LazyReplicatedMap.javaAPI DocApache Tomcat 6.0.149938Fri Jul 20 04:20:32 BST 2007org.apache.catalina.tribes.tipis


public class LazyReplicatedMap extends AbstractReplicatedMap implements org.apache.catalina.tribes.ChannelListener,, org.apache.catalina.tribes.MembershipListener
A smart implementation of a stateful replicated map. uses primary/secondary backup strategy. One node is always the primary and one node is always the backup. This map is synchronized across a cluster, and only has one backup member.
A perfect usage for this map would be a session map for a session manager in a clustered environment.
The only way to modify this list is to use the put, putAll, remove methods. entrySet, entrySetFull, keySet, keySetFull, returns all non modifiable sets.

If objects (values) in the map change without invoking put() or remove() the data can be distributed using two different methods:
replicate(boolean) and replicate(Object, boolean)
These two methods are very important two understand. The map can work with two set of value objects:
1. Serializable - the entire object gets serialized each time it is replicated
2. ReplicatedMapEntry - this interface allows for a isDirty() flag and to replicate diffs if desired.
Implementing the ReplicatedMapEntry interface allows you to decide what objects get replicated and how much data gets replicated each time.
If you implement a smart AOP mechanism to detect changes in underlying objects, you can replicate only those changes by implementing the ReplicatedMapEntry interface, and return true when isDiffable() is invoked.

This map implementation doesn't have a background thread running to replicate changes. If you do have changes without invoking put/remove then you need to invoke one of the following methods:
  • replicate(Object,boolean) - replicates only the object that belongs to the key
  • replicate(boolean) - Scans the entire map for changes and replicates data
the boolean value in the replicate method used to decide whether to only replicate objects that implement the ReplicatedMapEntry interface or to replicate all objects. If an object doesn't implement the ReplicatedMapEntry interface each time the object gets replicated the entire object gets serialized, hence a call to replicate(true) will replicate all objects in this map that are using this node as primary.

REMBER TO CALL breakdown() or finalize() when you are done with the map to avoid memory leaks.

implement periodic sync/transfer thread
Filip Hanik

Fields Summary
protected static org.apache.juli.logging.Log
Constructors Summary
public LazyReplicatedMap(Object owner, org.apache.catalina.tribes.Channel channel, long timeout, String mapContextName, int initialCapacity, float loadFactor, ClassLoader[] cls)
Creates a new map

channel The channel to use for communication
timeout long - timeout for RPC messags
mapContextName String - unique name for this map, to allow multiple maps per channel
initialCapacity int - the size of this map, see HashMap
loadFactor float - load factor, see HashMap

            super(owner,channel,timeout,mapContextName,initialCapacity,loadFactor, Channel.SEND_OPTIONS_DEFAULT,cls);
public LazyReplicatedMap(Object owner, org.apache.catalina.tribes.Channel channel, long timeout, String mapContextName, int initialCapacity, ClassLoader[] cls)
Creates a new map

channel The channel to use for communication
timeout long - timeout for RPC messags
mapContextName String - unique name for this map, to allow multiple maps per channel
initialCapacity int - the size of this map, see HashMap

            super(owner, channel,timeout,mapContextName,initialCapacity, LazyReplicatedMap.DEFAULT_LOAD_FACTOR, Channel.SEND_OPTIONS_DEFAULT, cls);
public LazyReplicatedMap(Object owner, org.apache.catalina.tribes.Channel channel, long timeout, String mapContextName, ClassLoader[] cls)
Creates a new map

channel The channel to use for communication
timeout long - timeout for RPC messags
mapContextName String - unique name for this map, to allow multiple maps per channel

            super(owner, channel,timeout,mapContextName, LazyReplicatedMap.DEFAULT_INITIAL_CAPACITY,LazyReplicatedMap.DEFAULT_LOAD_FACTOR,Channel.SEND_OPTIONS_DEFAULT, cls);
Methods Summary
protected intgetStateMessageType()

        return AbstractReplicatedMap.MapMessage.MSG_STATE;
protected org.apache.catalina.tribes.Member[]publishEntryInfo(java.lang.Object key, java.lang.Object value)
publish info about a map pair (key/value) to other nodes in the cluster

key Object
value Object
Member - the backup node

        if  (! (key instanceof Serializable && value instanceof Serializable)  ) return new Member[0];
        Member[] members = getMapMembers();
        int firstIdx = getNextBackupIndex();
        int nextIdx = firstIdx;
        Member[] backup = new Member[0];
        //there are no backups
        if ( members.length == 0 || firstIdx == -1 ) return backup;
        boolean success = false;
        do {
            //select a backup node
            Member next = members[nextIdx];
            //increment for the next round of back up selection
            nextIdx = nextIdx + 1;
            if ( nextIdx >= members.length ) nextIdx = 0;
            if (next == null) {
            MapMessage msg = null;
            try {
                backup = wrap(next);
                //publish the backup data to one node
                msg = new MapMessage(getMapContextName(), MapMessage.MSG_BACKUP, false,
                                     (Serializable) key, (Serializable) value, null, backup);
                if ( log.isTraceEnabled() ) 
                    log.trace("Publishing backup data:"+msg+" to: "+next.getName());
                UniqueId id = getChannel().send(backup, msg, getChannelSendOptions());
                if ( log.isTraceEnabled() )
                    log.trace("Data published:"+msg+" msg Id:"+id);
                //we published out to a backup, mark the test success
                success = true;
            }catch ( ChannelException x ) {
                log.error("Unable to replicate backup key:"+key+" to backup:"+next+". Reason:"+x.getMessage(),x);
            try {
                //publish the data out to all nodes
                Member[] proxies = excludeFromSet(backup, getMapMembers());
                if (success && proxies.length > 0 ) {
                    msg = new MapMessage(getMapContextName(), MapMessage.MSG_PROXY, false,
                                         (Serializable) key, null, null, backup);
                    if ( log.isTraceEnabled() ) 
                    log.trace("Publishing proxy data:"+msg+" to: "+Arrays.toNameString(proxies));
                    getChannel().send(proxies, msg, getChannelSendOptions());
            }catch  ( ChannelException x ) {
                //log the error, but proceed, this should only happen if a node went down,
                //and if the node went down, then it can't receive the message, the others
                //should still get it.
                log.error("Unable to replicate proxy key:"+key+" to backup:"+next+". Reason:"+x.getMessage(),x);
        } while ( !success && (firstIdx!=nextIdx));
        return backup;