StringParser.javaAPI DocJ2ME CLDC 1.19894Wed Feb 05 15:56:04 GMT 2003kdp.classparser


public class StringParser extends Object
A class that is used to parse the strings encountered in a Java class file into their "correct" representation. i.e. in a class file the parameters to the main method are encoded as "[Ljava/lang/String;" and should be displayed as "java.lang.String[]"
Aaron Dietrich
$Id:,v 2000/07/07 13:34:23 jrv Exp $ Revision History $Log:,v $ Revision 2000/07/07 13:34:23 jrv Initial import of kdp code Revision 2000/05/31 19:14:47 ritsun Initial import of kvmdt to CVS Revision 1.1 2000/04/25 00:36:43 ritsun Initial revision

Fields Summary
Constructors Summary
Methods Summary
private static java.lang.StringgetFirstParam(java.lang.String s)
Copies the first parameter from the input string and returns it. It does not alter the input string.

s the list of parameters to a method
String the first parameter of the method

      //build the first parameter in this String
      String        retVal = new String ("");

      //examine the first character to determine the parameter
      switch (s.charAt (0))
         case 'V" : retVal = "V"; break; //void

         case 'B" : retVal = "B"; break; //byte

         case 'C" : retVal = "C"; break; //char

         case 'D" : retVal = "D"; break; //double

         case 'F" : retVal = "F"; break; //float

         case 'I" : retVal = "I"; break; //integer

         case 'J" : retVal = "J"; break; //long

         //a class... the class name is terminated by a ";"
         case 'L" : int index = s.indexOf (';");
                       retVal = s.substring (0, index + 1);

         case 'S" : retVal = "S"; break; //short

         case 'Z" : retVal = "Z"; break; //boolean

         //an array...  recursively call without the "["
         //but put the "[" back on after the parameter
         //has been extracted so that it can be pattern matched
         //later for the whole parameter signature
         case '[" : retVal = "[" + getFirstParam (s.substring (1));

         //something weird... just use the input string
         default : retVal = s; break;
      return retVal;
public static java.util.LinkedListgetParametersAsLL(java.lang.String s)
Extracts the parameters from the passed in method signature and puts them in a linked list of strings.

s Encoded method signature
LinkedList the parameters of a method in a linked list of strings

      LinkedList         paramList = new LinkedList ();
      //the method parameters are extracted into this string
      String    methodParams;

      //index is the index of the character denoting the
      //end of the parameter list
      int        index = s.lastIndexOf (')");

      //extract out the list of method parameters from
      //the method signature
      methodParams = new String (s.substring (1, index));

      if (methodParams.length () == 0)
        return null;
        {//loop until there are no parameters left to decode
         while (methodParams.length () != 0)
            //grab the first parameter out of the list
            String        firstParam = getFirstParam (methodParams);

            paramList.add (parseDataType (firstParam));
            //get the length of the method parameter string
            int length = methodParams.length ();
            //get the length of the first parameter
            int firstParamLength = firstParam.length ();

            //remove the first parameter from the method parameter string
            methodParams = methodParams.substring (firstParamLength, length);

      return paramList;
public static java.lang.StringgetReturnValue(java.lang.String s)
Convert the passed in encoded string into it's full form

s an encoded method return value
String the full form of s

      int      lastIndex = s.lastIndexOf (")");

      String   returnValue = s.substring (lastIndex + 1);

      return parseDataType (returnValue);
public static java.lang.StringparseClassName(java.lang.String s)
A simpler version of class name parsing. Just replaces "/" with ".".

s the input string
String the parsed output string

      String        retVal = new String (s);

      retVal = retVal.replace ('/", '.");

      return retVal;
private static java.lang.StringparseClassNameRemoveFirst(java.lang.String s)
Another local method that converts a class name to it's "correct" form. It replaces "/" with "." and removes ";" and removes the first character, often an "L".

      String        retVal = new String (s);

      retVal = retVal.substring (1);

      retVal = retVal.replace ('/", '.");
      retVal = retVal.replace (';", ' ");
      retVal = retVal.trim ();

      return retVal;
public static java.lang.StringparseDataType(java.lang.String s)
Parses an input string representing a Java primitive ID or class name, or array as extracted from a Java class file. It returns the "correct" readable representation of the string.

s input string as read from a Java class file.
String the resulting string

      //build the result in here by branching based on
      //the first character of the input string
      //and placing the appropriate word form of the
      //datatype or class name in the result string
      String        retVal = new String ("");

      switch (s.charAt (0))
         case 'V" : retVal = "void"; break;

         case 'B" : retVal = "byte"; break;

         case 'C" : retVal = "char"; break;

         case 'D" : retVal = "double"; break;

         case 'F" : retVal = "float"; break;

         case 'I" : retVal = "int"; break;

         case 'J" : retVal = "long"; break;

         case 'L" : retVal = parseClassNameRemoveFirst (s); break;

         case 'S" : retVal = "short"; break;

         case 'Z" : retVal = "boolean"; break;

         case '[" : retVal = parseDataType (s.substring (1, s.length ())) + "[]"; break;

         default : retVal = s; break;
      return retVal;
public static java.lang.StringparseSignature(java.lang.String s)
Parses the String s into a string that contains a list of parameters and a return value. The String s must be a properly formatted method signature as read in from a Java class file.

s properly formatted method signature as read in from a Java class file.
String string containing a list of method parameters and the return value.

      //build the return string in retVal
      String    retVal = new String ("");
      //the method parameters are extracted into this string
      String    methodParams;
      //the method return value is extracted into this string
      String    methodReturnVal;
      //used to determine what parameter we are on so a
      // ", " can be put in the string if necessary to
      //separate parameters
      int        timesThrough = 0;

      //index is the index of the character denoting the
      //end of the parameter list
      int        index = s.lastIndexOf (')");

      //extract out the list of method parameters from
      //the method signature
      methodParams = new String (s.substring (1, index));

      //build the parameter list
      retVal = retVal + "Params: ";
      if (methodParams.length () == 0)
        //there are no parameters
        retVal = retVal + "None";
        {//loop until there are no parameters left to decode
         while (methodParams.length () != 0)
            //grab the first parameter out of the list
            String        firstParam = getFirstParam (methodParams);
            //if this is not the first parameter we examined put
            //a ", " in the new list to separate the parameters
            if (timesThrough > 0)
              retVal = retVal + ", ";

            //convert the class file representation of the first
            //parameter into the "correct" readable format  
            retVal = retVal + parseDataType (firstParam);
            //get the length of the method parameter string
            int length = methodParams.length ();
            //get the length of the first parameter
            int firstParamLength = firstParam.length ();
            //remove the first parameter from the method parameter
            methodParams = methodParams.substring (firstParamLength, length);
      //get the length of the input string
      int         length = s.length ();
      //grab the return value by taking a substring out of
      //the input from the end of the parameter list to the end
      methodReturnVal = new String (s.substring (index + 1, length));
      //build the final string
      retVal = retVal + "\n\t\t\tReturn: " + getReturnValue (methodReturnVal);
      return retVal;