AccessControlContext.javaAPI DocJava SE 5 API14248Fri Aug 26 14:57:14 BST


public final class AccessControlContext extends Object
An AccessControlContext is used to make system resource access decisions based on the context it encapsulates.

More specifically, it encapsulates a context and has a single method, checkPermission, that is equivalent to the checkPermission method in the AccessController class, with one difference: The AccessControlContext checkPermission method makes access decisions based on the context it encapsulates, rather than that of the current execution thread.

Thus, the purpose of AccessControlContext is for those situations where a security check that should be made within a given context actually needs to be done from within a different context (for example, from within a worker thread).

An AccessControlContext is created by calling the AccessController.getContext method. The getContext method takes a "snapshot" of the current calling context, and places it in an AccessControlContext object, which it returns. A sample call is the following:

AccessControlContext acc = AccessController.getContext()

Code within a different context can subsequently call the checkPermission method on the previously-saved AccessControlContext object. A sample call is the following:


Roland Schemers

Fields Summary
private ProtectionDomain[]
private boolean
private AccessControlContext
private DomainCombiner
private static boolean
private static Debug
Constructors Summary
public AccessControlContext(ProtectionDomain[] context)
Create an AccessControlContext with the given set of ProtectionDomains. Context must not be null. Duplicate domains will be removed from the context.

context the ProtectionDomains associated with this context. The non-duplicate domains are copied from the array. Subsequent changes to the array will not affect this AccessControlContext.

	if (context.length == 0) {
	    this.context = null;
	} else if (context.length == 1) {
	    if (context[0] != null) {
		this.context = (ProtectionDomain[])context.clone();
	    } else {
		this.context = null;
	} else {
	    List v = new ArrayList(context.length);
	    for (int i =0; i< context.length; i++) {
		if ((context[i] != null) &&  (!v.contains(context[i])))
	    this.context = new ProtectionDomain[v.size()];
	    this.context = (ProtectionDomain[]) v.toArray(this.context);
public AccessControlContext(AccessControlContext acc, DomainCombiner combiner)
Create a new AccessControlContext with the given AccessControlContext and DomainCombiner. This constructor associates the provided DomainCombiner with the provided AccessControlContext.

acc the AccessControlContext associated with the provided DomainCombiner.

combiner the DomainCombiner to be associated with the provided AccessControlContext.
NullPointerException if the provided context is null.

SecurityException if the caller does not have permission to invoke this constructor.

	SecurityManager sm = System.getSecurityManager();
	if (sm != null) {

	this.context = acc.context;

	// we do not need to run the combine method on the
	// provided ACC.  it was already "combined" when the
	// context was originally retrieved.
	// at this point in time, we simply throw away the old
	// combiner and use the newly provided one.
	this.combiner = combiner;
AccessControlContext(ProtectionDomain[] context, boolean isPrivileged)
package private constructor for AccessController.getContext()

	this.context = context;
	this.isPrivileged = isPrivileged;
Methods Summary
public voidcheckPermission( perm)
Determines whether the access request indicated by the specified permission should be allowed or denied, based on the security policy currently in effect, and the context in this object.

This method quietly returns if the access request is permitted, or throws a suitable AccessControlException otherwise.

perm the requested permission.
AccessControlException if the specified permission is not permitted, based on the current security policy and the context encapsulated by this object.
NullPointerException if the permission to check for is null.

	if (perm == null) {
	    throw new NullPointerException("permission can't be null");
	if (getDebug() != null) {
	    if (Debug.isOn("stack"))
	    if (Debug.isOn("domain")) {
		if (context == null) {
			debug.println("domain (context is null)");
		} else {
		    for (int i=0; i< context.length; i++) {
			debug.println("domain "+i+" "+context[i]);

	 * iterate through the ProtectionDomains in the context.
	 * Stop at the first one that doesn't allow the
	 * requested permission (throwing an exception).

	/* if ctxt is null, all we had on the stack were system domains,
	   or the first domain was a Privileged system domain. This
	   is to make the common case for system code very fast */

	if (context == null)

	for (int i=0; i< context.length; i++) {
	    if (context[i] != null &&  !context[i].implies(perm)) {
		if (debug != null) {
		    debug.println("access denied "+perm);
		    if (Debug.isOn("failure")) {
			final ProtectionDomain pd = context[i];
			final Debug db = debug;
			AccessController.doPrivileged (new PrivilegedAction() {
			    public Object run() {
				db.println("domain that failed "+pd);
				return null;
		throw new AccessControlException("access denied "+perm, perm);

	// allow if all of them allowed access
	if (debug != null)
	    debug.println("access allowed "+perm);

private booleancontainsAllPDs( that)

	boolean match = false;
	// ProtectionDomains within an ACC currently cannot be null
	// and this is enforced by the contructor and the various
	// optimize methods. However, historically this logic made attempts
	// to support the notion of a null PD and therefore this logic continues
	// to support that notion.
	ProtectionDomain thisPd;
	for (int i = 0; i < context.length; i++) {
	    match = false;
	    if ((thisPd = context[i]) == null) {
		for (int j = 0; (j < that.context.length) && !match; j++) {
		    match = (that.context[j] == null);
	    } else {
		Class thisPdClass = thisPd.getClass();
		ProtectionDomain thatPd;
		for (int j = 0; (j < that.context.length) && !match; j++) {
		    thatPd = that.context[j];

		    // Class check required to avoid PD exposure (4285406)
		    match = (thatPd != null && 
			thisPdClass == thatPd.getClass() && thisPd.equals(thatPd));
	    if (!match) return false;
	return match;
public booleanequals(java.lang.Object obj)
Checks two AccessControlContext objects for equality. Checks that obj is an AccessControlContext and has the same set of ProtectionDomains as this context.

obj the object we are testing for equality with this object.
true if obj is an AccessControlContext, and has the same set of ProtectionDomains as this context, false otherwise.

	if (obj == this)
	    return true;

	if (! (obj instanceof AccessControlContext))
	    return false;

	AccessControlContext that = (AccessControlContext) obj;

	if (context == null) {
	    return (that.context == null);

	if (that.context == null)
	    return false;

	if (!(this.containsAllPDs(that) && that.containsAllPDs(this)))
	    return false;

	if (this.combiner == null)
	    return (that.combiner == null);

	if (that.combiner == null)
	    return false;

	if (!this.combiner.equals(that.combiner))
	    return false;

	return true;

	if (debugInit)
	    return debug;
	else {
	    if (Policy.isSet()) {
		debug = Debug.getInstance("access");
		debugInit = true;
	    return debug;
Get the DomainCombiner associated with this AccessControlContext.

the DomainCombiner associated with this AccessControlContext, or null if there is none.
SecurityException if the caller does not have permission to get the DomainCombiner associated with this AccessControlContext.

	SecurityManager sm = System.getSecurityManager();
	if (sm != null) {
	return combiner;
private[] current, assigned)

	// the assigned ACC's combiner is not null --
	// let the combiner do its thing

	// XXX we could add optimizations to 'current' here ...

	if (getDebug() != null) {
	    debug.println("AccessControlContext invoking the Combiner");

	// No need to clone current and assigned.context
	// combine() will not update them
	ProtectionDomain[] combinedPds = assigned.combiner.combine(
	    current, assigned.context);

	// return new AccessControlContext(combinedPds, assigned.combiner);

	// Reuse existing ACC
	this.context = combinedPds;
	this.combiner = assigned.combiner;
	this.isPrivileged = false;

	return this;
public inthashCode()
Returns the hash code value for this context. The hash code is computed by exclusive or-ing the hash code of all the protection domains in the context together.

a hash code value for this context.

	int hashCode = 0;

	if (context == null)
	    return hashCode;

	for (int i =0; i < context.length; i++) {
	    if (context[i] != null)
		hashCode ^= context[i].hashCode();
	return hashCode;
Returns true if this context is privileged.

	return isPrivileged;
Take the stack-based context (this) and combine it with the privileged or inherited context, if need be.

	// the assigned (privileged or inherited) context
	AccessControlContext acc;
	if (isPrivileged) {
	    acc = privilegedContext;
	} else {
	    acc = AccessController.getInheritedAccessControlContext();

	// this.context could be null if only system code is on the stack;
	// in that case, ignore the stack context
	boolean skipStack = (context == null);

	// acc.context could be null if only system code was involved;
	// in that case, ignore the assigned context
	boolean skipAssigned = (acc == null || acc.context == null);

	// optimization: if neither have contexts; return acc if possible
	// rather than this, because acc might have a combiner
	if (skipAssigned && skipStack) {
	    return (acc != null) ? acc : this;

	if (acc != null && acc.combiner != null) {
	    // let the assigned acc's combiner do its thing
	    return goCombiner(context, acc);

	// optimization: if there is no stack context; there is no reason
	// to compress the assigned context, it already is compressed
	if (skipStack) {
	    return acc;

	int slen = context.length;

	// optimization: if there is no assigned context and the stack length
	// is less then or equal to two; there is no reason to compress the
	// stack context, it already is
	if (skipAssigned && slen <= 2) {
	    return this;

	// optimization: if there is a single stack domain and that domain
	// is already in the assigned context; no need to combine
	if ((slen == 1) && (context[0] == acc.context[0])) {
	    return acc;

	int n = (skipAssigned) ? 0 : acc.context.length;

	// now we combine both of them, and create a new context
	ProtectionDomain pd[] = new ProtectionDomain[slen + n];

	// first copy in the assigned context domains, no need to compress
	if (!skipAssigned) {
	    System.arraycopy(acc.context, 0, pd, 0, n);

	// now add the stack context domains, discarding nulls and duplicates
	for (int i = 0; i < context.length; i++) {
	    ProtectionDomain sd = context[i];
	    if (sd != null) {
		for (int j = 0; j < n; j++) {
		    if (sd == pd[j]) {
			continue outer;
		pd[n++] = sd;

	// if length isn't equal, we need to shorten the array
	if (n != pd.length) {
	    // optimization: if we didn't really combine anything
	    if (!skipAssigned && n == acc.context.length) {
		return acc;
	    } else if (skipAssigned && n == slen) {
		return this;
	    ProtectionDomain tmp[] = new ProtectionDomain[n];
	    System.arraycopy(pd, 0, tmp, 0, n);
	    pd = tmp;

	//	return new AccessControlContext(pd, false);

	// Reuse existing ACC

	this.context = pd;
	this.combiner = null;
	this.isPrivileged = false;

	return this;