PIHandler.javaAPI DocJava SE 5 API9983Fri Aug 26 14:54:40 BST


public interface PIHandler
This interface defines the PI interface that is used to interface the rest of the ORB to the PI implementation.

Fields Summary
Constructors Summary
Methods Summary
public voidadapterManagerStateChanged(int managerId, short newState)
Called whenever a state change occurs in an adapter manager.

managerId managerId The adapter manager id
newState newState The new state of the adapter manager, and by implication of all object adapters managed by this manager.

public voidadapterStateChanged(org.omg.PortableInterceptor.ObjectReferenceTemplate[] templates, short newState)
Called whenever a state change occurs in an object adapter that was not caused by an adapter manager state change.

templates The templates that are changing state.
newState The new state of the adapters identified by the templates.

public intallocateServerRequestId()

public voidcleanupClientPIRequest()
Invoked when a request is about to be cleaned up. Must be called after ending points are called so that the info object on the stack can be deinitialized and popped from the stack at the appropriate time.

public voidcleanupServerPIRequest()
Invoked when a request is about to be cleaned up. Must be called after ending points are called so that the info object on the stack can be deinitialized and popped from the stack at the appropriate time.

public org.omg.CORBA.Policycreate_policy(int type, org.omg.CORBA.Any val)

public voiddestroyInterceptors()

public voiddisableInterceptorsThisThread()
Called for pseudo-ops to temporarily disable portable interceptor hooks for calls on this thread. Keeps track of the number of times this is called and increments the disabledCount.

public voidenableInterceptorsThisThread()
Called for pseudo-ops to re-enable portable interceptor hooks for calls on this thread. Decrements the disabledCount. If disabledCount is 0, interceptors are re-enabled.

public org.omg.PortableInterceptor.CurrentgetPICurrent()

public voidinitialize()
Complete the initialization of the PIHandler. This will execute the methods on the ORBInitializers, if any are defined. This must be done here so that the ORB can obtain the PIHandler BEFORE the ORBInitializers run, since they will need access to the PIHandler through the ORB.

public voidinitializeServerPIInfo( request, oa, byte[] objectId, oktemp)
Notifies PI to start a new server request and set initial information for server-side interceptors. PI will use this information as a source of information for the ServerRequestInfo object. poaimpl is declared as an Object so that we need not introduce a dependency on the POA package.

public voidinitiateClientPIRequest(boolean diiRequest)
Invoked when a request is about to be created. Must be called before any of the setClientPI* methods so that a new info object can be prepared for information collection.

diiRequest True if this is to be a DII request, or false if it is a "normal" request. In the DII case, initiateClientPIRequest is called twice and we need to ignore the second one.

public java.lang.ExceptioninvokeClientPIEndingPoint(int replyStatus, java.lang.Exception exception)
Called when the appropriate client ending interception point is to be invoked for all apporpriate client-side request interceptors.

replyStatus One of the constants in iiop.messages.ReplyMessage indicating which reply status to set.
exception The exception before ending interception points have been invoked, or null if no exception at the moment.
The exception to be thrown, after having gone through all ending points, or null if there is no exception to be thrown. Note that this exception can be either the same or different from the exception set using setClientPIException. There are four possible return types: null (no exception), SystemException, UserException, or RemarshalException.

public voidinvokeClientPIStartingPoint()
Called when the send_request or send_poll portable interception point is to be invoked for all appropriate client-side request interceptors.

RemarhsalException - Thrown when this request needs to be retried.

public voidinvokeServerPIEndingPoint( replyMessage)
Called when the appropriate server ending interception point is to be invoked for all appropriate server-side request interceptors.

replyMessage The iiop.messages.ReplyMessage containing the reply status.
ForwardException Thrown if an interceptor raises ForwardRequest. This is an unchecked exception so that we need not modify the entire execution path to declare throwing ForwardException.

public voidinvokeServerPIIntermediatePoint()
Called when the appropriate server intermediate interception point is to be invoked for all appropriate server-side request interceptors.

ForwardException Thrown if an interceptor raises ForwardRequest. This is an unchecked exception so that we need not modify the entire execution path to declare throwing ForwardException.

public voidinvokeServerPIStartingPoint()
Called when the appropriate server starting interception point is to be invoked for all appropriate server-side request interceptors.

ForwardException Thrown if an interceptor raises ForwardRequest. This is an unchecked exception so that we need not modify the entire execution path to declare throwing ForwardException.

public voidobjectAdapterCreated( oa)
Called when a new object adapter is created.

oa The adapter associated with the interceptors to be invoked.

public voidregisterPolicyFactory(int type, org.omg.PortableInterceptor.PolicyFactory factory)

public voidregister_interceptor(org.omg.PortableInterceptor.Interceptor interceptor, int type)

public voidsetClientPIInfo( requestImpl)
Notifies PI of additional information for client-side interceptors. PI will use this information as a source of information for the ClientRequestInfo object.

public voidsetClientPIInfo( messageMediator)
Notify PI of the MessageMediator for the request.

public voidsetServerPIExceptionInfo(org.omg.CORBA.Any exception)
Notifies PI of additional information for server-side interceptors. PI will use this information as a source of information for the ServerRequestInfo object. This is the exception of a DSI request.

public voidsetServerPIInfo(java.lang.Object servant, java.lang.String targetMostDerivedInterface)
Notifies PI of additional information reqired for ServerRequestInfo.

servant The servant. This is java.lang.Object because in the POA case, this will be a org.omg.PortableServer.Servant whereas in the ServerRequestDispatcher case this will be an ObjectImpl.
targetMostDerivedInterface. The most derived interface. This is passed in instead of calculated when needed because it requires extra information in the POA case that we didn't want to bother creating extra methods for to pass in.

public voidsetServerPIInfo(java.lang.Exception exception)
Notifies PI of additional information required for ServerRequestInfo.

public voidsetServerPIInfo(org.omg.CORBA.NVList arguments)
Notifies PI of additional information for server-side interceptors. PI will use this information as a source of information for the ServerRequestInfo object. These are the arguments for a DSI request.

public voidsetServerPIInfo(org.omg.CORBA.Any result)
Notifies PI of additional information for server-side interceptors. PI will use this information as a source of information for the ServerRequestInfo object. This is the result of a DSI request.