GL.javaAPI DocphoneME MR2 API (J2ME)4429Wed May 02 18:00:48 BST 2007javax.microedition.khronos.opengles


public interface GL
The GL interface is the parent interface for the Java(TM) programming language bindings for OpenGL(R) ES 1.0, 1.1, and extensions.

The documentation in this interface and its subinterfaces is normative with respect to instance variable names and values, method names and signatures, and exception behavior. The remaining documentation is placed here for convenience and does not replace the normative documentation found in the OpenGL ES 1.0 and 1.1 specifications, relevant extension specifications, and the OpenGL specification versions referenced by any of the preceding specifications.

A GL object is obtained by calling EGLContext.getGL(). The returned object will implement either GL10 or GL11, plus any available extension interfaces (such as GL10Ext, GL11Ext, or GL11ExtensionPack). The returned object must be cast to the appropriate interface (possibly following an instanceof check) in order to call GL methods.

A common superinterface is used for OpenGL ES 1.0, OpenGL ES 1.1, and Khronos-defined core extensions. In order to determine if the implementation supports GL 1.1, call glGetString(GL.GL_VERSION).

Some methods defined in subinterfaces are available only on OpenGL ES 1.1. The descriptions of these functions are marked "(1.1 only)." Similarly, some methods behave slightly differently across OpenGL ES versions. The sections that differ are marked "(1.0 only)" and "(1.1 only)" as appropriate. Some methods have an additional section marked "1.0 Notes" or "1.1 Notes" that applies to the corresponding engine version.

Some extensions are defined as a core part of the OpenGL ES specification (they are extensions relative to desktop OpenGL). These functions are treated as normal portions of OpenGL ES, although they may still be queried as extensions using the normal OpenGL ES query mechanisms.

Extensions may allow some arguments to take on values other than those listed in this specification. Implementations that provide a given extension may pass such values to the underlying engine.

Optional profile extensions defined as of the creation of this specification may be found in the GL10Ext, GL11Ext, and GL11ExtensionPack interfaces.

Vertex Buffer Objects

VBOs are considered to be enabled if the most recent call to glBindBuffer had a target of GL_ARRAY_BUFFER and a non-zero buffer parameter. When VBOs are enabled, only the variant of the gl*Pointer functions that take an integer offset (found in the GL11 interface) may be called. When VBOs are disabled, only the variant of the gl*Pointer functions that take a Buffer may be called.


When method specifies that a value x is clamped to a range [A, B], it means that the value min(max(x, A), B) is used in place of the original value.

Fields Summary
Constructors Summary
Methods Summary