Methods Summary |
public ClassStatistics[] | calculateStatistics()Returns statistics of memory usage for each class in the VM.
There is separate ClassStatistics object int the returned array for each class.
The provider must be connected to a KDP, see interface description.
The function will throw SocketException unless communication with VM is successful
public void | closeConnections()Disconnects from the KDP. Does nothing if not connected.
public void | connect(java.lang.String hostName, int port)Connects to the KDP running on hostName:port using VMConnection , which should
be set before by setConnector(VMConnection connector) call.
It will throw unless connection is successful.
public JavaClass[] | getClassList()Returns list of all classes in systems. All objects in array are JavaClass
The provider must be connected to a KDP, see interface description.
The function will throw SocketException unless communication with VM is successful
public java.lang.String | getObjectTypeName(JavaObject obj)Returns name of the type of the object.
The provider must be connected to a KDP, see interface description.
The function will throw SocketException unless communication with VM is successful
public java.util.Iterator | getObjects()Returns all objects.
The provider must be connected to a KDP, see interface description.
The function will throw SocketException unless communication with VM is successful
public JavaObject[] | getObjectsFromTheAddresses(int start, int end)Returns array JavaObjects, sorted by address from given memory block.
The provider must be connected to a KDP, see interface description.
The function will throw SocketException unless communication with VM is successful
public JavaObject[] | getObjectsOfClass(JavaClass jc)Returns all objects with given extended class id.
The provider must be connected to a KDP, see interface description.
The function will throw SocketException unless communication with VM is successful
public java.lang.String | getStackTrace(JavaObject stackObject, int ptrAddress)Returns stacktrace of an address on java stack
The provider must be connected to a KDP, see interface description.
The function will throw SocketException unless communication with VM is successful
public int | get_allocation_top()Returns value of _old_generation_end global varaible,
which is address where old generation of heap objects ends.
The provider must be connected to a KDP, see interface description.
The function will throw SocketException unless communication with VM is successful
public int | get_heap_start()Returns value of _heap_start global varaible, which is address where VM heap starts.
The provider must be connected to a KDP, see interface description.
The function will throw SocketException unless communication with VM is successful
public int | get_heap_top()Returns value of _heap_top global varaible, which is address where VM heap ends.
The provider must be connected to a KDP, see interface description.
The function will throw SocketException unless communication with VM is successful
public int | get_old_gen_end()Returns value of _old_generation_end global varaible,
which is address where old generation of heap objects ends.
The provider must be connected to a KDP, see interface description.
The function will throw SocketException unless communication with VM is successful
public JavaObject[] | pathFromTheRoot(JavaObject obj)Returns array of linked JavaObjects, where first one is a root object and last one is the parameter.
The provider must be connected to a KDP, see interface description.
The function will throw SocketException unless communication with VM is successful
public void | pauseVM()Pauses the VM execution.
The provider must be connected to a kdp, see interface description.
The function will throw SocketException unless communication with VM is successful
public void | resumeVM()Resumes the VM execution.
The provider must be connected to a KDP, see interface description.
The function will throw SocketException unless communication with VM is successful