Methods Summary |
public void | dataSourceChanged(java.lang.Object newDataSource)Called when the selected dataSource has changed.
If this view is dependent upon a selected datasource, implement this
function and update your view.
public void | delete()This method is caled when the view is destroyed.
Each color instanciated, images and such things should be disposed.
The caller is the GUI thread.
public void | generateDiagnostics(org.gudy.azureus2.core3.util.IndentWriter writer)Called when Azureus generates Diagnostics.
Write any diagnostic information you want to the writer.
public org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Composite | getComposite()This method is called after initialize so that the Tab is set its control
Caller is the GUI Thread.
public java.lang.String | getData()Data 'could' store a key to a language file, in order to support multi-language titles
public java.lang.String | getFullTitle()Called in order to set / update the title of this View. When the view
is being displayed in a tab, the full title is used for the tooltip.
public java.lang.String | getShortTitle()Called in order to set / update the short title of this view. When the
view is being displayed in a tab, the short title is used for the tab's
public void | initialize(org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Composite composite)This method is called when the view is instanciated, it should initialize all GUI
components. Must NOT be blocking, or it'll freeze the whole GUI.
Caller is the GUI Thread.
public void | updateLanguage()Called when the language needs updating