PrivateKeyCallback.javaAPI DocGlassfish v2 API9311Fri May 04 22:36:10 BST

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import java.math.BigInteger;

 * Callback for acquiring a Public Key Infrastructure (PKI) private key 
 * and its corresponding certificate chain.
 * This Callback may be used by client or server authentication modules 
 * to obtain private keys or private key references, from key 
 * repositories available to the CallbackHandler that processes the Callback.
 * @version %I%, %G%
public class PrivateKeyCallback implements Callback {

    private Request request;
    private PrivateKey key;
    private Certificate[] chain;

     * Marker interface for private key request types.
    public static interface Request { };

     * Request type for private keys that are identified using an alias.
    public static class AliasRequest implements Request {
	private String alias;

	 * Construct an AliasRequest with an alias.
	 * <p> The alias is used to directly identify the private key
	 * to be returned.  The corresponding certificate chain for the
	 * private key is also returned.
	 * <p> If the alias is null,
	 * the handler of the callback relies on its own default.
	 * @param alias Name identifier for the private key, or null.
	public AliasRequest(String alias) {
	    this.alias = alias;

	 * Get the alias.
	 * @return The alias, or null.
	public String getAlias() {
	    return alias;

     * Request type for private keys that are identified using a SubjectKeyID
    public static class SubjectKeyIDRequest implements Request {
	private byte[] id;

	 * Construct a SubjectKeyIDRequest with an subjectKeyID.
	 * <p> The subjectKeyID is used to directly identify the private key
	 * to be returned.  The corresponding certificate chain for the
	 * private key is also returned.
	 * <p> If the subjectKeyID is null,
	 * the handler of the callback relies on its own default.
	 * @param subjectKeyID Identifier for the private key, or null.
	public SubjectKeyIDRequest(byte[] subjectKeyID) {
	    if (subjectKeyID != null) { = (byte[])subjectKeyID.clone();

	 * Get the subjectKeyID.
	 * @return The subjectKeyID, or null.
	public byte[] getSubjectKeyID() {
	    return id;

     * Request type for private keys that are identified using an
     * issuer/serial number.
    public static class IssuerSerialNumRequest implements Request {
	private X500Principal issuer;
	private BigInteger serialNum;

	 * Constructs a IssuerSerialNumRequest with an issuer/serial number.
	 * <p> The issuer/serial number is used to identify a
	 * public key certificate.  The corresponding private key
	 * is returned in the callback.  The corresponding certificate chain
	 * for the private key is also returned.
	 * If the issuer/serialNumber parameters are null,
	 * the handler of the callback relies on its own defaults.
	 * @param issuer The X500Principal name of the certificate issuer,
	 *		or null.
	 * @param serialNumber The serial number of the certificate,
	 *		or null.
	public IssuerSerialNumRequest(X500Principal issuer,
					BigInteger serialNumber) {
	    this.issuer = issuer;
	    this.serialNum = serialNumber;

	 * Get the issuer.
	 * @return The issuer, or null.
	public X500Principal getIssuer() {
	    return issuer;

	 * Get the serial number.
	 * @return The serial number, or null.
	public BigInteger getSerialNum() {
	    return serialNum;

     * Request type for private keys that are identified using a
     * certificate digest or thumbprint. 
    public static class DigestRequest implements Request {
	private String algorithm;
	private byte[] digest;

	 * Constructs a DigestRequest with a digest value and algorithm 
	 * identifier.
	 * <p> The digest of the certificate whose private key is returned 
	 * must match the provided digest. The certificate digest is computed 
	 * by applying the specified algorithm to the bytes of the certificate.
	 * For example: 
	 * <code>
	 * MessageDigest.getInstance(algorithm).digest(cert.getEncoded())
	 </code>. The corresponding certificate chain for the private key is 
	 * also returned. 
	 * If the digest or algorithm parameters are null,
	 * the handler of the callback relies on its own defaults.
	 * @param digest The digest value to use to select the corresponding 
	 * certificate and private key (or null).
	 * @param algorithm A string value identifying the digest algorithm. 
	 * The value passed to this parameter may be null. If it is not null, 
	 * it must conform to the requirements for the algorithm parameter of 
	 * <code></code>.
	public DigestRequest(byte[] digest, String algorithm) {
	    this.digest = digest;
	    this.algorithm = algorithm;

	 * Get the digest value.
	 * @return The digest value which must match the digest of the
	 * certificate corresponding to the returned private key.
	public byte[] getDigest() {
	    return digest;

	 * Get the algorithm identifier.
	 * @return The identifer of the algorithm used to compute the digest.
	public String getAlgorithm() {
	    return algorithm;

     * Constructs this PrivateKeyCallback with a private key Request object.
     * <p> The <i>request</i> object identifies the private key
     * to be returned.  The corresponding certificate chain for the
     * private key is also returned.
     * <p> If the <i>request</i> object is null,
     * the handler of the callback relies on its own default.
     * @param request Identifier for the private key, or null.
    public PrivateKeyCallback(Request request) {
	this.request = request;

     * Used by the CallbackHandler to
     * get the Request object that identifies the private key to be returned.
     * @return The Request object which identifies the private key
     *		to be returned, or null.  If null, the handler of the callback
     *		relies on its own default.
    public Request getRequest() {
	return request;

     * Used by the CallbackHandler to set the requested private key and
     * the corresponding certificate chain within the Callback.
     * <p> If the requested private key or chain could not be found,
     * then both values must be set to null.
     * @param key The private key, or null.
     * @param chain The corresponding certificate chain, or null.
    public void setKey(PrivateKey key, Certificate[] chain) {
	this.key = key;
	this.chain = chain;

     * Used to obtain the private key set within the Callback.
     * @return The private key, or null if the key could not be found.
    public PrivateKey getKey() {
	return key;

     * Used to obtain the certicicate chain set within the Callback.
     * @return The certificate chain, or null if the chain could not be found.
    public Certificate[] getChain() {
	return chain;