MD4.javaAPI DocJCIFS 1.3.17 API9812Tue Oct 18 15:26:24 BST 2011jcifs.util


public class MD4 extends MessageDigest implements Cloneable
Implements the MD4 message digest algorithm in Java.


  1. Ronald L. Rivest, " The MD4 Message-Digest Algorithm", IETF RFC-1320 (informational).

$Revision: 1.2 $

Raif S. Naffah

Fields Summary
private static final int
The size in bytes of the input block to the tranformation algorithm.
private int[]
4 32-bit words (interim result)
private long
Number of bytes processed so far mod. 2 power of 64.
private byte[]
512 bits input buffer = 16 x 32-bit words holds until reaches 512 bits.
private int[]
512 bits work buffer = 16 x 32-bit words
Constructors Summary
public MD4()

// Constructors

private MD4(MD4 md)
This constructor is here to implement cloneability of this class.

        context = (int[])md.context.clone();
        buffer = (byte[])md.buffer.clone();
        count = md.count;
Methods Summary
private intFF(int a, int b, int c, int d, int x, int s)

        int t = a + ((b & c) | (~b & d)) + x;
        return t << s | t >>> (32 - s);
private intGG(int a, int b, int c, int d, int x, int s)

        int t = a + ((b & (c | d)) | (c & d)) + x + 0x5A827999;
        return t << s | t >>> (32 - s);
private intHH(int a, int b, int c, int d, int x, int s)

        int t = a + (b ^ c ^ d) + x + 0x6ED9EBA1;
        return t << s | t >>> (32 - s);
public java.lang.Objectclone()
Returns a copy of this MD object.

 return new MD4(this); 
public byte[]engineDigest()
Completes the hash computation by performing final operations such as padding. At the return of this engineDigest, the MD engine is reset.

the array of bytes for the resulting hash value.

        // pad output to 56 mod 64; as RFC1320 puts it: congruent to 448 mod 512
        int bufferNdx = (int)(count % BLOCK_LENGTH);
        int padLen = (bufferNdx < 56) ? (56 - bufferNdx) : (120 - bufferNdx);

        // padding is alwas binary 1 followed by binary 0s
        byte[] tail = new byte[padLen + 8];
        tail[0] = (byte)0x80;

        // append length before final transform:
        // save number of bits, casting the long to an array of 8 bytes
        // save low-order byte first.
        for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++)
            tail[padLen + i] = (byte)((count * 8) >>> (8 * i));

        engineUpdate(tail, 0, tail.length);

        byte[] result = new byte[16];
        // cast this MD4's context (array of 4 ints) into an array of 16 bytes.
        for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
            for (int j = 0; j < 4; j++)
                result[i * 4 + j] = (byte)(context[i] >>> (8 * j));

        // reset the engine
        return result;
public voidengineReset()
Resets this object disregarding any temporary data present at the time of the invocation of this call.

        // initial values of MD4 i.e. A, B, C, D
        // as per rfc-1320; they are low-order byte first
        context[0] = 0x67452301;
        context[1] = 0xEFCDAB89;
        context[2] = 0x98BADCFE;
        context[3] = 0x10325476;
        count = 0L;
        for (int i = 0; i < BLOCK_LENGTH; i++)
            buffer[i] = 0;
public voidengineUpdate(byte b)
Continues an MD4 message digest using the input byte.

        // compute number of bytes still unhashed; ie. present in buffer
        int i = (int)(count % BLOCK_LENGTH);
        count++;                                        // update number of bytes
        buffer[i] = b;
        if (i == BLOCK_LENGTH - 1)
            transform(buffer, 0);
public voidengineUpdate(byte[] input, int offset, int len)
MD4 block update operation.

Continues an MD4 message digest operation, by filling the buffer, transform(ing) data in 512-bit message block(s), updating the variables context and count, and leaving (buffering) the remaining bytes in buffer for the next update or finish.

input input block
offset start of meaningful bytes in input
len count of bytes in input block to consider

        // make sure we don't exceed input's allocated size/length
        if (offset < 0 || len < 0 || (long)offset + len > input.length)
            throw new ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException();

        // compute number of bytes still unhashed; ie. present in buffer
        int bufferNdx = (int)(count % BLOCK_LENGTH);
        count += len;                                        // update number of bytes
        int partLen = BLOCK_LENGTH - bufferNdx;
        int i = 0;
        if (len >= partLen) {
            System.arraycopy(input, offset, buffer, bufferNdx, partLen);

            transform(buffer, 0);

            for (i = partLen; i + BLOCK_LENGTH - 1 < len; i+= BLOCK_LENGTH)
                transform(input, offset + i);
            bufferNdx = 0;
        // buffer remaining input
        if (i < len)
            System.arraycopy(input, offset + i, buffer, bufferNdx, len - i);
private voidtransform(byte[] block, int offset)
MD4 basic transformation.

Transforms context based on 512 bits from input block starting from the offset'th byte.

block input sub-array.
offset starting position of sub-array.

        // encodes 64 bytes from input block into an array of 16 32-bit
        // entities. Use A as a temp var.
        for (int i = 0; i < 16; i++)
            X[i] = (block[offset++] & 0xFF)       |
                   (block[offset++] & 0xFF) <<  8 |
                   (block[offset++] & 0xFF) << 16 |
                   (block[offset++] & 0xFF) << 24;

        int A = context[0];
        int B = context[1];
        int C = context[2];
        int D = context[3];

        A = FF(A, B, C, D, X[ 0],  3);
        D = FF(D, A, B, C, X[ 1],  7);
        C = FF(C, D, A, B, X[ 2], 11);
        B = FF(B, C, D, A, X[ 3], 19);
        A = FF(A, B, C, D, X[ 4],  3);
        D = FF(D, A, B, C, X[ 5],  7);
        C = FF(C, D, A, B, X[ 6], 11);
        B = FF(B, C, D, A, X[ 7], 19);
        A = FF(A, B, C, D, X[ 8],  3);
        D = FF(D, A, B, C, X[ 9],  7);
        C = FF(C, D, A, B, X[10], 11);
        B = FF(B, C, D, A, X[11], 19);
        A = FF(A, B, C, D, X[12],  3);
        D = FF(D, A, B, C, X[13],  7);
        C = FF(C, D, A, B, X[14], 11);
        B = FF(B, C, D, A, X[15], 19);

        A = GG(A, B, C, D, X[ 0],  3);
        D = GG(D, A, B, C, X[ 4],  5);
        C = GG(C, D, A, B, X[ 8],  9);
        B = GG(B, C, D, A, X[12], 13);
        A = GG(A, B, C, D, X[ 1],  3);
        D = GG(D, A, B, C, X[ 5],  5);
        C = GG(C, D, A, B, X[ 9],  9);
        B = GG(B, C, D, A, X[13], 13);
        A = GG(A, B, C, D, X[ 2],  3);
        D = GG(D, A, B, C, X[ 6],  5);
        C = GG(C, D, A, B, X[10],  9);
        B = GG(B, C, D, A, X[14], 13);
        A = GG(A, B, C, D, X[ 3],  3);
        D = GG(D, A, B, C, X[ 7],  5);
        C = GG(C, D, A, B, X[11],  9);
        B = GG(B, C, D, A, X[15], 13);

        A = HH(A, B, C, D, X[ 0],  3);
        D = HH(D, A, B, C, X[ 8],  9);
        C = HH(C, D, A, B, X[ 4], 11);
        B = HH(B, C, D, A, X[12], 15);
        A = HH(A, B, C, D, X[ 2],  3);
        D = HH(D, A, B, C, X[10],  9);
        C = HH(C, D, A, B, X[ 6], 11);
        B = HH(B, C, D, A, X[14], 15);
        A = HH(A, B, C, D, X[ 1],  3);
        D = HH(D, A, B, C, X[ 9],  9);
        C = HH(C, D, A, B, X[ 5], 11);
        B = HH(B, C, D, A, X[13], 15);
        A = HH(A, B, C, D, X[ 3],  3);
        D = HH(D, A, B, C, X[11],  9);
        C = HH(C, D, A, B, X[ 7], 11);
        B = HH(B, C, D, A, X[15], 15);

        context[0] += A;
        context[1] += B;
        context[2] += C;
        context[3] += D;