Underlying MBean supplies extra, non-standard and redundant Statistics;
make sure expose only those we advertise in AltServletStats (unit tests
will fail otherwise).
Does this still need to be done in 9.0?
final Statistic[] fromSuper = super.getStatisticsFromDelegate( d );
final Map<String,Statistic> m = J2EEUtil.statisticsToMap( fromSuper );
final Statistic[] result = new Statistic[ 6 ];
result[ 0 ] = (Statistic)m.get( "ServiceTime" ); // from ServletStats
result[ 1 ] = (Statistic)m.get( "ErrorCount" ); // from AltServletStats
result[ 2 ] = (Statistic)m.get( "RequestCount" ); // from AltServletStats
result[ 3 ] = (Statistic)m.get( "ProcessingTime" ); // from AltServletStats
result[ 4 ] = (Statistic)m.get( "MaxTime" ); // from AltServletStats
result[ 5 ] = (Statistic)m.get( "ServiceTime" ); // from AltServletStats
return result;