Graphics.javaAPI DocAndroid 1.5 API34034Wed May 06 22:41:54 BST 2009java.awt


public abstract class Graphics extends Object
The abstract Graphics class allows applications to draw on a screen or other rendering target. There are several properties which define rendering options: origin point, clipping area, color, font.

The origin point specifies the beginning of the clipping area coordinate system. All coordinates used in rendering operations are computed with respect to this point. The clipping area defines the boundaries where rendering operations can be performed. Rendering operations can't modify pixels outside of the clipping area.

The draw and fill methods allow applications to drawing shapes, text, images with specified font and color options in the specified part of the screen.
Android 1.0

Fields Summary
Constructors Summary
protected Graphics()
Instantiates a new Graphics. This constructor is default for Graphics and can not be called directly.

Methods Summary
public abstract voidclearRect(int x, int y, int width, int height)
Clears the specified rectangle. This method fills specified rectangle with background color.

x the X coordinate of the rectangle.
y the Y coordinate of the rectangle.
width the width of the rectangle.
height the height of the rectangle.

public abstract voidclipRect(int x, int y, int width, int height)
Intersects the current clipping area with a new rectangle. If the current clipping area is not defined, the rectangle becomes a new clipping area. Rendering operations are only allowed within the new the clipping area.

x the X coordinate of the rectangle for intersection.
y the Y coordinate of the rectangle for intersection.
width the width of the rectangle for intersection.
height the height of the rectangle for intersection.

public abstract voidcopyArea(int sx, int sy, int width, int height, int dx, int dy)
Copies the rectangle area to another area specified by a distance (dx, dy) from the original rectangle's location. Positive dx and dy values give a new location defined by translation to the right and down from the original location, negative dx and dy values - to the left and up.

sx the X coordinate of the rectangle which will be copied.
sy the Y coordinate of the rectangle which will be copied.
width the width of the rectangle which will be copied.
height the height of the rectangle which will be copied.
dx the horizontal distance from the source rectangle's location to the copy's location.
dy the vertical distance from the source rectangle's location to the copy's location.

public abstract java.awt.Graphicscreate()
Creates a new copy of this Graphics.

a new Graphics context which is a copy of this Graphics.

public java.awt.Graphicscreate(int x, int y, int width, int height)
Creates a copy of the Graphics object with a new origin and a new specified clip area. The new clip area is the rectangle defined by the origin point with coordinates X,Y and the given width and height. The coordinates of all subsequent rendering operations will be computed with respect to the new origin and can be performed only within the range of the clipping area dimensions.

x the X coordinate of the original point.
y the Y coordinate of the original point.
width the width of clipping area.
height the height of clipping area.
the Graphics object with new origin point and clipping area.

        Graphics res = create();
        res.translate(x, y);
        res.clipRect(0, 0, width, height);
        return res;
public abstract voiddispose()
Disposes of the Graphics. This Graphics object can not be used after calling this method.

public voiddraw3DRect(int x, int y, int width, int height, boolean raised)
Draws the highlighted outline of a rectangle.

x the X coordinate of the rectangle's top left corner.
y the Y coordinate of the rectangle's top left corner.
width the width of rectangle.
height the height of rectangle.
raised a boolean value that determines whether the rectangle is drawn as raised or indented.

        // Note: lighter/darker colors should be used to draw 3d rect.
        // The resulting rect is (width+1)x(height+1). Stroke and paint
        // attributes of
        // the Graphics2D should be reset to the default values.
        // fillRect is used instead of drawLine to bypass stroke
        // reset/set and rasterization.

        Color color = getColor();
        Color colorUp, colorDown;
        if (raised) {
            colorUp = color.brighter();
            colorDown = color.darker();
        } else {
            colorUp = color.darker();
            colorDown = color.brighter();

        fillRect(x, y, width, 1);
        fillRect(x, y + 1, 1, height);

        fillRect(x + width, y, 1, height);
        fillRect(x + 1, y + height, width, 1);
public abstract voiddrawArc(int x, int y, int width, int height, int sa, int ea)
Draws the arc covering the specified rectangle and using the current color. The rectangle is defined by the origin point (X, Y) and dimensions (width and height). The arc center is the the center of specified rectangle. The angle origin is 3 o'clock position, the positive angle is counted as a counter-clockwise rotation, the negative angle is counted as clockwise rotation.

x the X origin coordinate of the rectangle which scales the arc.
y the Y origin coordinate of the rectangle which scales the arc.
width the width of the rectangle which scales the arc.
height the height of the rectangle which scales the arc.
sa start angle - the origin angle of arc.
ea arc angle - the angular arc value relative to the start angle.

public voiddrawBytes(byte[] bytes, int off, int len, int x, int y)
Draws the text represented by byte array. This method uses the current font and color for rendering.

bytes the byte array which contains the text to be drawn.
off the offset within the byte array of the text to be drawn.
len the number of bytes of text to draw.
x the X coordinate where the text is to be drawn.
y the Y coordinate where the text is to be drawn.

        drawString(new String(bytes, off, len), x, y);
public voiddrawChars(char[] chars, int off, int len, int x, int y)
Draws the text represented by character array. This method uses the current font and color for rendering.

chars the character array.
off the offset within the character array of the text to be drawn.
len the number of characters which will be drawn.
x the X coordinate where the text is to be drawn.
y the Y coordinate where the text is to be drawn.

        drawString(new String(chars, off, len), x, y);
public abstract booleandrawImage(java.awt.Image img, int x, int y, java.awt.Color bgcolor, java.awt.image.ImageObserver observer)
Draws the specified image with the defined background color. The top left corner of image will be drawn at point (x, y) in current coordinate system. The image loading process notifies the specified Image Observer. This method returns true if the image has loaded, otherwise it returns false.

img the image which will be drawn.
x the X coordinate of the image top left corner.
y the Y coordinate of the image top left corner.
bgcolor the background color.
observer the ImageObserver object which should be notified about image loading process.
true, if loading image is successful or image is null, false otherwise.

public abstract booleandrawImage(java.awt.Image img, int x, int y, java.awt.image.ImageObserver observer)
Draws the specified image. The top left corner of image will be drawn at point (x, y) in current coordinate system. The image loading process notifies the specified Image Observer. This method returns true if the image has loaded, otherwise it returns false.

img the image which will be drawn.
x the X coordinate of the image top left corner.
y the Y coordinate of the image top left corner.
observer the ImageObserver object which should be notified about image loading process.
true, if loading image is successful or image is null, otherwise false.

public abstract booleandrawImage(java.awt.Image img, int x, int y, int width, int height, java.awt.Color bgcolor, java.awt.image.ImageObserver observer)
Scales the specified image to fit in the specified rectangle and draws it with the defined background color. The top left corner of the image will be drawn at the point (x, y) in current coordinate system. The non-opaque pixels will be drawn in the background color. The image loading process notifies the specified Image Observer. This method returns true if the image has loaded, otherwise it returns false.

img the image which will be drawn.
x the X coordinate of the image's top left corner.
y the Y coordinate of the image's top left corner.
width the width of rectangle which scales the image.
height the height of rectangle which scales the image.
bgcolor the background color.
observer the ImageObserver object which should be notified about image loading process.
true, if loading image is successful or image is null, otherwise false.

public abstract booleandrawImage(java.awt.Image img, int x, int y, int width, int height, java.awt.image.ImageObserver observer)
Scales the specified image to fit in the specified rectangle and draws it. The top left corner of the image will be drawn at the point (x, y) in current coordinate system. The image loading process notifies the specified Image Observer. This method returns true if the image has loaded, otherwise it returns false.

img the image which will be drawn.
x the X coordinate of the image top left corner.
y the Y coordinate of the image top left corner.
width the width of rectangle which scales the image.
height the height of rectangle which scales the image.
observer the ImageObserver object which should be notified about image loading process.
true, if loading image is successful or image is null, otherwise false.

public abstract booleandrawImage(java.awt.Image img, int dx1, int dy1, int dx2, int dy2, int sx1, int sy1, int sx2, int sy2, java.awt.Color bgcolor, java.awt.image.ImageObserver observer)
Scales the specified area of the specified image to fit in the rectangle area defined by its corners coordinates and draws the sub-image with the specified background color. The sub-image to be drawn is defined by its top left corner coordinates (sx1, sy1) and bottom right corner coordinates (sx2, sy2) computed with respect to the origin (top left corner) of the source image. The non opaque pixels will be drawn in the background color. The image loading process notifies specified Image Observer. This method returns true if the image has loaded, otherwise it returns false.

img the image which will be drawn.
dx1 the X top left corner coordinate of the destination rectangle area.
dy1 the Y top left corner coordinate of the destination rectangle area.
dx2 the X bottom right corner coordinate of the destination rectangle area.
dy2 the Y bottom right corner coordinate of the destination rectangle area.
sx1 the X top left corner coordinate of the area to be drawn within the source image.
sy1 the Y top left corner coordinate of the area to be drawn within the source image.
sx2 the X bottom right corner coordinate of the area to be drawn within the source image.
sy2 the Y bottom right corner coordinate of the area to be drawn within the source image.
bgcolor the background color.
observer the ImageObserver object which should be notified about image loading process.
true, if loading image is successful or image is null, false otherwise.

public abstract booleandrawImage(java.awt.Image img, int dx1, int dy1, int dx2, int dy2, int sx1, int sy1, int sx2, int sy2, java.awt.image.ImageObserver observer)
Scales the specified area of the specified image to fit in the rectangle area defined by its corners coordinates and draws the sub-image. The sub-image to be drawn is defined by its top left corner coordinates (sx1, sy1) and bottom right corner coordinates (sx2, sy2) computed with respect to the origin (top left corner) of the source image. The image loading process notifies specified Image Observer. This method returns true if the image has loaded, otherwise it returns false.

img the image which will be drawn.
dx1 the X top left corner coordinate of the destination rectangle area.
dy1 the Y top left corner coordinate of the destination rectangle area.
dx2 the X bottom right corner coordinate of the destination rectangle area.
dy2 the Y bottom right corner coordinate of the destination rectangle area.
sx1 the X top left corner coordinate of the area to be drawn within the source image.
sy1 the Y top left corner coordinate of the area to be drawn within the source image.
sx2 the X bottom right corner coordinate of the area to be drawn within the source image.
sy2 the Y bottom right corner coordinate of the area to be drawn within the source image.
observer the ImageObserver object which should be notified about image loading process.
true, if loading image is successful or image is null, false otherwise.

public abstract voiddrawLine(int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2)
Draws a line from the point (x1, y1) to the point (x2, y2). This method draws the line with current color which can be changed by setColor(Color c) method.

x1 the X coordinate of the first point.
y1 the Y coordinate of the first point.
x2 the X coordinate of the second point.
y2 the Y coordinate of the second point.

public abstract voiddrawOval(int x, int y, int width, int height)
Draws the outline of an oval to fit in the rectangle defined by the given width, height, and top left corner.

x the X top left corner oval coordinate.
y the Y top left corner oval coordinate.
width the oval width.
height the oval height.

public abstract voiddrawPolygon(int[] xpoints, int[] ypoints, int npoints)
Draws the outline of a polygon. The polygon vertices are defined by points with xpoints[i], ypoints[i] as coordinates. The polygon edges are the lines from the points with (xpoints[i-1], ypoints[i-1]) coordinates to the points with (xpoints[i], ypoints[i]) coordinates, for 0 < i < npoints +1.

xpoints the array of X coordinates of the polygon vertices.
ypoints the array of Y coordinates of the polygon vertices.
npoints the number of polygon vertices/points.

public voiddrawPolygon(java.awt.Polygon p)
Draws the outline of a polygon which is defined by Polygon object.

p the Polygon object.

        drawPolygon(p.xpoints, p.ypoints, p.npoints);
public abstract voiddrawPolyline(int[] xpoints, int[] ypoints, int npoints)
Draws a set of connected lines which are defined by the x and y coordinate arrays. The polyline is closed if coordinates of the first point are the same as coordinates of the last point.

xpoints the array of X point coordinates.
ypoints the array of Y point coordinates.
npoints the number of points.

public voiddrawRect(int x, int y, int width, int height)
Draws the rectangle with the specified width and length and top left corner coordinates.

x the X coordinate of the rectangle's top left corner.
y the Y coordinate of the rectangle's top left corner.
width the width of the rectangle.
height the height of the rectangle.

        int[] xpoints = {
                x, x, x + width, x + width
        int[] ypoints = {
                y, y + height, y + height, y

        drawPolygon(xpoints, ypoints, 4);
public abstract voiddrawRoundRect(int x, int y, int width, int height, int arcWidth, int arcHeight)
Draws the outline of a rectangle with round corners.

x the X coordinate of the rectangle's top left corner.
y the Y coordinate of the rectangle's top left corner.
width the width of the rectangle.
height the height of the rectangle.
arcWidth the arc width for the corners.
arcHeight the arc height for the corners.

public abstract voiddrawString(java.text.AttributedCharacterIterator iterator, int x, int y)
Draws a text defined by an iterator. The iterator should specify the font for every character.

iterator the iterator.
x the X coordinate of the first character.
y the Y coordinate of the first character.

public abstract voiddrawString(java.lang.String str, int x, int y)
Draws a text defined by a string. This method draws the text with current font and color.

str the string.
x the X coordinate of the first character.
y the Y coordinate of the first character.

public voidfill3DRect(int x, int y, int width, int height, boolean raised)
Fills the highlighted outline of a rectangle.

x the X coordinate of the rectangle's top left corner.
y the Y coordinate of the rectangle's top left corner.
width the width of the rectangle.
height the height of the rectangle.
raised a boolean value that determines whether the rectangle is drawn as raised or indented.

        // Note: lighter/darker colors should be used to draw 3d rect.
        // The resulting rect is (width)x(height), same as fillRect.
        // Stroke and paint attributes of the Graphics2D should be reset
        // to the default values. fillRect is used instead of drawLine to
        // bypass stroke reset/set and line rasterization.

        Color color = getColor();
        Color colorUp, colorDown;
        if (raised) {
            colorUp = color.brighter();
            colorDown = color.darker();
        } else {
            colorUp = color.darker();
            colorDown = color.brighter();

        fillRect(x + 1, y + 1, width - 1, height - 1);

        fillRect(x, y, width, 1);
        fillRect(x, y + 1, 1, height);

        fillRect(x + width, y, 1, height);
        fillRect(x + 1, y + height, width, 1);
public abstract voidfillArc(int x, int y, int width, int height, int sa, int ea)
Fills the arc covering the rectangle and using the current color. The rectangle is defined by the origin point (X, Y) and dimensions (width and height). The arc center is the the center of specified rectangle. The angle origin is at the 3 o'clock position, and a positive angle gives counter-clockwise rotation, a negative angle gives clockwise rotation.

x the X origin coordinate of the rectangle which scales the arc.
y the Y origin coordinate of the rectangle which scales the arc.
width the width of the rectangle which scales the arc.
height the height of the rectangle which scales the arc.
sa start angle - the origin angle of arc.
ea arc angle - the angular arc value relative to the start angle.

public abstract voidfillOval(int x, int y, int width, int height)
Fills an oval with the current color where the oval is defined by the bounding rectangle with the given width, height, and top left corner.

x the X top left corner oval coordinate.
y the Y top left corner oval coordinate.
width the oval width.
height the oval height.

public abstract voidfillPolygon(int[] xpoints, int[] ypoints, int npoints)
Fills a polygon with the current color. The polygon vertices are defined by the points with xpoints[i], ypoints[i] as coordinates. The polygon edges are the lines from the points with (xpoints[i-1], ypoints[i-1]) coordinates to the points with (xpoints[i], ypoints[i]) coordinates, for 0 < i < npoints +1.

xpoints the array of X coordinates of the polygon vertices.
ypoints the array of Y coordinates of the polygon vertices.
npoints the number of polygon vertices/points.

public voidfillPolygon(java.awt.Polygon p)
Fills the polygon with the current color.

p the Polygon object.

        fillPolygon(p.xpoints, p.ypoints, p.npoints);
public abstract voidfillRect(int x, int y, int width, int height)
Fills a rectangle with the current color. The rectangle is defined by its width and length and top left corner coordinates.

x the X coordinate of the rectangle's top left corner.
y the Y coordinate of the rectangle's top left corner.
width the width of rectangle.
height the height of rectangle.

public abstract voidfillRoundRect(int x, int y, int width, int height, int arcWidth, int arcHeight)
Fills a round cornered rectangle with the current color.

x the X coordinate of the top left corner of the bounding rectangle.
y the Y coordinate of the top left corner of the bounding rectangle.
width the width of the bounding rectangle.
height the height of the bounding rectangle.
arcWidth the arc width at the corners.
arcHeight the arc height at the corners.

public voidfinalize()
Disposes of the Graphics.

public abstract java.awt.ShapegetClip()
Gets the clipping area.

a Shape object of the clipping area or null if it is not set.

public java.awt.RectanglegetClipBounds(java.awt.Rectangle r)
Gets the bounds of the current clipping area as a rectangle and copies it to an existing rectangle.

r a Rectangle object where the current clipping area bounds are to be copied.
the bounds of the current clipping area.

        Shape clip = getClip();

        if (clip != null) {
            // TODO: Can we get shape bounds without creating Rectangle object?
            Rectangle b = clip.getBounds();
            r.x = b.x;
            r.y = b.y;
            r.width = b.width;
            r.height = b.height;

        return r;
public abstract java.awt.RectanglegetClipBounds()
Gets the bounds of the current clipping area as a rectangle.

a Rectangle object which represents the bounds of the current clipping area.

public java.awt.RectanglegetClipRect()
Gets the bounds of the current clipping area as a rectangle.

a Rectangle object.
Use {@link #getClipBounds()}

        return getClipBounds();
public abstract java.awt.ColorgetColor()
Gets the current color of Graphics.

the current color.

public abstract java.awt.FontgetFont()
Gets the current font of Graphics.

the current font.

public java.awt.FontMetricsgetFontMetrics()
Gets the font metrics of the current font. The font metrics object contains information about the rendering of a particular font.

the font metrics of current font.

        return getFontMetrics(getFont());
public abstract java.awt.FontMetricsgetFontMetrics(java.awt.Font font)
Gets the font metrics of the specified font. The font metrics object contains information about the rendering of a particular font.

font the specified font.
the font metrics for the specified font.

public booleanhitClip(int x, int y, int width, int height)
Determines whether or not the specified rectangle intersects the current clipping area.

x the X coordinate of the rectangle.
y the Y coordinate of the rectangle.
width the width of the rectangle.
height the height of the rectangle.
true, if the specified rectangle intersects the current clipping area, false otherwise.

        // TODO: Create package private method Rectangle.intersects(int, int,
        // int, int);
        return getClipBounds().intersects(new Rectangle(x, y, width, height));
public abstract voidsetClip(int x, int y, int width, int height)
Sets the new clipping area specified by rectangle. The new clipping area doesn't depend on the window's visibility. Rendering operations can't be performed outside new clipping area.

x the X coordinate of the new clipping rectangle.
y the Y coordinate of the new clipping rectangle.
width the width of the new clipping rectangle.
height the height of the new clipping rectangle.

public abstract voidsetClip(java.awt.Shape clip)
Sets the new clipping area to be the area specified by Shape object. The new clipping area doesn't depend on the window's visibility. Rendering operations can't be performed outside new clipping area.

clip the Shape object which represents new clipping area.

public abstract voidsetColor(java.awt.Color c)
Sets the current Graphics color. All rendering operations with this Graphics will use this color.

c the new color.

public abstract voidsetFont(java.awt.Font font)
Sets the current Graphics font. All rendering operations with this Graphics will use this font.

font the new font.

public abstract voidsetPaintMode()
Sets the paint mode for the Graphics which overwrites all rendering operations with the current color.

public abstract voidsetXORMode(java.awt.Color color)
Sets the XOR mode for the Graphics which changes a pixel from the current color to the specified XOR color.

color the new XOR mode.

public java.lang.StringtoString()
Returns string which represents this Graphics object.

the string which represents this Graphics object.

        // TODO: Think about string representation of Graphics.
        return "Graphics"; //$NON-NLS-1$
public abstract voidtranslate(int x, int y)
Translates the origin of Graphics current coordinate system to the point with X, Y coordinates in the current coordinate system. All rendering operation in this Graphics will be related to the new origin.

x the X coordinate of the origin.
y the Y coordinate of the origin.