XMLErrorResources_cspublic class XMLErrorResources_cs extends ListResourceBundle Set up error messages.
We build a two dimensional array of message keys and
message strings. In order to add a new message here,
you need to first add a String constant. And you need
to enter key, value pair as part of the contents
array. You also need to update MAX_CODE for error strings
and MAX_WARNING for warnings ( Needed for only information
purpose ) |
Fields Summary |
public static final int | MAX_CODEMaximum error messages, this is needed to keep track of the number of messages. | public static final int | MAX_WARNINGMaximum warnings, this is needed to keep track of the number of warnings. | public static final int | MAX_OTHERSMaximum misc strings. | public static final int | MAX_MESSAGESMaximum total warnings and error messages. | public static final String | ER_FUNCTION_NOT_SUPPORTED | public static final String | ER_CANNOT_OVERWRITE_CAUSE | public static final String | ER_NO_DEFAULT_IMPL | public static final String | ER_CHUNKEDINTARRAY_NOT_SUPPORTED | public static final String | ER_OFFSET_BIGGER_THAN_SLOT | public static final String | ER_COROUTINE_NOT_AVAIL | public static final String | ER_COROUTINE_CO_EXIT | public static final String | ER_COJOINROUTINESET_FAILED | public static final String | ER_COROUTINE_PARAM | public static final String | ER_PARSER_DOTERMINATE_ANSWERS | public static final String | ER_NO_PARSE_CALL_WHILE_PARSING | public static final String | ER_TYPED_ITERATOR_AXIS_NOT_IMPLEMENTED | public static final String | ER_ITERATOR_AXIS_NOT_IMPLEMENTED | public static final String | ER_ITERATOR_CLONE_NOT_SUPPORTED | public static final String | ER_UNKNOWN_AXIS_TYPE | public static final String | ER_AXIS_NOT_SUPPORTED | public static final String | ER_NO_DTMIDS_AVAIL | public static final String | ER_NOT_SUPPORTED | public static final String | ER_NODE_NON_NULL | public static final String | ER_COULD_NOT_RESOLVE_NODE | public static final String | ER_STARTPARSE_WHILE_PARSING | public static final String | ER_STARTPARSE_NEEDS_SAXPARSER | public static final String | ER_COULD_NOT_INIT_PARSER | public static final String | ER_EXCEPTION_CREATING_POOL | public static final String | ER_PATH_CONTAINS_INVALID_ESCAPE_SEQUENCE | public static final String | ER_SCHEME_REQUIRED | public static final String | ER_NO_SCHEME_IN_URI | public static final String | ER_NO_SCHEME_INURI | public static final String | ER_PATH_INVALID_CHAR | public static final String | ER_SCHEME_FROM_NULL_STRING | public static final String | ER_SCHEME_NOT_CONFORMANT | public static final String | ER_HOST_ADDRESS_NOT_WELLFORMED | public static final String | ER_PORT_WHEN_HOST_NULL | public static final String | ER_INVALID_PORT | public static final String | ER_FRAG_FOR_GENERIC_URI | public static final String | ER_FRAG_WHEN_PATH_NULL | public static final String | ER_FRAG_INVALID_CHAR | public static final String | ER_PARSER_IN_USE | public static final String | ER_CANNOT_CHANGE_WHILE_PARSING | public static final String | ER_SELF_CAUSATION_NOT_PERMITTED | public static final String | ER_NO_USERINFO_IF_NO_HOST | public static final String | ER_NO_PORT_IF_NO_HOST | public static final String | ER_NO_QUERY_STRING_IN_PATH | public static final String | ER_NO_FRAGMENT_STRING_IN_PATH | public static final String | ER_CANNOT_INIT_URI_EMPTY_PARMS | public static final String | ER_METHOD_NOT_SUPPORTED | public static final String | ER_INCRSAXSRCFILTER_NOT_RESTARTABLE | public static final String | ER_XMLRDR_NOT_BEFORE_STARTPARSE | public static final String | ER_AXIS_TRAVERSER_NOT_SUPPORTED | public static final String | ER_ERRORHANDLER_CREATED_WITH_NULL_PRINTWRITER | public static final String | ER_SYSTEMID_UNKNOWN | public static final String | ER_LOCATION_UNKNOWN | public static final String | ER_PREFIX_MUST_RESOLVE | public static final String | ER_CREATEDOCUMENT_NOT_SUPPORTED | public static final String | ER_CHILD_HAS_NO_OWNER_DOCUMENT | public static final String | ER_CHILD_HAS_NO_OWNER_DOCUMENT_ELEMENT | public static final String | ER_CANT_OUTPUT_TEXT_BEFORE_DOC | public static final String | ER_CANT_HAVE_MORE_THAN_ONE_ROOT | public static final String | ER_ARG_LOCALNAME_NULL | public static final String | ER_ARG_LOCALNAME_INVALID | public static final String | ER_ARG_PREFIX_INVALID | public static final String | ER_RESOURCE_COULD_NOT_FIND | public static final String | ER_RESOURCE_COULD_NOT_LOAD | public static final String | ER_BUFFER_SIZE_LESSTHAN_ZERO | public static final String | ER_INVALID_UTF16_SURROGATE | public static final String | ER_OIERROR | public static final String | ER_NAMESPACE_PREFIX | public static final String | ER_STRAY_ATTRIBUTE | public static final String | ER_STRAY_NAMESPACE | public static final String | ER_COULD_NOT_LOAD_RESOURCE | public static final String | ER_COULD_NOT_LOAD_METHOD_PROPERTY | public static final String | ER_SERIALIZER_NOT_CONTENTHANDLER | public static final String | ER_ILLEGAL_ATTRIBUTE_POSITION |
Methods Summary |
public java.lang.Object[][] | getContents()Get the lookup table for error messages
* Now fill in the message text.
* Then fill in the message text for that message code in the
* array. Use the new error code as the index into the array.
// Error messages...
return new Object[][] {
/** Error message ID that has a null message, but takes in a single object. */
{"ER0000" , "{0}" },
"Nepodporovan\u00e1 funkce!"},
"P\u0159\u00ed\u010dinu nelze p\u0159epsat"},
"Nebyla nalezena v\u00fdchoz\u00ed implementace. "},
"Funkce ChunkedIntArray({0}) nen\u00ed aktu\u00e1ln\u011b podporov\u00e1na."},
"Offset je v\u011bt\u0161\u00ed ne\u017e slot."},
"Spole\u010dn\u00e1 rutina nen\u00ed k dispozici, id={0}"},
"Funkce CoroutineManager obdr\u017eela po\u017eadavek co_exit()"},
"Selhala funkce co_joinCoroutineSet()"},
"Chyba parametru spole\u010dn\u00e9 rutiny ({0})"},
"\nNeo\u010dek\u00e1van\u00e9: odpov\u011bdi funkce analyz\u00e1toru doTerminate {0}"},
"b\u011bhem anal\u00fdzy nelze volat analyz\u00e1tor"},
"Chyba: zadan\u00fd iter\u00e1tor osy {0} nen\u00ed implementov\u00e1n"},
"Chyba: zadan\u00fd iter\u00e1tor osy {0} nen\u00ed implementov\u00e1n "},
"Nepodporovan\u00fd klon iter\u00e1toru."},
"Nezn\u00e1m\u00fd typ osy pr\u016fchodu: {0}"},
"Nepodporovan\u00e1 osa pr\u016fchodu: {0}"},
"\u017d\u00e1dn\u00e1 dal\u0161\u00ed ID DTM nejsou k dispozici"},
"Nepodporov\u00e1no: {0}"},
"Uzel pou\u017eit\u00fd ve funkci getDTMHandleFromNode mus\u00ed m\u00edt hodnotu not-null"},
"Uzel nelze p\u0159elo\u017eit do manipul\u00e1toru"},
"B\u011bhem anal\u00fdzy nelze volat funkci startParse."},
"Funkce startParse vy\u017eaduje SAXParser s hodnotou not-null."},
"nelze inicializovat analyz\u00e1tor s: "},
"v\u00fdjimka p\u0159i vytv\u00e1\u0159en\u00ed nov\u00e9 instance spole\u010dn\u00e9 oblasti"},
"Cesta obsahuje neplatnou escape sekvenci"},
"Je vy\u017eadov\u00e1no sch\u00e9ma!"},
"V URI nebylo nalezeno \u017e\u00e1dn\u00e9 sch\u00e9ma: {0}"},
"V URI nebylo nalezeno \u017e\u00e1dn\u00e9 sch\u00e9ma"},
"Cesta obsahuje neplatn\u00fd znak: {0}"},
"Nelze nastavit sch\u00e9ma \u0159et\u011bzce s hodnotou null."},
"Sch\u00e9ma nevyhovuje."},
"Adresa hostitele m\u00e1 nespr\u00e1vn\u00fd form\u00e1t."},
"M\u00e1-li hostitel hodnotu null, nelze nastavit port."},
"Neplatn\u00e9 \u010d\u00edslo portu."},
"Fragment lze nastavit jen u generick\u00e9ho URI."},
"M\u00e1-li cesta hodnotu null, nelze nastavit fragment."},
"Fragment obsahuje neplatn\u00fd znak."},
"Analyz\u00e1tor se ji\u017e pou\u017e\u00edv\u00e1."},
"B\u011bhem anal\u00fdzy nelze m\u011bnit {0} {1}."},
"Zp\u016fsoben\u00ed sama sebe (self-causation) nen\u00ed povoleno"},
"Nen\u00ed-li ur\u010den hostitel, nelze zadat \u00fadaje o u\u017eivateli."},
"Nen\u00ed-li ur\u010den hostitel, nelze zadat port."},
"V \u0159et\u011bzci cesty a dotazu nelze zadat \u0159et\u011bzec dotazu."},
"Fragment nelze ur\u010dit z\u00e1rove\u0148 v cest\u011b i ve fragmentu."},
"URI nelze inicializovat s pr\u00e1zdn\u00fdmi parametry."},
"Prozat\u00edm nepodporovan\u00e1 metoda. "},
"Filtr IncrementalSAXSource_Filter nelze aktu\u00e1ln\u011b znovu spustit."},
"P\u0159ed po\u017eadavkem startParse nen\u00ed XMLReader."},
"Nepodporovan\u00e1 osa pr\u016fchodu: {0}"},
"Prvek ListingErrorHandler byl vytvo\u0159en s funkc\u00ed PrintWriter s hodnotou null!"},
"Nezn\u00e1m\u00fd identifik\u00e1tor SystemId"},
"Chyba se vyskytla na nezn\u00e1m\u00e9m m\u00edst\u011b"},
"P\u0159edponu mus\u00ed b\u00fdt mo\u017eno p\u0159elo\u017eit do oboru n\u00e1zv\u016f: {0}"},
"Funkce XPathContext nepodporuje funkci createDocument()!"},
"Potomek atributu nem\u00e1 dokument vlastn\u00edka!"},
"Potomek atributu nem\u00e1 prvek dokumentu vlastn\u00edka!"},
"Varov\u00e1n\u00ed: v\u00fdstup textu nem\u016f\u017ee p\u0159edch\u00e1zet prvku dokumentu! Ignorov\u00e1no..."},
"DOM nem\u016f\u017ee m\u00edt n\u011bkolik ko\u0159en\u016f!"},
"Argument 'localName' m\u00e1 hodnotu null"},
// Note to translators: A QNAME has the syntactic form [NCName:]NCName
// The localname is the portion after the optional colon; the message indicates
// that there is a problem with that part of the QNAME.
"Hodnota Localname ve funkci QNAME by m\u011bla b\u00fdt platn\u00fdm prvkem NCName"},
// Note to translators: A QNAME has the syntactic form [NCName:]NCName
// The prefix is the portion before the optional colon; the message indicates
// that there is a problem with that part of the QNAME.
"P\u0159edpona ve funkci QNAME by m\u011bla b\u00fdt platn\u00fdm prvkem NCName"},
{ "BAD_CODE", "Parametr funkce createMessage je mimo limit"},
{ "FORMAT_FAILED", "P\u0159i vol\u00e1n\u00ed funkce messageFormat do\u0161lo k v\u00fdjimce"},
{ "line", "\u0158\u00e1dek #"},
{ "column","Sloupec #"},
"T\u0159\u00edda serializace ''{0}'' neimplementuje org.xml.sax.ContentHandler."},
"Nelze naj\u00edt zdroj [ {0} ].\n {1}" },
"Nelze zav\u00e9st zdroj [ {0} ]: {1} \n {2} \t {3}" },
"Velikost vyrovn\u00e1vac\u00ed pam\u011bti <=0" },
"Byla zji\u0161t\u011bna neplatn\u00e1 n\u00e1hrada UTF-16: {0} ?" },
"Chyba vstupu/v\u00fdstupu" },
"Nelze p\u0159idat atribut {0} po uzlech potomk\u016f ani p\u0159ed t\u00edm, ne\u017e je vytvo\u0159en prvek. Atribut bude ignorov\u00e1n."},
* Note to translators: The stylesheet contained a reference to a
* namespace prefix that was undefined. The value of the substitution
* text is the name of the prefix.
"Obor n\u00e1zv\u016f pro p\u0159edponu ''{0}'' nebyl deklarov\u00e1n." },
* Note to translators: This message is reported if the stylesheet
* being processed attempted to construct an XML document with an
* attribute in a place other than on an element. The substitution text
* specifies the name of the attribute.
"Atribut ''{0}'' je vn\u011b prvku." },
* Note to translators: As with the preceding message, a namespace
* declaration has the form of an attribute and is only permitted to
* appear on an element. The substitution text {0} is the namespace
* prefix and {1} is the URI that was being used in the erroneous
* namespace declaration.
"Deklarace oboru n\u00e1zv\u016f ''{0}''=''{1}'' je vn\u011b prvku." },
"Nelze zav\u00e9st ''{0}'' (zkontrolujte prom\u011bnnou CLASSPATH), proto se pou\u017e\u00edvaj\u00ed pouze v\u00fdchoz\u00ed hodnoty"},
"Nelze na\u010d\u00edst soubor vlastnost\u00ed ''{0}'' pro v\u00fdstupn\u00ed metodu ''{1}'' (zkontrolujte prom\u011bnnou CLASSPATH)." }
| private static final java.lang.String | getResourceSuffix(java.util.Locale locale)Return the resource file suffic for the indicated locale
For most locales, this will be based the language code. However
for Chinese, we do distinguish between Taiwan and PRC
String suffix = "_" + locale.getLanguage();
String country = locale.getCountry();
if (country.equals("TW"))
suffix += "_" + country;
return suffix;
| public static final com.sun.org.apache.xml.internal.res.XMLErrorResources | loadResourceBundle(java.lang.String className)Return a named ResourceBundle for a particular locale. This method mimics the behavior
of ResourceBundle.getBundle().
Locale locale = Locale.getDefault();
String suffix = getResourceSuffix(locale);
// first try with the given locale
return (XMLErrorResources) ResourceBundle.getBundle(className
+ suffix, locale);
catch (MissingResourceException e)
try // try to fall back to en_US if we can't load
// Since we can't find the localized property file,
// fall back to en_US.
return (XMLErrorResources) ResourceBundle.getBundle(className,
new Locale("cs", "CZ"));
catch (MissingResourceException e2)
// Now we are really in trouble.
// very bad, definitely very bad...not going to get very far
throw new MissingResourceException(
"Could not load any resource bundles.", className, "");