This class represents the contents of the MLET tag.
The MLET tag has the following syntax:
CODE = class | OBJECT = serfile
ARCHIVE = " archiveList"
[CODEBASE = codebaseURL]
[NAME = mbeanname]
[VERSION = version]
[ arglist]
</MLET >
CODE = class
This attribute specifies the full Java class name, including package name, of the MBean to be obtained.
The compiled
.class file of the MBean must be contained in one of the .jar files specified by the ARCHIVE
attribute. Either CODE or OBJECT must be present.
OBJECT = serfile
This attribute specifies the
.ser file that contains a serialized representation of the MBean to be obtained.
This file must be contained in one of the .jar files specified by the ARCHIVE attribute. If the .jar file contains a directory hierarchy, specify the path of the file within this hierarchy. Otherwise a match will not be found. Either CODE or OBJECT must be present.
ARCHIVE = " archiveList"
This mandatory attribute specifies one or more
.jar files
containing MBeans or other resources used by
the MBean to be obtained. One of the .jar files must contain the file specified by the CODE or OBJECT attribute.
If archivelist contains more than one file:
- Each file must be separated from the one that follows it by a comma (,).
- archivelist must be enclosed in double quote marks.
All .jar files in archivelist must be stored in the directory specified by the code base URL.
CODEBASE = codebaseURL
This optional attribute specifies the code base URL of the MBean to be obtained. It identifies the directory that contains
.jar files specified by the ARCHIVE attribute. Specify this attribute only if the .jar files are not in the same
directory as the MLet text file. If this attribute is not specified, the base URL of the MLet text file is used.
NAME = mbeanname
This optional attribute specifies the object name to be assigned to the
MBean instance when the MLet service registers it. If
mbeanname starts with the colon character (:), the domain
part of the object name is the domain of the agent. The MLet service
invokes the
getDomain() method of the Framework class to
obtain this information.
PERSISTENT = true | false
This optional attribute specifies the persistency or not persistency of the
MBean instance when the MLet service registers it.
VERSION = version
This optional attribute specifies the version number of the MBean and
.jar files to be obtained. This version number can
be used to specify that the .jar files are loaded from the
server to update those stored locally in the cache the next time the MLet
text file is loaded. version must be a series of non-negative
decimal integers each separated by a period from the one that precedes it.
- paramlist
This optional attribute specifies a list of one or more parameters for the
MBean to be instantiated. Each parameter in paramlist corresponds to a modification in the
modification list. Use the following syntax to specify each item in
- <
PARAM NAME= propertyName VALUE= value>
- where:
- propertyName is the name of the property in the modification
- value is the value in the modification
The MLet service passes all the values in the modification list as
String objects.
Note - Multiple MLET tags with the same
code base URL share the same instance of the MLetClassLoader
class. |