TypeCodeOutputStream.javaAPI DocJava SE 5 API9473Fri Aug 26 14:54:22 BST


public final class TypeCodeOutputStream extends EncapsOutputStream

Fields Summary
private org.omg.CORBA_2_3.portable.OutputStream
private Map
private boolean
Constructors Summary
public TypeCodeOutputStream( orb)

        super(orb, false);
public TypeCodeOutputStream( orb, boolean littleEndian)

        super(orb, littleEndian);
Methods Summary
public voidaddIDAtPosition(java.lang.String id, int position)

        if (typeMap == null)
            typeMap = new HashMap(16);
        //if (TypeCodeImpl.debug) System.out.println(this + " adding id " + id + " at position " + position);
        typeMap.put(id, new Integer(position));
public _orb)

	TypeCodeOutputStream encap = new TypeCodeOutputStream((ORB)_orb, isLittleEndian());
        //if (TypeCodeImpl.debug) System.out.println("Created TypeCodeOutputStream " + encap + " with parent " + this);
	return encap;
public org.omg.CORBA.portable.InputStreamcreate_input_stream()

        //return new TypeCodeInputStream((ORB)orb(), getByteBuffer(), getIndex(), isLittleEndian());
        TypeCodeInputStream tcis 
            = new TypeCodeInputStream((ORB)orb(), getByteBuffer(), getIndex(), isLittleEndian(), getGIOPVersion());
        //if (TypeCodeImpl.debug) {
            //System.out.println("Created TypeCodeInputStream " + tcis + " with no parent");
        return tcis;
public intgetPosition()

        return getIndex();
public intgetPositionForID(java.lang.String id)

        if (typeMap == null)
	    throw wrapper.refTypeIndirType( CompletionStatus.COMPLETED_NO ) ;
        //if (TypeCodeImpl.debug) System.out.println("Getting position " + ((Integer)typeMap.get(id)).intValue() +
            //" for id " + id);
        return ((Integer)typeMap.get(id)).intValue();
public intgetRealIndex(int index)

        int topPos = getTopLevelPosition();
        //if (TypeCodeImpl.debug) System.out.println("TypeCodeOutputStream.getRealIndex using getTopLevelPosition " +
            //topPos + " instead of getPosition " + getPosition());
	return topPos;
public intgetTopLevelPosition()

        if (enclosure != null && enclosure instanceof TypeCodeOutputStream) {
            int pos = ((TypeCodeOutputStream)enclosure).getTopLevelPosition() + getPosition();
            // Add four bytes for the encaps length, not another 4 for the byte order
            // which is included in getPosition().
            if (isEncapsulation) pos += 4;
            //if (TypeCodeImpl.debug) {
                //System.out.println("TypeCodeOutputStream.getTopLevelPosition using getTopLevelPosition " +
                    //((TypeCodeOutputStream)enclosure).getTopLevelPosition() +
                    //" + getPosition() " + getPosition() +
                    //(isEncapsulation ? " + encaps length 4" : "") +
                    //" = " + pos);
            return pos;
        //if (TypeCodeImpl.debug) {
            //System.out.println("TypeCodeOutputStream.getTopLevelPosition returning getPosition() = " +
                               //getPosition() + ", enclosure is " + enclosure);
        return getPosition();

        if (enclosure == null)
            return this;
        if (enclosure instanceof TypeCodeOutputStream)
            return ((TypeCodeOutputStream)enclosure).getTopLevelStream();
        return this;
public byte[]getTypeCodeBuffer()

        // Returns the buffer trimmed of the trailing zeros and without the
        // known _kind value at the beginning.
        ByteBuffer theBuffer = getByteBuffer();
        //System.out.println("outBuffer length = " + (getIndex() - 4));
        byte[] tcBuffer = new byte[getIndex() - 4];
        // Micro-benchmarks show that DirectByteBuffer.get(int) is faster
        // than DirectByteBuffer.get(byte[], offset, length).
        // REVISIT - May want to check if buffer is direct or non-direct
        //           and use array copy if ByteBuffer is non-direct.
        for (int i = 0; i < tcBuffer.length; i++)
            tcBuffer[i] = theBuffer.get(i+4);
        return tcBuffer;
protected voidmakeEncapsulation()

        // first entry in an encapsulation is the endianess
        isEncapsulation = true;
public voidprintTypeMap()

        System.out.println("typeMap = {");
        Iterator i = typeMap.keySet().iterator();
        while (i.hasNext()) {
            String id = (String);
            Integer pos = (Integer)typeMap.get(id);
            System.out.println("  key = " + id + ", value = " + pos);
public voidsetEnclosingOutputStream(org.omg.CORBA_2_3.portable.OutputStream enclosure)

        this.enclosure = enclosure;
public static os)

        boolean littleEndian = ((os instanceof CDROutputStream) ? ((CDROutputStream)os).isLittleEndian() : false);
        TypeCodeOutputStream tos = new TypeCodeOutputStream((ORB)os.orb(), littleEndian);
        //if (TypeCodeImpl.debug) System.out.println("Created TypeCodeOutputStream " + tos + " with parent " + os);
        return tos;
public voidwriteRawBuffer(org.omg.CORBA.portable.OutputStream s, int firstLong)

        // Writes this streams buffer to the given OutputStream
        // without byte order flag and length as is the case for encapsulations.

        // Make sure to align s to 4 byte boundaries.
        // Unfortunately we can't do just this:
        // s.alignAndReserve(4, 4);
        // So we have to take the first four bytes given in firstLong and write them
        // with a call to write_long which will trigger the alignment.
        // Then write the rest of the byte array.

        //if (TypeCodeImpl.debug) {
            //System.out.println(this + ".writeRawBuffer(" + s + ", " + firstLong + ")");
            //if (s instanceof CDROutputStream) {
                //System.out.println("Parent position before writing kind = " + ((CDROutputStream)s).getIndex());
        //if (TypeCodeImpl.debug) {
            //if (s instanceof CDROutputStream) {
                //System.out.println("Parent position after writing kind = " + ((CDROutputStream)s).getIndex());
        ByteBuffer byteBuffer = getByteBuffer();
        if (byteBuffer.hasArray())
             s.write_octet_array(byteBuffer.array(), 4, getIndex() - 4);
             // get bytes from DirectByteBuffer
             // NOTE: Microbenchmarks are showing it is faster to do
             //       a loop of ByteBuffer.get(int) than it is to do
             //       a bulk ByteBuffer.get(byte[], offset, length)
             byte[] buf = new byte[byteBuffer.limit()];
             for (int i = 0; i < buf.length; i++)
                  buf[i] = byteBuffer.get(i);
             s.write_octet_array(buf, 4, getIndex() - 4);
        //if (TypeCodeImpl.debug) {
            //if (s instanceof CDROutputStream) {
                //System.out.println("Parent position after writing all " + getIndex() + " bytes = " + ((CDROutputStream)s).getIndex());