A representation of an XML name. This interface provides methods for
getting the local and namespace-qualified names and also for getting the
prefix associated with the namespace for the name. It is also possible
to get the URI of the namespace.
The following is an example of a namespace declaration in an element.
<wombat:GetLastTradePrice xmlns:wombat="http://www.wombat.org/trader">
("xmlns" stands for "XML namespace".)
The following
shows what the methods in the Name interface will return.
getQualifiedName will return "prefix:LocalName" =
getURI will return "http://www.wombat.org/trader"
getLocalName will return "GetLastTracePrice"
getPrefix will return "WOMBAT"
XML namespaces are used to disambiguate SOAP identifiers from
application-specific identifiers.
Name objects are created using the method
SOAPEnvelope.createName , which has two versions.
One method creates Name objects with
a local name, a namespace prefix, and a namespace URI.
and the second creates Name objects with just a local name.
The following line of
code, in which se is a SOAPEnvelope object, creates a new
Name object with all three.
Name name = se.createName("GetLastTradePrice", "WOMBAT",
The following line of code gives an example of how a Name object
can be used. The variable element is a SOAPElement object.
This code creates a new SOAPElement object with the given name and
adds it to element.
The Name interface may be deprecated in a future release of SAAJ
in favor of javax.xml.namespace.QName