Fields Summary |
public static final String | APP_ID_KEYApplication ID |
public static final String | NAME_KEYName of the web service |
public static final String | END_POINT_URI_KEYRelative end point URI |
public static final String | IS_STAND_ALONE_MODULE_KEYDecides if this web service end point is in a stand alone
Module or not. |
public static final String | BUNDLE_NAME_KEYBundle (embedded module) name, if applicable |
public static final String | SERVICE_IMPL_NAME_KEYEJB or Servlet name |
public static final String | SERVICE_IMPL_CLASS_KEYEJB or Servlet class name |
public static final String | SERVICE_IMPL_TYPE_KEYWeb service implementation type - @see #EJB_IMPL or @see #SERVLET_IMPL |
public static final String | WSDL_FILE_KEYWSDL file |
public static final String | WEB_SERVICES_FILE_KEYwebservices.xml file |
public static final String | WSDL_FILE_LOCATION_KEYWSDL location file |
public static final String | MAPPING_FILE_KEYMapping file |
public static final String | MAPPING_FILE_LOCATION_KEYMapping file location |
public static final String | APPLICATION_XML_KEYapplication.xml file |
public static final String | WEB_XML_KEYweb.xml file |
public static final String | EJB_XML_KEYejb.xml file |
public static final String | SUN_WEB_XML_KEYsun-web.xml file |
public static final String | SUN_EJB_XML_KEYejb.xml file |
public static final String | EJB_IMPLEJB implementation type name |
public static final String | SERVLET_IMPLServlet implementation type name |
public static final String | CLASS_NAMEThis interface's class name |
public static final String | THROUGHPUT_STATISTICThrouput statistic's name |
public static final String | SERVICE_URL_KEYService URL's name |
public static final String | IS_SECURE_KEYDecides if this web service end point is secured or not. |
Methods Summary |
public java.lang.String | getAppID()Returns the name of the application or stand alone module that has
this web service.
Corresponds to the {@link #APP_ID_KEY} key.
public java.lang.String | getApplicationXML()Gets the application.xml file. This will be null for web service in a
standalone module.
Corresponds to the {@link #APPLICATION_XML_KEY} key.
public java.lang.String | getBundleName()Returns the module name within a EAR or null if it is a stand alone
Corresponds to the {@link #BUNDLE_NAME_KEY} key.
public java.lang.String[] | getDescriptors()Returns the descriptor . The descriptors includes:
mapping file
in the above specified order. If the alt WSDL location is specified
in the archive, the overridden (correct) WSDL file is returned.
public java.lang.String | getEJBXML()Gets the ejb.xml file. This will be null for Servlet web service
Corresponds to the {@link #EJB_XML_KEY} key.
public java.lang.String | getEndpointURI()Returns the relative URI of this endpoint.
Corresponds to the {@link #END_POINT_URI_KEY} key.
public java.lang.String | getMappingFile()Returns the mapping file. This is null for JAX-WS applications.
Corresponds to the {@link #MAPPING_FILE_KEY} key.
public java.lang.String | getName()Returns the name of the WebService.
Corresponds to the {@link #NAME_KEY} key.
public java.lang.String | getServiceImplClass()Returns the implementation Ejb or Servlet class name of this web service.
Corresponds to the {@link #SERVICE_IMPL_CLASS_KEY} key.
public java.lang.String | getServiceImplName()Returns the implementation Ejb or Servlet name of this web service.
Corresponds to the {@link #SERVICE_IMPL_NAME_KEY} key.
public java.lang.String | getServiceImplType()Returns the implementation type of this web service.
Corresponds to the {@link #SERVICE_IMPL_TYPE_KEY} key.
public java.lang.String | getServiceURL()Gets the service URL of this web service endpoint.
Corresponds to the {@link #SERVICE_URL_KEY} key.
public java.lang.String | getSunEJBXML()Gets the sun-ejb.xml file. This will be null for Servlet web service
Corresponds to the {@link #SUN_EJB_XML_KEY} key.
public java.lang.String | getSunWebXML()Gets the sun-web.xml file. This will be null for EJB web service
Corresponds to the {@link #SUN_WEB_XML_KEY} key.
public java.lang.String | getWSDLFile()Returns the WSDL file
Corresponds to the {@link #WSDL_FILE_KEY} key.
public java.lang.String | getWebXML()Gets the web.xml file. This will be null for EJB web service endpoints.
Corresponds to the {@link #WEB_XML_KEY} key.
public java.lang.String | getWebservicesFile()Returns the webservices.xml file .
Corresponds to the {@link #WEB_SERVICES_FILE_KEY} key.
public boolean | isAppStandaloneModule()Returns true if this web service belongs to a stand alone module.
Corresponds to the {@link #IS_STAND_ALONE_MODULE_KEY} key.
public boolean | isSecure()Returns true if this web service is secured or not.
Corresponds to the {@link #IS_SECURE_KEY} key.