MutableTimeStatistic.javaAPI DocGlassfish v2 API3271Fri May 04 22:25:48 BST 2007com.sun.enterprise.admin.monitor.stats


public interface MutableTimeStatistic implements MutableStatistic
Provides mutable nature to the {@link TimeStatistic}. Like other MutableStatistic interfaces, it does have the state to calculate the specific statistical data in {@link TimeStatistic}. Unlike other mutable statistics though, in this interface there is some consideration of a sequence. Once an instance of this interface is created, subsequent call to {@link #incrementCount} has a twofold effect:
  • Increments the count for number of times the operation is executed by 1
  • Keeps a count of maximum/minimum/total execution time
    Kedar Mhaswade
    $Revision: 1.3 $

    Fields Summary
    Constructors Summary
    Methods Summary
    public voidincrementCount(long currentExecutionTimeMillis)
    Increments the count for number of times an operation is called by 1 and processes the given parameter in a certain manner.