EscherBSERecord.javaAPI DocApache Poi 3.0.113125Mon Jan 01 12:39:40 GMT 2007org.apache.poi.ddf


public class EscherBSERecord extends EscherRecord
The BSE record is related closely to the EscherBlipRecord and stores extra information about the blip. A blip record is actually stored inside the BSE record even though the BSE record isn't actually a container record.
Glen Stampoultzis

Fields Summary
public static final short
public static final String
public static final byte
public static final byte
public static final byte
public static final byte
public static final byte
public static final byte
public static final byte
public static final byte
private byte
private byte
private byte[]
private short
private int
private int
private int
private byte
private byte
private byte
private byte
private EscherBlipRecord
private byte[]
Constructors Summary
Methods Summary
public intfillFields(byte[] data, int offset, org.apache.poi.ddf.EscherRecordFactory recordFactory)
This method deserializes the record from a byte array.

data The byte array containing the escher record information
offset The starting offset into data.
recordFactory May be null since this is not a container record.
The number of bytes read from the byte array.

        int bytesRemaining = readHeader( data, offset );
        int pos = offset + 8;
        field_1_blipTypeWin32 = data[pos];
        field_2_blipTypeMacOS = data[pos + 1];
        System.arraycopy( data, pos + 2, field_3_uid = new byte[16], 0, 16 );
        field_4_tag = LittleEndian.getShort( data, pos + 18 );
        field_5_size = LittleEndian.getInt( data, pos + 20 );
        field_6_ref = LittleEndian.getInt( data, pos + 24 );
        field_7_offset = LittleEndian.getInt( data, pos + 28 );
        field_8_usage = data[pos + 32];
        field_9_name = data[pos + 33];
        field_10_unused2 = data[pos + 34];
        field_11_unused3 = data[pos + 35];
        bytesRemaining -= 36;
        int bytesRead = 0;
        if (bytesRemaining > 0)
            field_12_blipRecord = (EscherBlipRecord) recordFactory.createRecord( data, pos + 36 );
            bytesRead = field_12_blipRecord.fillFields( data, pos + 36, recordFactory );
        pos += 36 + bytesRead;
        bytesRemaining -= bytesRead;
//        if (field_1_blipTypeWin32 == BT_PNG)
//        {
//            byte[] uid = new byte[16];
//            System.arraycopy( data, pos + 36, uid, 0, 16 );
//            byte[] puid = new byte[16];
//            System.arraycopy( data, pos + 52, puid, 0, 16 );
//            byte tag = data[pos+68];
//            System.out.println( HexDump.dump( data, 0, 0 ) );
//            byte[] pngBytes = EscherBlipRecord.decompress( data, pos+69, bytesRemaining);
//        }

        remainingData = new byte[bytesRemaining];
        System.arraycopy( data, pos, remainingData, 0, bytesRemaining );
        return bytesRemaining + 8 + 36 + (field_12_blipRecord == null ? 0 : field_12_blipRecord.getRecordSize()) ;

public org.apache.poi.ddf.EscherBlipRecordgetBlipRecord()

        return field_12_blipRecord;
public java.lang.StringgetBlipType(byte b)
Retrieve the string representation given a blip id.

        switch ( b )
            case BT_ERROR:
                return " ERROR";
            case BT_UNKNOWN:
                return " UNKNOWN";
            case BT_EMF:
                return " EMF";
            case BT_WMF:
                return " WMF";
            case BT_PICT:
                return " PICT";
            case BT_JPEG:
                return " JPEG";
            case BT_PNG:
                return " PNG";
            case BT_DIB:
                return " DIB";
                if ( b < 32 )
                    return " NotKnown";
                    return " Client";
public bytegetBlipTypeMacOS()
The expected blip type under MacOS (failure to match this blip type will result in Excel converting to this format).

        return field_2_blipTypeMacOS;
public bytegetBlipTypeWin32()
The expected blip type under windows (failure to match this blip type will result in Excel converting to this format).

        return field_1_blipTypeWin32;
public bytegetName()
The length in characters of the blip name.

        return field_9_name;
public intgetOffset()
File offset in the delay stream.

        return field_7_offset;
public java.lang.StringgetRecordName()
The short name for this record

        return "BSE";
public intgetRecordSize()
Returns the number of bytes that are required to serialize this record.

Number of bytes

        return 8 + 1 + 1 + 16 + 2 + 4 + 4 + 4 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + field_12_blipRecord.getRecordSize() + (remainingData == null ? 0 : remainingData.length);
public intgetRef()
The reference count of this blip.

        return field_6_ref;
public byte[]getRemainingData()
Any remaining data in this record.

        return remainingData;
public intgetSize()
Blip size in stream.

        return field_5_size;
public shortgetTag()

        return field_4_tag;
public byte[]getUid()
16 byte MD4 checksum.

        return field_3_uid;
public bytegetUnused2()

        return field_10_unused2;
public bytegetUnused3()

        return field_11_unused3;
public bytegetUsage()
Defines the way this blip is used.

        return field_8_usage;
public intserialize(int offset, byte[] data, org.apache.poi.ddf.EscherSerializationListener listener)
This method serializes this escher record into a byte array.

offset The offset into data to start writing the record data to.
data The byte array to serialize to.
listener A listener to retrieve start and end callbacks. Use a NullEscherSerailizationListener to ignore these events.
The number of bytes written.

        listener.beforeRecordSerialize( offset, getRecordId(), this );

        if (remainingData == null)
            remainingData = new byte[0];

        LittleEndian.putShort( data, offset, getOptions() );
        LittleEndian.putShort( data, offset + 2, getRecordId() );
        if (remainingData == null) remainingData = new byte[0];
        int blipSize = field_12_blipRecord == null ? 0 : field_12_blipRecord.getRecordSize();
        int remainingBytes = remainingData.length + 36 + blipSize;
        LittleEndian.putInt( data, offset + 4, remainingBytes );

        data[offset + 8] = field_1_blipTypeWin32;
        data[offset + 9] = field_2_blipTypeMacOS;
        for ( int i = 0; i < 16; i++ )
            data[offset + 10 + i] = field_3_uid[i];
        LittleEndian.putShort( data, offset + 26, field_4_tag );
        LittleEndian.putInt( data, offset + 28, field_5_size );
        LittleEndian.putInt( data, offset + 32, field_6_ref );
        LittleEndian.putInt( data, offset + 36, field_7_offset );
        data[offset + 40] = field_8_usage;
        data[offset + 41] = field_9_name;
        data[offset + 42] = field_10_unused2;
        data[offset + 43] = field_11_unused3;
        int bytesWritten = 0;
        if (field_12_blipRecord != null)
            bytesWritten = field_12_blipRecord.serialize( offset + 44, data, new NullEscherSerializationListener() );
        if (remainingData == null)
            remainingData = new byte[0];
        System.arraycopy( remainingData, 0, data, offset + 44 + bytesWritten, remainingData.length );
        int pos = offset + 8 + 36 + remainingData.length + bytesWritten;

        listener.afterRecordSerialize(pos, getRecordId(), pos - offset, this);
        return pos - offset;
public voidsetBlipRecord(org.apache.poi.ddf.EscherBlipRecord field_12_blipRecord)

        this.field_12_blipRecord = field_12_blipRecord;
public voidsetBlipTypeMacOS(byte blipTypeMacOS)
Set the expected MacOS blip type

        this.field_2_blipTypeMacOS = blipTypeMacOS;
public voidsetBlipTypeWin32(byte blipTypeWin32)
Set the expected win32 blip type

        this.field_1_blipTypeWin32 = blipTypeWin32;
public voidsetName(byte name)
The length in characters of the blip name.

        this.field_9_name = name;
public voidsetOffset(int offset)
File offset in the delay stream.

        this.field_7_offset = offset;
public voidsetRef(int ref)
The reference count of this blip.

        this.field_6_ref = ref;
public voidsetRemainingData(byte[] remainingData)
Any remaining data in this record.

        this.remainingData = remainingData;
public voidsetSize(int size)
Blip size in stream.

        this.field_5_size = size;
public voidsetTag(short tag)

        this.field_4_tag = tag;
public voidsetUid(byte[] uid)
16 byte MD4 checksum.

        this.field_3_uid = uid;
public voidsetUnused2(byte unused2)

        this.field_10_unused2 = unused2;
public voidsetUnused3(byte unused3)

        this.field_11_unused3 = unused3;
public voidsetUsage(byte usage)
Defines the way this blip is used.

        this.field_8_usage = usage;
public java.lang.StringtoString()
Calculate the string representation of this object

        String nl = System.getProperty( "line.separator" );

        String extraData;
        ByteArrayOutputStream b = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
            HexDump.dump( this.remainingData, 0, b, 0 );
            extraData = b.toString();
        catch ( Exception e )
            extraData = e.toString();
        return getClass().getName() + ":" + nl +
                "  RecordId: 0x" + HexDump.toHex( RECORD_ID ) + nl +
                "  Options: 0x" + HexDump.toHex( getOptions() ) + nl +
                "  BlipTypeWin32: " + field_1_blipTypeWin32 + nl +
                "  BlipTypeMacOS: " + field_2_blipTypeMacOS + nl +
                "  SUID: " + HexDump.toHex(field_3_uid) + nl +
                "  Tag: " + field_4_tag + nl +
                "  Size: " + field_5_size + nl +
                "  Ref: " + field_6_ref + nl +
                "  Offset: " + field_7_offset + nl +
                "  Usage: " + field_8_usage + nl +
                "  Name: " + field_9_name + nl +
                "  Unused2: " + field_10_unused2 + nl +
                "  Unused3: " + field_11_unused3 + nl +
                "  blipRecord: " + field_12_blipRecord + nl +
                "  Extra Data:" + nl + extraData;