TestWildcard.javaAPI DocApache Lucene 2.2.09841Sat Jun 16 22:20:28 BST


public class TestWildcard extends TestCase
TestWildcard tests the '*' and '?' wildcard characters.
$Id: 515908 2007-03-08 03:37:12Z buschmi $
Otis Gospodnetic

Fields Summary
Constructors Summary
Methods Summary
private voidassertMatches( searcher, q, int expectedMatches)

    Hits result =;
    assertEquals(expectedMatches, result.length());
private field, java.lang.String[] contents)

    RAMDirectory indexStore = new RAMDirectory();
    IndexWriter writer = new IndexWriter(indexStore, new SimpleAnalyzer(), true);
    for (int i = 0; i < contents.length; ++i) {
      Document doc = new Document();
      doc.add(new Field(field, contents[i], Field.Store.YES, Field.Index.TOKENIZED));

    return indexStore;
public voidtestAsterisk()
Tests Wildcard queries with an asterisk.

    RAMDirectory indexStore = getIndexStore("body", new String[]
    {"metal", "metals"});
    IndexSearcher searcher = new IndexSearcher(indexStore);
    Query query1 = new TermQuery(new Term("body", "metal"));
    Query query2 = new WildcardQuery(new Term("body", "metal*"));
    Query query3 = new WildcardQuery(new Term("body", "m*tal"));
    Query query4 = new WildcardQuery(new Term("body", "m*tal*"));
    Query query5 = new WildcardQuery(new Term("body", "m*tals"));

    BooleanQuery query6 = new BooleanQuery();
    query6.add(query5, BooleanClause.Occur.SHOULD);

    BooleanQuery query7 = new BooleanQuery();
    query7.add(query3, BooleanClause.Occur.SHOULD);
    query7.add(query5, BooleanClause.Occur.SHOULD);

    // Queries do not automatically lower-case search terms:
    Query query8 = new WildcardQuery(new Term("body", "M*tal*"));

    assertMatches(searcher, query1, 1);
    assertMatches(searcher, query2, 2);
    assertMatches(searcher, query3, 1);
    assertMatches(searcher, query4, 2);
    assertMatches(searcher, query5, 1);
    assertMatches(searcher, query6, 1);
    assertMatches(searcher, query7, 2);
    assertMatches(searcher, query8, 0);
    assertMatches(searcher, new WildcardQuery(new Term("body", "*tall")), 0);
    assertMatches(searcher, new WildcardQuery(new Term("body", "*tal")), 1);
    assertMatches(searcher, new WildcardQuery(new Term("body", "*tal*")), 2);
public voidtestEquals()

    WildcardQuery wq1 = new WildcardQuery(new Term("field", "b*a"));
    WildcardQuery wq2 = new WildcardQuery(new Term("field", "b*a"));
    WildcardQuery wq3 = new WildcardQuery(new Term("field", "b*a"));

    // reflexive?
    assertEquals(wq1, wq2);
    assertEquals(wq2, wq1);

    // transitive?
    assertEquals(wq2, wq3);
    assertEquals(wq1, wq3);


    FuzzyQuery fq = new FuzzyQuery(new Term("field", "b*a"));
public voidtestParsingAndSearching()
Test that wild card queries are parsed to the correct type and are searched correctly. This test looks at both parsing and execution of wildcard queries. Although placed here, it also tests prefix queries, verifying that prefix queries are not parsed into wild card queries, and viceversa.


    String field = "content";
    boolean dbg = false;
    QueryParser qp = new QueryParser(field, new WhitespaceAnalyzer());
    String docs[] = {
        "\\ abcdefg1",
        "\\79 hijklmn1",
        "\\\\ opqrstu1",
    // queries that should find all docs
    String matchAll[] = {
        "*", "*1", "**1", "*?", "*?1", "?*1", "**", "***", "\\\\*"
    // queries that should find no docs
    String matchNone[] = {
        "a*h", "a?h", "*a*h", "?a", "a?",
    // queries that should be parsed to prefix queries
    String matchOneDocPrefix[][] = {
        {"a*", "ab*", "abc*", }, // these should find only doc 0 
        {"h*", "hi*", "hij*", "\\\\7*"}, // these should find only doc 1
        {"o*", "op*", "opq*", "\\\\\\\\*"}, // these should find only doc 2
    // queries that should be parsed to wildcard queries
    String matchOneDocWild[][] = {
        {"*a*", "*ab*", "*abc**", "ab*e*", "*g?", "*f?1", "abc**"}, // these should find only doc 0
        {"*h*", "*hi*", "*hij**", "hi*k*", "*n?", "*m?1", "hij**"}, // these should find only doc 1
        {"*o*", "*op*", "*opq**", "op*q*", "*u?", "*t?1", "opq**"}, // these should find only doc 2

    // prepare the index
    RAMDirectory dir = new RAMDirectory();
    IndexWriter iw = new IndexWriter(dir, new WhitespaceAnalyzer());
    for (int i = 0; i < docs.length; i++) {
      Document doc = new Document();
      doc.add(new Field(field,docs[i],Store.NO,Index.TOKENIZED));
    IndexSearcher searcher = new IndexSearcher(dir);
    // test queries that must find all
    for (int i = 0; i < matchAll.length; i++) {
      String qtxt = matchAll[i];
      Query q = qp.parse(qtxt);
      if (dbg) System.out.println("matchAll: qtxt="+qtxt+" q="+q+" "+q.getClass().getName());
      Hits hits =;
    // test queries that must find none
    for (int i = 0; i < matchNone.length; i++) {
      String qtxt = matchNone[i];
      Query q = qp.parse(qtxt);
      if (dbg) System.out.println("matchNone: qtxt="+qtxt+" q="+q+" "+q.getClass().getName());
      Hits hits =;

    // test queries that must be prefix queries and must find only one doc
    for (int i = 0; i < matchOneDocPrefix.length; i++) {
      for (int j = 0; j < matchOneDocPrefix[i].length; j++) {
        String qtxt = matchOneDocPrefix[i][j];
        Query q = qp.parse(qtxt);
        if (dbg) System.out.println("match 1 prefix: doc="+docs[i]+" qtxt="+qtxt+" q="+q+" "+q.getClass().getName());
        assertEquals(PrefixQuery.class, q.getClass());
        Hits hits =;

    // test queries that must be wildcard queries and must find only one doc
    for (int i = 0; i < matchOneDocPrefix.length; i++) {
      for (int j = 0; j < matchOneDocWild[i].length; j++) {
        String qtxt = matchOneDocWild[i][j];
        Query q = qp.parse(qtxt);
        if (dbg) System.out.println("match 1 wild: doc="+docs[i]+" qtxt="+qtxt+" q="+q+" "+q.getClass().getName());
        assertEquals(WildcardQuery.class, q.getClass());
        Hits hits =;

public voidtestQuestionmark()
Tests Wildcard queries with a question mark.

IOException if an error occurs

    RAMDirectory indexStore = getIndexStore("body", new String[]
    {"metal", "metals", "mXtals", "mXtXls"});
    IndexSearcher searcher = new IndexSearcher(indexStore);
    Query query1 = new WildcardQuery(new Term("body", "m?tal"));
    Query query2 = new WildcardQuery(new Term("body", "metal?"));
    Query query3 = new WildcardQuery(new Term("body", "metals?"));
    Query query4 = new WildcardQuery(new Term("body", "m?t?ls"));
    Query query5 = new WildcardQuery(new Term("body", "M?t?ls"));
    Query query6 = new WildcardQuery(new Term("body", "meta??"));
    assertMatches(searcher, query1, 1); 
    assertMatches(searcher, query2, 1);
    assertMatches(searcher, query3, 0);
    assertMatches(searcher, query4, 3);
    assertMatches(searcher, query5, 0);
    assertMatches(searcher, query6, 1); // Query: 'meta??' matches 'metals' not 'metal'
public voidtestTermWithoutWildcard()
Tests if a WildcardQuery that has no wildcard in the term is rewritten to a single TermQuery.

      RAMDirectory indexStore = getIndexStore("field", new String[]{"nowildcard", "nowildcardx"});
      IndexSearcher searcher = new IndexSearcher(indexStore);

      Query wq = new WildcardQuery(new Term("field", "nowildcard"));
      assertMatches(searcher, wq, 1);

      wq = searcher.rewrite(wq);
      assertTrue(wq instanceof TermQuery);