If an atom:entry is copied from one feed into another feed, then the source
atom:feed's metadata (all child elements of atom:feed other than the
atom:entry elements) MAY be preserved within the copied entry by adding an
atom:source child element, if it is not already present in the entry, and
including some or all of the source feed's Metadata elements as the
atom:source element's children. Such metadata SHOULD be preserved if the
source atom:feed contains any of the child elements atom:author,
atom:contributor, atom:rights, or atom:category and those child elements are
not present in the source atom:entry.
atomSource =
element atom:source {
& atomCategory*
& atomContributor*
& atomGenerator?
& atomIcon?
& atomId?
& atomLink*
& atomLogo?
& atomRights?
& atomSubtitle?
& atomTitle?
& atomUpdated?
& extensionElement*)