EmailAttachServlet.javaAPI DocExample5310Mon Aug 18 06:05:48 BST 2003com.jspservletcookbook


public class EmailAttachServlet extends HttpServlet

Fields Summary
private static final String
Constructors Summary
Methods Summary
public voiddoGet(javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest request, javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse response)

public voiddoPost(javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest request, javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse response)

      response.setContentType("text/html"); out = response.getWriter();
        "<html><head><title>Email message sender</title></head><body>");
      String smtpServ = request.getParameter("smtp");

      if (smtpServ == null || smtpServ.equals(""))
        smtpServ = DEFAULT_SERVER;

      String from = request.getParameter("from");

      String to = request.getParameter("to");

      String subject = request.getParameter("subject");

      try {
          sendMessage(smtpServ, to, from, subject);
      } catch (Exception e) {
          throw new ServletException(e.getMessage()); 

private voidsendMessage(java.lang.String smtpServ, java.lang.String to, java.lang.String from, java.lang.String subject)

      Multipart multipart = null;
      BodyPart bpart1 = null;
      BodyPart bpart2 = null;

      Properties properties = System.getProperties();

      //populate the 'Properties' object with the mail
      //server address, so that the default 'Session'
      //instance can use it.
      properties.put("", smtpServ);

      Session session = Session.getDefaultInstance(properties);
      Message mailMsg = new MimeMessage(session);//a new email message

      InternetAddress[] addresses = null;
      try {

          if (to != null) {
              //throws 'AddressException' if the 'to' email address
              //violates RFC822 syntax
              addresses = InternetAddress.parse(to, false);

              mailMsg.setRecipients(Message.RecipientType.TO, addresses);
          } else {
              throw new MessagingException(
                "The mail message requires a 'To' address.");

          if (from != null) {
              mailMsg.setFrom(new InternetAddress(from));
          } else {
              throw new MessagingException(
                "The mail message requires a valid 'From' address.");
          if (subject != null)
          //This email message's content is a 'Multipart' type
          //The MIME type for the message's content is 'multipart/mixed'
          multipart = new MimeMultipart();
          //The text part of this multipart email message
          bpart1 = new MimeBodyPart();

          String textPart = 
          "Hello, just thought you'd be interested in this Word file.";
          // create the DataHandler object for the text part
          DataHandler data = new DataHandler(textPart, "text/plain");
          //set the text BodyPart's DataHandler
          //add the text BodyPart to the Multipart container
          multipart.addBodyPart( bpart1);

          //create the BodyPart that represents the attached Word file
          bpart2 = new MimeBodyPart();

          //create the DataHandler that points to a File
          FileDataSource fds = new FileDataSource( new File(
          "h:/book/chapters/chap1/chap1.doc") );
          //Make sure that the attached file is handled as
          //the appropriate MIME type: application/msword here
          MimetypesFileTypeMap ftm = new MimetypesFileTypeMap();
          //the syntax here is the MIME type followed by
          //space separated extensions
          ftm.addMimeTypes("application/msword doc DOC" );
          //The DataHandler is instantiated with the
          //FileDataSource we just created
          DataHandler fileData = new DataHandler( fds );

          //the BodyPart will contain the word processing file
          //add the second BodyPart, the one containing the attachment, to
          //the Multipart object
          multipart.addBodyPart( bpart2 );
          //finally, set the content of the MimeMessage to the
          //Multipart object
          mailMsg.setContent( multipart );
          // send the mail message; throws a 'SendFailedException' 
          //if any of the message's recipients have an invalid adress

      } catch (Exception exc) {
          throw exc;