AppclientJWSSupportManager.javaAPI DocGlassfish v2 API9636Fri May 04 22:34:12 BST 2007com.sun.enterprise.appclient.jws


public class AppclientJWSSupportManager extends Object implements com.sun.enterprise.server.event.ApplicationLoaderEventListener, com.sun.enterprise.server.event.ApplicationClientLoaderEventListener
Singleton that keeps the AppclientJWSSupportInfo up-to-date as applications and app clients are loaded and unloaded and as the administrator enables and disables Java Web Start access to them.

Fields Summary
private static Logger
private static AppclientJWSSupportManager
the singleton instance
private AppclientJWSSupportInfo
the data structure shared with the system web app
private static final String
system property name used to turn off JWS feature
private final boolean
indicates if JWS handling is turned on or off via property
Constructors Summary
private AppclientJWSSupportManager()
Creates a new instance of AppclientJWSSupportManager

         *If the JWS feature is turned on (the default), register this object
         *as a listener for app loader and app client loader events.
        if (isJWSFeatureOn) {
            ApplicationLoaderEventNotifier.getInstance().addListener((ApplicationLoaderEventListener) this);
            ApplicationLoaderEventNotifier.getInstance().addListener((ApplicationClientLoaderEventListener) this);
        } else {
  "Java Web Start support turned off by " + JWS_FEATURE_ON_PROPERTY_NAME);
Methods Summary
public static synchronized com.sun.enterprise.appclient.jws.AppclientJWSSupportManagergetInstance()
Returns the singleton instance.

the instance of the manager

        if (instance == null) {
            instance = new AppclientJWSSupportManager();
            if (instance.isJWSFeatureOn) {
                try {
                     *Obtain the data structure object.
                    instance.jwsInfo = AppclientJWSSupportInfo.getInstance();
                } catch (IOException ioe) {
                    _logger.log(Level.SEVERE, "Error initializing Java Web Start support information", ioe);
                } catch (Exception e) {
                    throw new RuntimeException(e);
        return instance;
public voidhandleApplicationClientEvent(com.sun.enterprise.server.event.ApplicationClientEvent event)
Responds to app client events broadcast by the instance.

the event describing what has happened

         *Respond to after-load or before-unload events.
        int eventType = event.getEventType();
        if ((eventType == event.BEFORE_APPLICATION_CLIENT_LOAD) ||
            (eventType == event.AFTER_APPLICATION_CLIENT_UNLOAD) ) {
         *Find out if this app client is eligible for Java Web Start access.
        Application app = event.getApplication();
         *The Application object wraps the app client, so there should be only
         *a single nested module (at most) representing the app client itself.
        ModuleDescriptor [] mds = NamingConventions.getEligibleAppclientModuleDescriptors(app);
        if (mds.length > 1) {
            _logger.warning("During app client loading, expected exactly one app client module in the wrapping application but found more; using the first one and ignoring the others");
        } else if (mds.length == 0) {
            _logger.warning("During app client loading, expected exactly one app client module in the wrapping application but found none; ignoring this app client and continuing");
        try {
            if (eventType == event.AFTER_APPLICATION_CLIENT_LOAD) {
                jwsInfo.startJWSServicesForAppclient(app, mds[0], event.getConfigContext());
            } else if (eventType == event.BEFORE_APPLICATION_CLIENT_UNLOAD) {
                jwsInfo.endJWSServicesForAppclient(app, mds[0], event.getConfigContext());
        } catch (Throwable thr) {
            _logger.log(Level.SEVERE, "Error updating Java Web Start information for app client " + app.getRegistrationName(), thr);
public voidhandleApplicationEvent(com.sun.enterprise.server.event.ApplicationEvent event)
Responds to an application-related event broadcast by the instance.

the ApplicationEvent describing what has happened

         *Respond to after-load or before-unload events.
        int eventType = event.getEventType();
        if ((eventType == event.BEFORE_APPLICATION_LOAD) ||
            (eventType == event.AFTER_APPLICATION_UNLOAD) ) {
         *Get the module descriptors (if any) for eligible nested app clients.
         *If there are any, start Java Web Start services for this app and
         *those eligible app clients.
        Application app = event.getApplication();
        ModuleDescriptor [] mds = NamingConventions.getEligibleAppclientModuleDescriptors(app);
        if (mds.length > 0) {
            try {
                if (eventType == event.AFTER_APPLICATION_LOAD) {
                    jwsInfo.startJWSServicesForApplication(app, mds, event.getConfigContext());
                } else if (eventType == event.BEFORE_APPLICATION_UNLOAD) {
                    jwsInfo.endJWSServicesForApplication(app, mds, event.getConfigContext());
            } catch (Throwable thr) {
                _logger.log(Level.SEVERE, "Error updating Java Web Start information for application " + app.getRegistrationName(), thr);

public voidhandleEjbContainerEvent(com.sun.enterprise.server.event.EjbContainerEvent ejbContainerEvent)
No-op implementation needed to conform to the interface.

public voidstartJWSServicesForDeployedAppclients()
Register all deployed appclients with JWS service. This will be called by OnDemand initialization framework, when webcontainer starts.
