TestTargetpublic class TestTarget Defines an annotation used be used within the TestInfo annotation. It
specifies a single method target for the test (but can be used multiple
times). |
Methods Summary |
java.lang.String | conceptName()Specifies the name of a concept being tested. Use this if
{@code methodName} is not accurate enough. E.g. for
{@link java.util.regex.Pattern#compile(String)} {@code methodName} is not
sufficient since the String contains a pattern with its own syntax which
has to be tested with different aspects. Areas concerned are e.g. JDBC
(SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE, ...), regex (character sets,
operators,...), formatters (DecimalFormat, DateFormat, ChoiceFormat,
...), ...
| java.lang.Class[] | methodArgs()Specifies the signature of the method that is being tested, in terms of
Java classes.
| java.lang.String | methodName()Specifies the name of the method that is being tested.