Fields Summary |
public static final int | PAYMENT_ID_BASEThe starting value of the resource keys. |
public static final int | PAYMENT_PROV_SEL_DLG_NEVERResource string. never |
public static final int | PAYMENT_PROV_SEL_DLG_NOResource string. No |
public static final int | PAYMENT_PROV_SEL_DLG_YESResource string. Yes |
public static final int | PAYMENT_PROV_SEL_DLG_UPDATEResource string. Update |
public static final int | PAYMENT_UPDATE_DLG_STOPResource string. Stop |
public static final int | PAYMENT_UPDATE_DLG_CAPTIONResource string. Updating payment information... |
public static final int | PAYMENT_PROV_SEL_DLG_PAY_BYResource string. Pay by |
public static final int | PAYMENT_PROV_SEL_DLG_UPDATE_DATEResource string. Update date: |
public static final int | PAYMENT_PROV_SEL_DLG_UPDATE_STAMPResource string. Update stamp: |
public static final int | PAYMENT_UPDATE_DLG_CANCELLINGResource string. Cancelling... |
public static final int | PAYMENT_UPDATE_DLG_CONNECTINGResource string. Connecting... |
public static final int | PAYMENT_UPDATE_DLG_SENDINGResource string. Sending request... |
public static final int | PAYMENT_UPDATE_DLG_WAITINGResource string. Waiting for server... |
public static final int | PAYMENT_UPDATE_DLG_DOWNLOADINGResource string. Downloading... |
public static final int | PAYMENT_UPDATE_DLG_VERIFYINGResource string. Verifying... |
public static final int | PAYMENT_UPDATE_DLG_RETRYResource string. (Retry %1/%2) |
public static final int | PAYMENT_ERROR_DLG_CAPTIONResource string. Update Error |
public static final int | PAYMENT_ERROR_PREFIXResource string. Can not update. |
public static final int | PAYMENT_ERROR_SUFFIXResource string.
Contact your application provider to correct this situation. |
public static final int | PAYMENT_ERROR_PERMISSIONSResource string.
The application has not got permission to download the update file from
the server. |
public static final int | PAYMENT_ERROR_DOWNLOAD_FAILEDResource string. Failed to download the update file from the server. |
public static final int | PAYMENT_ERROR_UPDATE_NOT_SUPPORTEDResource string.
The payment information on the server is not supported. |
public static final int | PAYMENT_ERROR_UPDATE_NOT_YET_VALIDResource string.
The payment information on the server is not yet valid. |
public static final int | PAYMENT_ERROR_UPDATE_EXPIREDResource string. The payment information on the server is expired. |
public static final int | PAYMENT_ERROR_UPDATE_INVALIDResource string. The payment information on the server is invalid. |
public static final int | PAYMENT_ERROR_UPDATE_INCOMPLETEResource string. The payment information on the server is incomplete. |
public static final int | PAYMENT_ERROR_UPDATE_NOT_FOUNDResource string.
The payment update file has not been found at its URL. |
public static final int | PAYMENT_ERROR_CONNECTION_FAILEDResource string. Connection with the server failed. |
public static final int | PAYMENT_ERROR_UPDATE_INVALID_TYPEResource string.
The payment information on the server is of an invalid type. |
public static final int | PAYMENT_ERROR_CERTIFICATE_EXPIREDResource string.
The certificate used to sign the update file on the server is expired or
not yet valid. |
public static final int | PAYMENT_ERROR_CERTIFICATE_INCORRECTResource string.
The certificate used to sign the update file on the server is incorrect
or unsupported. |
public static final int | PAYMENT_ERROR_CERTIFICATE_UNTRUSTEDResource string.
The certificate used to sign the update file on the server is not
trusted. |
public static final int | PAYMENT_ERROR_VERIFICATION_FAILEDResource string.
The verification of the update file signature failed. |
public static final int | PAYMENT_UPDATE_DLG_QUESTIONResource string.
Are you sure, you want to buy this feature for %1 %2.%3 using %4
provided by %5? |
Methods Summary |
public abstract java.lang.String | formatISODate(long date)Converts the given date to the string formatted according to the
ISO 8601 standard.
public abstract java.lang.String | getString(int key)Returns a resource string for the given key.
public abstract java.lang.String | getString(int key, java.lang.String[] values)Returns a modified resource string for the given key. It replaces any
occurence of %1, %2, ... in the original resource string with the first,
second, ... string from values .
public abstract com.sun.midp.util.Properties | loadProperties( is, java.lang.String charset)Parses properties from the given input stream and returns them as an
instance of the Properties class. The charset
parameter contains the actual character encoding of the input stream.
public abstract long | parseISODate(java.lang.String date)Parses a date string according to the ISO 8601 standard.