Copy the arguments as needed for this particular method. Can be optimized so that as little copying as possible is performed.
Copy the result as needed for this particular method. Can be optimized so that as little copying as possible is performed.
Returns the method used to create this DynamicMethodMarshaller.
Returns true iff thr's class is a declared exception (or a subclass of a declared exception) for this DynamicMethodMarshaller's method.
Read the arguments for this method from the InputStream. Returns null if there are no arguments.
Reads an exception ID and the corresponding exception from the input stream. This should be an exception declared in this method.
Read the result from the InputStream. Returns null if the result type is null.
Write arguments for this method to the OutputStream. Does nothing if there are no arguments.
Write the repository ID of the exception and the value of the exception to the OutputStream. ex should be a declared exception for this DynamicMethodMarshaller's method.
Write the result to the OutputStream. Does nothing if the result type is null.