LOBValueWriterpublic class LOBValueWriter extends Object INTERNAL:
Purpose:LOBValueWriter is used to write a large size of object into an Oracle
CLOB/BLOB column through Oracle LOB Locator. It's a work-around object for the well-known 4k write
limits on an Oracle thin driver.
- Build the Oracle empty lob method call string for the insert call.
- Build the minimial SELECT call to retrieve the locator.
- Write the lob value through the locator.
- Resolve the multiple table INSERT/SELECT orders.
- Resolve the nested unit of work commit issue.
Fields Summary |
private Collection | calls | private Accessor | accessor |
Constructors Summary |
public LOBValueWriter(Accessor accessor)This is the default constructor for the class.
Bug 2804663 - Each DatabaseAccessor will now hold on to its own instance
of this class, hence a singleton pattern is not applicable.
this.accessor = accessor;
Methods Summary |
public void | addCall(oracle.toplink.essentials.queryframework.Call call)Add original (insert or update) call to the collection
if (calls == null) {
//use lazy initialization
calls = new ArrayList(2);
| protected void | buildAndExecuteCall(oracle.toplink.essentials.internal.databaseaccess.DatabaseCall dbCall, oracle.toplink.essentials.internal.sessions.AbstractSession session)
DatabaseQuery query = dbCall.getQuery();
if (!query.isWriteObjectQuery()) {
//if not writequery, should not go through the locator writing..
WriteObjectQuery writeQuery = (WriteObjectQuery)query;
//build a select statement form the query
SQLSelectStatement selectStatement = buildSelectStatementForLocator(writeQuery, dbCall, session);
//then build a call from the statement
DatabaseCall call = buildCallFromSelectStatementForLocator(selectStatement, writeQuery, dbCall, session);
accessor.executeCall(call, call.getQuery().getTranslationRow(), session);
| public void | buildAndExecuteSelectCalls(oracle.toplink.essentials.internal.sessions.AbstractSession session)Build and execute the deferred select calls.
if ((calls == null) || calls.isEmpty()) {
//no deferred select calls (it means no locator is required)
//all INSERTs have been executed, time to execute the SELECTs
try {
for (Iterator callIt = calls.iterator(); callIt.hasNext();) {
DatabaseCall dbCall = (DatabaseCall)callIt.next();
buildAndExecuteCall(dbCall, session);
} finally {
//after executing all select calls, need to empty the collection.
//this is neccessary in the nested unit of work cases.
| private oracle.toplink.essentials.internal.databaseaccess.DatabaseCall | buildCallFromSelectStatementForLocator(oracle.toplink.essentials.internal.expressions.SQLSelectStatement selectStatement, oracle.toplink.essentials.queryframework.WriteObjectQuery writeQuery, oracle.toplink.essentials.internal.databaseaccess.DatabaseCall dbCall, oracle.toplink.essentials.internal.sessions.AbstractSession session)Build the sql call from the select statement for selecting the locator
DatabaseCall call = selectStatement.buildCall(session);
//the LOB context must be passed into the new call object
//need to explictly define one rwo return, otherwise, TL assumes multiple rows return and confuses the accessor
//the query object has to be set in order to access to the platform and login objects
// prepare it
//finally do the translation
call.translate(writeQuery.getTranslationRow(), writeQuery.getModifyRow(), session);
return call;
| private oracle.toplink.essentials.internal.expressions.SQLSelectStatement | buildSelectStatementForLocator(oracle.toplink.essentials.queryframework.WriteObjectQuery writeQuery, oracle.toplink.essentials.internal.databaseaccess.DatabaseCall call, oracle.toplink.essentials.internal.sessions.AbstractSession session)Build the select statement for selecting the locator
SQLSelectStatement selectStatement = new SQLSelectStatement();
Vector tables = writeQuery.getDescriptor().getTables();
//rather than get ALL fields from the descriptor, only use the LOB-related fields to build the minimal SELECT statement.
//the where clause setting here is sufficient if the object does not map to multiple tables.
selectStatement.setWhereClause(writeQuery.getDescriptor().getObjectBuilder().buildPrimaryKeyExpressionFromObject(writeQuery.getObject(), session));
//need pessimistic locking for the locator select
if (tables.size() > 1) {
//the primary key expression from the primary table
Expression expression = selectStatement.getWhereClause();
//additioanl join from the non-primary tables
Expression additionalJoin = (Expression)writeQuery.getDescriptor().getQueryManager().getAdditionalJoinExpression();
if (additionalJoin != null) {
expression = expression.and(additionalJoin);
//where clause now contains extra joins across all tables
//normalize the statement at the end, such as assign alias to all tables, and build sorting statement
selectStatement.normalize(session, writeQuery.getDescriptor());
return selectStatement;
| public void | fetchLocatorAndWriteValue(oracle.toplink.essentials.internal.databaseaccess.DatabaseCall dbCall, java.lang.Object resultSet)Fetch the locator(s) from the result set and write LOB value to the table
Enumeration enumFields = dbCall.getContexts().getFields().elements();
Enumeration enumValues = dbCall.getContexts().getValues().elements();
AbstractSession executionSession = dbCall.getQuery().getSession().getExecutionSession(dbCall.getQuery());
while (enumFields.hasMoreElements()) {
DatabaseField field = (DatabaseField)enumFields.nextElement();
Object value = enumValues.nextElement();
//write the value through the locator
executionSession.getPlatform().writeLOB(field, value, (ResultSet)resultSet, executionSession);