RectangularShape.javaAPI DocAndroid 1.5 API9175Wed May 06 22:41:54 BST 2009java.awt.geom


public abstract class RectangularShape extends Object implements Shape, Cloneable
The Class RectangularShape represents a Shape whose data is (at least partially) described by a rectangular frame. This includes shapes which are obviously rectangular (such as Rectangle2D) as well as shapes like Arc2D which are largely determined by the rectangle they fit inside.
Android 1.0

Fields Summary
Constructors Summary
protected RectangularShape()
Instantiates a new rectangular shape.

Methods Summary
public java.lang.Objectclone()

        try {
            return super.clone();
        } catch (CloneNotSupportedException e) {
            throw new InternalError();
public booleancontains(java.awt.geom.Point2D point)

        return contains(point.getX(), point.getY());
public booleancontains(java.awt.geom.Rectangle2D rect)

        return contains(rect.getX(), rect.getY(), rect.getWidth(), rect.getHeight());
public java.awt.RectanglegetBounds()

        int x1 = (int)Math.floor(getMinX());
        int y1 = (int)Math.floor(getMinY());
        int x2 = (int)Math.ceil(getMaxX());
        int y2 = (int)Math.ceil(getMaxY());
        return new Rectangle(x1, y1, x2 - x1, y2 - y1);
public doublegetCenterX()
Gets the x coordinate of the center of the rectangle.

the x coordinate of the center of the rectangle.

        return getX() + getWidth() / 2.0;
public doublegetCenterY()
Gets the y coordinate of the center of the rectangle.

the y coordinate of the center of the rectangle.

        return getY() + getHeight() / 2.0;
public java.awt.geom.Rectangle2DgetFrame()
Places the rectangle's size and location data in a new Rectangle2D object and returns it.

the bounding rectangle as a new Rectangle2D object.

        return new Rectangle2D.Double(getX(), getY(), getWidth(), getHeight());
public abstract doublegetHeight()
Gets the height of the rectangle.

the height of the rectangle.

public doublegetMaxX()
Gets the maximum x value of the bounding rectangle (the x coordinate of the upper left corner of the rectangle plus the rectangle's width).

the maximum x value of the bounding rectangle.

        return getX() + getWidth();
public doublegetMaxY()
Gets the maximum y value of the bounding rectangle (the y coordinate of the upper left corner of the rectangle plus the rectangle's height).

the maximum y value of the bounding rectangle.

        return getY() + getHeight();
public doublegetMinX()
Gets the minimum x value of the bounding rectangle (the x coordinate of the upper left corner of the rectangle).

the minimum x value of the bounding rectangle.

        return getX();
public doublegetMinY()
Gets the minimum y value of the bounding rectangle (the y coordinate of the upper left corner of the rectangle).

the minimum y value of the bounding rectangle.

        return getY();
public java.awt.geom.PathIteratorgetPathIterator(java.awt.geom.AffineTransform t, double flatness)

        return new FlatteningPathIterator(getPathIterator(t), flatness);
public abstract doublegetWidth()
Gets the width of the rectangle.

the width of the rectangle.

public abstract doublegetX()
Gets the x coordinate of the upper left corner of the rectangle.

the x coordinate of the upper left corner of the rectangle.

public abstract doublegetY()
Gets the y coordinate of the upper left corner of the rectangle.

the y coordinate of the upper left corner of the rectangle.

public booleanintersects(java.awt.geom.Rectangle2D rect)

        return intersects(rect.getX(), rect.getY(), rect.getWidth(), rect.getHeight());
public abstract booleanisEmpty()
Checks if this is an empty rectangle: one with zero as its width or height.

true, if the width or height is empty.

public voidsetFrame(java.awt.geom.Point2D loc, java.awt.geom.Dimension2D size)
Sets the bounding rectangle in terms of a Point2D which gives its upper left corner and a Dimension2D object giving its width and height.

loc the new upper left corner coordinate.
size the new size dimensions.

        setFrame(loc.getX(), loc.getY(), size.getWidth(), size.getHeight());
public voidsetFrame(java.awt.geom.Rectangle2D r)
Sets the bounding rectangle to match the data contained in the specified Rectangle2D.

r the rectangle that gives the new frame data.

        setFrame(r.getX(), r.getY(), r.getWidth(), r.getHeight());
public abstract voidsetFrame(double x, double y, double w, double h)
Sets the data for the bounding rectangle in terms of double values.

x the x coordinate of the upper left corner of the rectangle.
y the y coordinate of the upper left corner of the rectangle.
w the width of the rectangle.
h the height of the rectangle.

public voidsetFrameFromCenter(double centerX, double centerY, double cornerX, double cornerY)
Sets the framing rectangle given the center point and one corner. Any corner may be used.

centerX the x coordinate of the center point.
centerY the y coordinate of the center point.
cornerX the x coordinate of one of the corner points.
cornerY the y coordinate of one of the corner points.

        double width = Math.abs(cornerX - centerX);
        double height = Math.abs(cornerY - centerY);
        setFrame(centerX - width, centerY - height, width * 2.0, height * 2.0);
public voidsetFrameFromCenter(java.awt.geom.Point2D center, java.awt.geom.Point2D corner)
Sets the framing rectangle given the center point and one corner. Any corner may be used.

center the center point.
corner a corner point.

        setFrameFromCenter(center.getX(), center.getY(), corner.getX(), corner.getY());
public voidsetFrameFromDiagonal(double x1, double y1, double x2, double y2)
Sets the framing rectangle given two opposite corners. Any two corners may be used in any order as long as they are diagonally opposite one another.

x1 the x coordinate of one of the corner points.
y1 the y coordinate of one of the corner points.
x2 the x coordinate of the other corner point.
y2 the y coordinate of the other corner point.

        double rx, ry, rw, rh;
        if (x1 < x2) {
            rx = x1;
            rw = x2 - x1;
        } else {
            rx = x2;
            rw = x1 - x2;
        if (y1 < y2) {
            ry = y1;
            rh = y2 - y1;
        } else {
            ry = y2;
            rh = y1 - y2;
        setFrame(rx, ry, rw, rh);
public voidsetFrameFromDiagonal(java.awt.geom.Point2D p1, java.awt.geom.Point2D p2)
Sets the framing rectangle given two opposite corners. Any two corners may be used in any order as long as they are diagonally opposite one another.

p1 one of the corner points.
p2 the other corner point.

        setFrameFromDiagonal(p1.getX(), p1.getY(), p2.getX(), p2.getY());