The Basic annotation is the simplest type of mapping
to a database column. The Basic annotation can be
applied to a persistent property or instance variable of any of the
following types: Java primitive types, wrappers of the primitive types,
{@link String}, {@link java.math.BigInteger java.math.BigInteger},
{@link java.math.BigDecimal java.math.BigDecimal},
{@link java.util.Date java.util.Date},
{@link java.util.Calendar java.util.Calendar},
{@link java.sql.Date java.sql.Date}, {@link java.sql.Time java.sql.Time},
{@link java.sql.Timestamp java.sql.Timestamp}, byte[], Byte[],
char[], Character[] , enums, and any other type that implements
{@link Serializable}.
The use of the Basic annotation is optional for
persistent fields and properties of these types. |