Methods Summary |
public boolean | equals(java.lang.Object obj)
if (obj == null)
return false ;
if (!(obj instanceof IORTemplateImpl))
return false ;
IORTemplateImpl other = (IORTemplateImpl)obj ;
return super.equals( obj ) && oktemp.equals( other.getObjectKeyTemplate() ) ;
public | getObjectKeyTemplate()
return oktemp ;
public int | hashCode()
return super.hashCode() ^ oktemp.hashCode() ;
public boolean | isEquivalent( other)
if (!(other instanceof IORTemplate))
return false ;
IORTemplate list = (IORTemplate)other ;
Iterator thisIterator = iterator() ;
Iterator listIterator = list.iterator() ;
while (thisIterator.hasNext() && listIterator.hasNext()) {
TaggedProfileTemplate thisTemplate =
(TaggedProfileTemplate) ;
TaggedProfileTemplate listTemplate =
(TaggedProfileTemplate) ;
if (!thisTemplate.isEquivalent( listTemplate ))
return false ;
return (thisIterator.hasNext() == listIterator.hasNext()) &&
getObjectKeyTemplate().equals( list.getObjectKeyTemplate() ) ;
public | makeIOR( orb, java.lang.String typeid, oid)
return new IORImpl( orb, typeid, this, oid ) ;
public void | makeImmutable()Ensure that this IORTemplate and all of its profiles can not be
modified. This overrides the method inherited from
FreezableList through IdentifiableContainerBase.
makeElementsImmutable() ;
super.makeImmutable() ;
public void | write(org.omg.CORBA_2_3.portable.OutputStream os)
oktemp.write( os ) ;
EncapsulationUtility.writeIdentifiableSequence( this, os ) ;