NamingContextImplpublic abstract class NamingContextImpl extends org.omg.CosNaming.NamingContextExtPOA implements NamingContextImpl implements the org.omg.CosNaming::NamingContext
interface, but does not implement the methods associated with
maintaining the "table" of current bindings in a NamingContext.
Instead, this implementation assumes that the derived implementation
implements the NamingContextDataStore interface, which has the necessary
methods. This allows multiple
NamingContext implementations that differ in storage of the bindings,
as well as implementations of interfaces derived from
CosNaming::NamingContext that still reuses the implementation.
The operations bind(), rebind(), bind_context() and rebind_context()
are all really implemented by doBind(). resolve() is really implemented
by doResolve(), unbind() by doUnbind(). list(), new_context() and
destroy() uses the NamingContextDataStore interface directly. All the
doX() methods are public static.
They synchronize on the NamingContextDataStore object.
An implementation a NamingContext must extend this class and implement
the NamingContextDataStore interface with the operations:
Bind(), Resolve(),
Unbind(), List(), NewContext() and Destroy(). Calls
to these methods are synchronized; these methods should
therefore not be synchronized. |
Fields Summary |
protected org.omg.PortableServer.POA | nsPOA | private Logger | readLogger | private Logger | updateLogger | private Logger | lifecycleLogger | private | wrapper | private static | staticWrapper | private InterOperableNamingImpl | insImpl | protected transient | orb | public static final boolean | debug |
Constructors Summary |
public NamingContextImpl( orb, org.omg.PortableServer.POA poa)Create a naming context servant.
Runs the super constructor.
this.orb = orb;
wrapper = NamingSystemException.get( orb,
insImpl = new InterOperableNamingImpl( );
this.nsPOA = poa;
readLogger = orb.getLogger( CORBALogDomains.NAMING_READ);
updateLogger = orb.getLogger( CORBALogDomains.NAMING_UPDATE);
lifecycleLogger = orb.getLogger(
Methods Summary |
public void | bind(org.omg.CosNaming.NameComponent[] n, org.omg.CORBA.Object obj)Bind an object under a name in this NamingContext. If the name
contains multiple (n) components, n-1 will be resolved in this
NamingContext and the object bound in resulting NamingContext.
An exception is thrown if a binding with the supplied name already
exists. If the
object to be bound is a NamingContext it will not participate in
a recursive resolve.
if( obj == null )
updateLogger.warning( LogKeywords.NAMING_BIND +
" unsuccessful because NULL Object cannot be Bound " );
throw wrapper.objectIsNull() ;
// doBind implements all four flavors of binding
NamingContextDataStore impl = (NamingContextDataStore)this;
if( updateLogger.isLoggable( Level.FINE ) ) {
// isLoggable call to make sure that we save some precious
// processor cycles, if there is no need to log.
updateLogger.fine( LogKeywords.NAMING_BIND_SUCCESS + " Name = " +
NamingUtils.getDirectoryStructuredName( n ) );
| public void | bind_context(org.omg.CosNaming.NameComponent[] n, org.omg.CosNaming.NamingContext nc)Bind a NamingContext under a name in this NamingContext. If the name
contains multiple (n) components, n-1 will be resolved in this
NamingContext and the object bound in resulting NamingContext.
An exception is thrown if a binding with the supplied name already
exists. The NamingContext will participate in recursive resolving.
if( nc == null ) {
updateLogger.warning( LogKeywords.NAMING_BIND_FAILURE +
" NULL Context cannot be Bound " );
throw new BAD_PARAM( "Naming Context should not be null " );
// doBind implements all four flavors of binding
NamingContextDataStore impl = (NamingContextDataStore)this;
if( updateLogger.isLoggable( Level.FINE ) ) {
// isLoggable call to make sure that we save some precious
// processor cycles, if there is no need to log.
updateLogger.fine( LogKeywords.NAMING_BIND_SUCCESS + " Name = " +
NamingUtils.getDirectoryStructuredName( n ) );
| public org.omg.CosNaming.NamingContext | bind_new_context(org.omg.CosNaming.NameComponent[] n)Create a new NamingContext, bind it in this Naming Context and return
its object reference. This is equivalent to using new_context() followed
by bind_context() with the supplied name and the object reference for
the newly created NamingContext.
NamingContext nc = null;
NamingContext rnc = null;
try {
if (debug)
dprint("bind_new_context " + nameToString(n));
// The obvious solution:
nc = this.new_context();
rnc = nc;
nc = null;
} finally {
try {
if(nc != null)
} catch (org.omg.CosNaming.NamingContextPackage.NotEmpty e) {
if( updateLogger.isLoggable( Level.FINE ) ) {
// isLoggable call to make sure that we save some precious
// processor cycles, if there is no need to log.
updateLogger.fine ( LogKeywords.NAMING_BIND +
"New Context Bound To " +
NamingUtils.getDirectoryStructuredName( n ) );
return rnc;
| public void | destroy()Destroy this NamingContext object. If this NamingContext contains
no bindings, the NamingContext is deleted.
lifecycleLogger.fine( "Destroying Naming Context " );
NamingContextDataStore impl = (NamingContextDataStore)this;
synchronized (impl) {
if (impl.IsEmpty() == true) {
// The context is empty so it can be destroyed
lifecycleLogger.fine ( LogKeywords.LIFECYCLE_DESTROY_SUCCESS );
else {
// This context is not empty!
// Not a fatal error, warning should do.
lifecycleLogger.warning( LogKeywords.LIFECYCLE_DESTROY_FAILURE +
" NamingContext children are not destroyed still.." );
throw new NotEmpty();
| public static void | doBind( impl, org.omg.CosNaming.NameComponent[] n, org.omg.CORBA.Object obj, boolean rebind, org.omg.CosNaming.BindingType bt)Implements all four flavors of binding. It uses Resolve() to
check if a binding already exists (for bind and bind_context), and
unbind() to ensure that a binding does not already exist.
If the length of the name is 1, then Bind() is called with
the name and the object to bind. Otherwise, the first component
of the name is resolved in this NamingContext and the appropriate
form of bind passed to the resulting NamingContext.
This method is static for maximal reuse - even for extended naming
context implementations where the recursive semantics still apply.
// Valid name?
if (n.length < 1)
throw new InvalidName();
// At bottom level?
if (n.length == 1) {
// The identifier must be set
if ( (n[0].id.length() == 0) && (n[0].kind.length() == 0 ) ) {
throw new InvalidName();
// Ensure synchronization of backend
synchronized (impl) {
// Yes: bind object in this context under the name
BindingTypeHolder bth = new BindingTypeHolder();
if (rebind) {
org.omg.CORBA.Object objRef = impl.Resolve( n[0], bth );
if( objRef != null ) {
// Refer Naming Service Doc:00-11-01 section
// If there is an object already bound with the name
// and the binding type is not ncontext a NotFound
// Exception with a reason of not a context has to be
// raised.
// Fix for bug Id: 4384628
if ( bth.value.value() == BindingType.nobject.value() ){
if ( bt.value() == BindingType.ncontext.value() ) {
throw new NotFound(
NotFoundReason.not_context, n);
} else {
// Previously a Context was bound and now trying to
// bind Object. It is invalid.
if ( bt.value() == BindingType.nobject.value() ) {
throw new NotFound(
NotFoundReason.not_object, n);
} else {
if (impl.Resolve(n[0],bth) != null)
// "Resistence is futile." [Borg pickup line]
throw new AlreadyBound();
// Now there are no other bindings under this name
} else {
// No: bind in a different context
NamingContext context = resolveFirstAsContext(impl,n);
// Compute tail
NameComponent[] tail = new NameComponent[n.length - 1];
// How should we propagate the bind
switch (bt.value()) {
case BindingType._nobject:
// Bind as object
if (rebind)
case BindingType._ncontext:
// Narrow to a naming context using Java casts. It must
// work.
NamingContext objContext = (NamingContext)obj;
// Bind as context
if (rebind)
// This should not happen
throw staticWrapper.namingCtxBadBindingtype() ;
| public static org.omg.CORBA.Object | doResolve( impl, org.omg.CosNaming.NameComponent[] n)Implements resolving names in this NamingContext. The first component
of the supplied name is resolved in this NamingContext by calling
Resolve(). If there are no more components in the name, the
resulting object reference is returned. Otherwise, the resulting object
reference must have been bound as a context and be narrowable to
a NamingContext. If this is the case, the remaining
components of the name is resolved in the resulting NamingContext.
This method is static for maximal reuse - even for extended naming
context implementations where the recursive semantics still apply.
org.omg.CORBA.Object obj = null;
BindingTypeHolder bth = new BindingTypeHolder();
// Length must be greater than 0
if (n.length < 1)
throw new InvalidName();
// The identifier must be set
if (n.length == 1) {
synchronized (impl) {
// Resolve first level in this context
obj = impl.Resolve(n[0],bth);
if (obj == null) {
// Object was not found
throw new NotFound(NotFoundReason.missing_node,n);
return obj;
} else {
// n.length > 1
if ( (n[1].id.length() == 0) && (n[1].kind.length() == 0) ) {
throw new InvalidName();
NamingContext context = resolveFirstAsContext(impl,n);
// Compute restOfName = name[1..length]
NameComponent[] tail = new NameComponent[n.length -1];
// Resolve rest of name in context
try {
// First try to resolve using the local call, this should work
// most of the time unless there are federated naming contexts.
Servant servant = impl.getNSPOA().reference_to_servant(
context );
return doResolve(((NamingContextDataStore)servant), tail) ;
} catch( Exception e ) {
return context.resolve(tail);
| public static void | doUnbind( impl, org.omg.CosNaming.NameComponent[] n)Implements unbinding bound names in this NamingContext. If the
name contains only one component, the name is unbound in this
NamingContext using Unbind(). Otherwise, the first component
of the name is resolved in this NamingContext and
unbind passed to the resulting NamingContext.
This method is static for maximal reuse - even for extended naming
context implementations where the recursive semantics still apply.
// Name valid?
if (n.length < 1)
throw new InvalidName();
// Unbind here?
if (n.length == 1) {
// The identifier must be set
if ( (n[0].id.length() == 0) && (n[0].kind.length() == 0 ) ) {
throw new InvalidName();
org.omg.CORBA.Object objRef = null;
synchronized (impl) {
// Yes: unbind in this context
objRef = impl.Unbind(n[0]);
if (objRef == null)
// It was not bound
throw new NotFound(NotFoundReason.missing_node,n);
// Done
} else {
// No: unbind in a different context
// Resolve first - must be resolveable
NamingContext context = resolveFirstAsContext(impl,n);
// Compute tail
NameComponent[] tail = new NameComponent[n.length - 1];
// Propagate unbind to this context
| private static void | dprint(java.lang.String msg)
NamingUtils.dprint("NamingContextImpl(" +
Thread.currentThread().getName() + " at " +
System.currentTimeMillis() +
" ems): " + msg);
| public org.omg.PortableServer.POA | getNSPOA()
return nsPOA;
| public void | list(int how_many, org.omg.CosNaming.BindingListHolder bl, org.omg.CosNaming.BindingIteratorHolder bi)List the contents of this NamingContest. A sequence of bindings
is returned (a BindingList) containing up to the number of requested
bindings, and a BindingIterator object reference is returned for
iterating over the remaining bindings.
// List actually generates the list
NamingContextDataStore impl = (NamingContextDataStore)this;
synchronized (impl) {
if( readLogger.isLoggable( Level.FINE ) && (bl.value != null )) {
// isLoggable call to make sure that we save some precious
// processor cycles, if there is no need to log.
readLogger.fine ( LogKeywords.NAMING_LIST_SUCCESS +
"list(" + how_many + ") -> bindings[" + bl.value.length +
"] + iterator: " + bi.value);
| public static java.lang.String | nameToString(org.omg.CosNaming.NameComponent[] name)
StringBuffer s = new StringBuffer("{");
if (name != null || name.length > 0) {
for (int i=0;i<name.length;i++) {
if (i>0)
return s.toString();
| public synchronized org.omg.CosNaming.NamingContext | new_context()Create a NamingContext object and return its object reference.
// Create actually creates a new naming context
lifecycleLogger.fine( "Creating New Naming Context " );
NamingContextDataStore impl = (NamingContextDataStore)this;
synchronized (impl) {
NamingContext nctx = impl.NewContext();
if( nctx != null ) {
lifecycleLogger.fine( LogKeywords.LIFECYCLE_CREATE_SUCCESS );
} else {
// If naming context is null, then that must be a serious
// error.
lifecycleLogger.severe ( LogKeywords.LIFECYCLE_CREATE_FAILURE );
return nctx;
| public void | rebind(org.omg.CosNaming.NameComponent[] n, org.omg.CORBA.Object obj)Bind an object under a name in this NamingContext. If the name
contains multiple (n) components, n-1 will be resolved in this
NamingContext and the object bound in resulting NamingContext.
If a binding under the supplied name already exists it will be
unbound first. If the
object to be bound is a NamingContext it will not participate in
a recursive resolve.
if( obj == null )
updateLogger.warning( LogKeywords.NAMING_REBIND_FAILURE +
" NULL Object cannot be Bound " );
throw wrapper.objectIsNull() ;
try {
// doBind implements all four flavors of binding
NamingContextDataStore impl = (NamingContextDataStore)this;
} catch (org.omg.CosNaming.NamingContextPackage.AlreadyBound ex) {
updateLogger.warning( LogKeywords.NAMING_REBIND_FAILURE +
NamingUtils.getDirectoryStructuredName( n ) +
" is already bound to a Naming Context" );
// This should not happen
throw wrapper.namingCtxRebindAlreadyBound( ex ) ;
if( updateLogger.isLoggable( Level.FINE ) ) {
// isLoggable call to make sure that we save some precious
// processor cycles, if there is no need to log.
updateLogger.fine( LogKeywords.NAMING_REBIND_SUCCESS + " Name = " +
NamingUtils.getDirectoryStructuredName( n ) );
| public void | rebind_context(org.omg.CosNaming.NameComponent[] n, org.omg.CosNaming.NamingContext nc)Bind a NamingContext under a name in this NamingContext. If the name
contains multiple (n) components, the first n-1 components will be
resolved in this NamingContext and the object bound in resulting
NamingContext. If a binding under the supplied name already exists it
will be unbound first. The NamingContext will participate in recursive
if( nc == null )
updateLogger.warning( LogKeywords.NAMING_REBIND_FAILURE +
" NULL Context cannot be Bound " );
throw wrapper.objectIsNull() ;
try {
// doBind implements all four flavors of binding
NamingContextDataStore impl = (NamingContextDataStore)this;
} catch (org.omg.CosNaming.NamingContextPackage.AlreadyBound ex) {
// This should not happen
updateLogger.warning( LogKeywords.NAMING_REBIND_FAILURE +
NamingUtils.getDirectoryStructuredName( n ) +
" is already bound to a CORBA Object" );
throw wrapper.namingCtxRebindctxAlreadyBound( ex ) ;
if( updateLogger.isLoggable( Level.FINE ) ) {
// isLoggable call to make sure that we save some precious
// processor cycles, if there is no need to log.
updateLogger.fine( LogKeywords.NAMING_REBIND_SUCCESS + " Name = " +
NamingUtils.getDirectoryStructuredName( n ) );
| public org.omg.CORBA.Object | resolve(org.omg.CosNaming.NameComponent[] n)Resolve a name in this NamingContext and return the object reference
bound to the name. If the name contains multiple (n) components,
the first component will be resolved in this NamingContext and the
remaining components resolved in the resulting NamingContext, provided
that the NamingContext bound to the first component of the name was
bound with bind_context().
// doResolve actually resolves
NamingContextDataStore impl = (NamingContextDataStore)this;
org.omg.CORBA.Object obj = doResolve(impl,n);
if( obj != null ) {
if( readLogger.isLoggable( Level.FINE ) ) {
readLogger.fine( LogKeywords.NAMING_RESOLVE_SUCCESS +
" Name: " + NamingUtils.getDirectoryStructuredName( n ) );
} else {
readLogger.warning( LogKeywords.NAMING_RESOLVE_FAILURE +
" Name: " + NamingUtils.getDirectoryStructuredName( n ) );
return obj;
| protected static org.omg.CosNaming.NamingContext | resolveFirstAsContext( impl, org.omg.CosNaming.NameComponent[] n)Implements resolving a NameComponent in this context and
narrowing it to CosNaming::NamingContext. It will throw appropriate
exceptions if not found or not narrowable.
org.omg.CORBA.Object topRef = null;
BindingTypeHolder bth = new BindingTypeHolder();
NamingContext context = null;
synchronized (impl) {
// Resolve first - must be resolveable
topRef = impl.Resolve(n[0],bth);
if (topRef == null) {
// It was not bound
throw new NotFound(NotFoundReason.missing_node,n);
// Was it bound as a context?
if (bth.value != BindingType.ncontext) {
// It was not a context
throw new NotFound(NotFoundReason.not_context,n);
// Narrow to a naming context
try {
context = NamingContextHelper.narrow(topRef);
} catch (org.omg.CORBA.BAD_PARAM ex) {
// It was not a context
throw new NotFound(NotFoundReason.not_context,n);
// Hmm. must be ok
return context;
| public org.omg.CORBA.Object | resolve_str(java.lang.String sn)This operation resolves the Stringified name into the object
org.omg.CORBA.Object theObject = null;
// Name valid?
if ( (sn == null ) || (sn.length() == 0) )
throw new InvalidName();
NamingContextDataStore impl = (NamingContextDataStore)this;
org.omg.CosNaming.NameComponent[] theNameComponents =
insImpl.convertToNameComponent( sn );
if( ( theNameComponents == null ) || (theNameComponents.length == 0 ) )
throw new InvalidName();
theObject = resolve( theNameComponents );
return theObject;
| public org.omg.CosNaming.NameComponent[] | to_name(java.lang.String sn)This operation converts a Stringified Name into an equivalent array
of Name Components.
// Name valid?
if ( (sn == null ) || (sn.length() == 0) )
throw new InvalidName();
NamingContextDataStore impl = (NamingContextDataStore)this;
org.omg.CosNaming.NameComponent[] theNameComponents =
insImpl.convertToNameComponent( sn );
if( ( theNameComponents == null ) || (theNameComponents.length == 0 ) )
throw new InvalidName();
for( int i = 0; i < theNameComponents.length; i++ ) {
// If there is a name component whose id and kind null or
// zero length string, then an invalid name exception needs to be
// raised.
if ( ( ( theNameComponents[i].id == null )
||( theNameComponents[i].id.length() == 0 ) )
&&( ( theNameComponents[i].kind == null )
||( theNameComponents[i].kind.length() == 0 ) ) ) {
throw new InvalidName();
return theNameComponents;
| public java.lang.String | to_string(org.omg.CosNaming.NameComponent[] n)This operation creates a stringified name from the array of Name
// Name valid?
if ( (n == null ) || (n.length == 0) )
throw new InvalidName();
NamingContextDataStore impl = (NamingContextDataStore)this;
String theStringifiedName = insImpl.convertToString( n );
if( theStringifiedName == null )
throw new InvalidName();
return theStringifiedName;
| public java.lang.String | to_url(java.lang.String addr, java.lang.String sn)This operation creates a URL based "iiopname://" format name
from the Stringified Name of the object.
// Name valid?
if ( (sn == null ) || (sn.length() == 0) )
throw new InvalidName();
if( addr == null )
throw new
NamingContextDataStore impl = (NamingContextDataStore)this;
String urlBasedAddress = null;
urlBasedAddress = insImpl.createURLBasedAddress( addr, sn );
// Extra check to see that corba name url created is valid as per
// INS spec grammer.
try {
INSURLHandler.getINSURLHandler( ).parseURL( urlBasedAddress );
} catch( BAD_PARAM e ) {
throw new
return urlBasedAddress;
| public void | unbind(org.omg.CosNaming.NameComponent[] n)Remove a binding from this NamingContext. If the name contains
multiple (n) components, the first n-1 components will be resolved
from this NamingContext and the final component unbound in
the resulting NamingContext.
// doUnbind actually unbinds
NamingContextDataStore impl = (NamingContextDataStore)this;
if( updateLogger.isLoggable( Level.FINE ) ) {
// isLoggable call to make sure that we save some precious
// processor cycles, if there is no need to log.
updateLogger.fine( LogKeywords.NAMING_UNBIND_SUCCESS +
" Name: " + NamingUtils.getDirectoryStructuredName( n ) );