Methods Summary |
public abstract boolean | readBoolean()Reads a boolean.
public abstract byte | readByte()Reads an 8-bit byte value.
public abstract char | readChar()Reads a 16-bit character value.
public abstract double | readDouble()Reads a 64-bit double value.
public abstract float | readFloat()Reads a 32-bit float value.
public abstract void | readFully(byte[] buffer)Reads bytes into the byte array {@code buffer}. This method will block
until {@code buffer.length} number of bytes have been read.
public abstract void | readFully(byte[] buffer, int offset, int count)Reads bytes and stores them in the byte array {@code buffer} starting at
offset {@code offset}. This method blocks until {@code count} number of
bytes have been read.
public abstract int | readInt()Reads a 32-bit integer value.
public abstract java.lang.String | readLine()Returns a string containing the next line of text available from this
stream. A line is made of zero or more characters followed by {@code
'\n'}, {@code '\r'}, {@code "\r\n"} or the end of the stream. The string
does not include the newline sequence.
public abstract long | readLong()Reads a 64-bit long value.
public abstract short | readShort()Reads a 16-bit short value.
public abstract java.lang.String | readUTF()Reads a string encoded with {@link DataInput modified UTF-8}.
public abstract int | readUnsignedByte()Reads an unsigned 8-bit byte value and returns it as an int.
public abstract int | readUnsignedShort()Reads a 16-bit unsigned short value and returns it as an int.
public abstract int | skipBytes(int count)Skips {@code count} number of bytes. This method will not throw an
{@link EOFException} if the end of the input is reached before
{@code count} bytes where skipped.