Methods Summary |
public void | flush(javax.microedition.lcdui.Displayable screen, javax.microedition.lcdui.Image offscreen_buffer, int x, int y, int width, int height)Flushes the entire off-screen buffer to the display.
public void | foregroundNotify(boolean hasForeground)Notifies the display that there is a change in its foreground
public javax.microedition.lcdui.Display | getDisplay()Get the Display object that is associated with this DisplayAccess.
public int | getKeyMask()Called to get key mask of all the keys that were pressed.
public void | setTrustedIcon(SecurityToken token, boolean drawTrusted)Set the trusted icon for this Display. When ever this display is in
the foreground the given icon will be displayed in the area reserved for
the trusted icon. Setting the icon to null will clear the trusted
icon. Only callers with the internal MIDP permission can use this method.
public boolean | wantsForeground()Get the flag indicating that the most recent call to setCurrent
was for a non-null Displayable.
This allows the implementation of the hint provided
to the display manager to determine which MIDlet to make the foreground.