get( array2, i );
				if ( a1 != a2)
					if ( a1 == null || a2 == null )
						equal	= false;
					else if ( ClassUtil.objectIsArray( a1 )  )
						if ( ! arraysEqual( a1, a2 ) )
							equal	= false;

				if ( ! equal )
		return( equal );
public static T[]newArray(java.lang.Class theClass, int numItems)

        return (T[])( Array.newInstance( theClass, numItems ) );
public static T[]newArray(T[] items, int startIndex, int numItems)
Create a new array from the original.

items the original array
startIndex index of the first item
an array of the same type, containing numItems items

		final Class<T>	theClass	= TypeCast.asClass( items.getClass().getComponentType() );
		final T[]	result	= newArray( theClass, numItems );
		System.arraycopy( items, startIndex, result, 0, numItems );
		return( result );
public static T[]newArray(T[] items1, T[] items2)
Create a new array consisting of originals and new.

items1 1st array
items2 2nd array
an array of the same type as items1, its elements first

		final Class<T> class1	= TypeCast.asClass( items1.getClass().getComponentType() );
		final Class<T> class2	= TypeCast.asClass( items2.getClass().getComponentType() );
		if ( ! class1.isAssignableFrom( class2 ) )
			throw new IllegalArgumentException();
		final int	length1	= Array.getLength( items1 );
		final int	length2	= Array.getLength( items2 );
		final T[]	result	= newArray( class1, length1 + length2 );
		System.arraycopy( items1, 0, result, 0, length1 );
		System.arraycopy( items2, 0, result, length1, length2 );
		return( result );
public static T[]newArray(T[] items, T item)
Create a new array consisting of an original array, and a single new item.

items an array
item an item to append
an array of the same type as items1, its elements first

		final Class<T>	theClass	= TypeCast.asClass( items.getClass().getComponentType() );
		final T[]	result	= newArray( theClass, items.length + 1 );
		System.arraycopy( items, 0, result, 0, items.length );
		result[ result.length - 1 ]	= item;
		return( result );