ShortSocketServerpublic class ShortSocketServer extends Object This SocketServer exits after certain number of connections from a
client. This number is determined the totalsTest parameter, that is
the first argument on the commmand line. The second argument,
prefix, determines the prefix of the configuration file to
use. Each run of the server will use a different properties
file. For the i-th run, the path to the file is
(prefix+i+".properties"). |
Fields Summary |
static Logger | cat |
Methods Summary |
public static void | main(java.lang.String[] args)
int totalTests = 0;
String prefix = null;
if(args.length == 2) {
totalTests = Integer.parseInt(args[0]);
prefix = args[1];
} else {
usage("Wrong number of arguments.");
LogLog.debug("Listening on port " + SocketServerTestCase.PORT);
ServerSocket serverSocket = new ServerSocket(SocketServerTestCase.PORT);
MDC.put("hostID", "shortSocketServer");
for(int i = 1; i <= totalTests; i++) {
LogLog.debug("Waiting to accept a new client.");
Socket socket = serverSocket.accept();
LogLog.debug("Connected to client at " + socket.getInetAddress());
LogLog.debug("Starting new socket node.");
SocketNode sn = new SocketNode(socket, LogManager.getLoggerRepository());
Thread t = new Thread(sn);
| static void | usage(java.lang.String msg)
"Usage: java " +ShortSocketServer.class.getName() + " totalTests configFilePrefix");