Methods Summary |
public void | addDisposeListener(TableCellDisposeListener listener)Adds a listener that triggers when the TableCell has been disposed
public void | addListeners(java.lang.Object listenerObject)A listener is added for every type of cell listener the supplied object
public void | addMouseListener(TableCellMouseListener listener)Adds a listener that triggers when a TableCell that belongs to this column
has a mouse event.
public void | addRefreshListener(TableCellRefreshListener listener)Adds a listener that triggers when the TableCell needs refreshing
public void | addToolTipListener(TableCellToolTipListener listener)Adds a listener related to tooltip actions
public java.lang.Object | getDataSource()Retrieve the data object associated with the current table row and cell.
The results of this method MUST NOT BE CACHED.
The link between a table cell and a DataSource is not persistent and can
change from call to call (for example when the table is re-ordered, the
link may be modified)
public int[] | getForeground()Get the foreground color of the cell
public org.gudy.azureus2.plugins.ui.Graphic | getGraphic()Retrieve the SWT graphic related to this table item for
TableColumn objects of TYPE_GRAPHIC only.
public int | getHeight()Retrieve the height of the cell's drawing area (excluding any margin) for
TableColumn objects of TYPE_GRAPHIC only.
public int | getMaxLines()Retrieves the number of lines available for setting text
public java.lang.Comparable | getSortValue()Retrieves the sorting value
public TableColumn | getTableColumn()Retreive the TableColumn that this cell belongs to
public java.lang.String | getTableID()Returns which table the cell is being displayed in.
public TableRow | getTableRow()Retrieve the TableRow that this cell belongs to
public java.lang.String | getText()Retrieve the Cell's text
public java.lang.Object | getToolTip()Retrieve the tooltip object assigned to this cell
public int | getWidth()Retrieve the width of the cell's drawing area (excluding any margin) for
TableColumn objects of TYPE_GRAPHIC only.
public void | invalidate()Sets the cell to invalid. This will result in a refresh on the next
scheduled interval.
public boolean | isDisposed()Retrieve whether the cell has been disposed. This will return true after
the {@link TableCellDisposeListener} is triggered.
public boolean | isShown()Determines if the user has chosen to display the cell
public boolean | isValid()Validility of the cell's text.
public void | removeDisposeListener(TableCellDisposeListener listener)Remove a previously added TableCellDisposeListener
public void | removeMouseListener(TableCellMouseListener listener)Remove a previously added TableCellMouseListener
public void | removeRefreshListener(TableCellRefreshListener listener)Remove a previously added TableCellRefreshListener
public void | removeToolTipListener(TableCellToolTipListener listener)Remove a previously added TableCellToolTipListener
public void | setFillCell(boolean bFillCell)Sets whether the graphic fills the whole cell for
TableColumn objects of TYPE_GRAPHIC only. This may effect how often
a refresh of the cell is needed, and effects alignment.
public boolean | setForeground(int red, int green, int blue)Change the cell's foreground color.
public boolean | setGraphic(org.gudy.azureus2.plugins.ui.Graphic img)Sets the image to be drawn.
public void | setMarginHeight(int height)Specifies the number of pixels of vertical margin that will
be placed along the top and bottom edges of the layout for
TableColumn objects of TYPE_GRAPHIC only.
The default is 1.
public void | setMarginWidth(int width)Specifies the number of pixels of horizontal margin that will
be placed along the left and right edges of the layout for
TableColumn object of TYPE_GRAPHIC only.
The default is 1.
public boolean | setSortValue(long valueToSort)Sets a long value that the column sorting will act on.
public boolean | setSortValue(float valueToSort)Sets a float value that the column sorting will act upon.
public boolean | setSortValue(java.lang.Comparable valueToSort)Sets a Comparable object that column sorting will act on. If you never
call setSortValue, your column will be sorted by the cell's text.
public boolean | setText(java.lang.String text)This method is called to set the cell's text.
Caching is done, so that if same text is used several times,
there won't be any 'flickering' effect. Ie the text is only updated if
it's different from current value.
This function must be called from the same thread that the GUI is running
under. Listeners like {@link TableCellAddedListener} do not always get
called on the GUI thread.
If you wish to set the text and not worry about changing to the GUI thread,
use {@link #invalidate()}, and set the text in the
{@link TableCellRefreshListener}
public void | setToolTip(java.lang.Object tooltip)Set the cell's tooltip display.