ThrowableInformationTest.javaAPI DocApache log4j 1.2.159035Sat Aug 25 00:09:32 BST 2007org.apache.log4j.spi


public class ThrowableInformationTest extends TestCase
Unit tests for ThrowableInformation.

Fields Summary
Constructors Summary
public ThrowableInformationTest(String name)
Create ThrowableInformationTest.

name test name.

Methods Summary
public voidtestCarriageReturn()
Test capturing stack trace from throwable that just has a carriage return.

        ThrowableInformation ti = new ThrowableInformation(new StringThrowable("\r"));
        String[] rep = ti.getThrowableStrRep();
        assertEquals(1, rep.length);
        assertEquals("", rep[0]);
public voidtestEmpty()
Test capturing stack trace from a throwable that does nothing on a call to printStackTrace.

        ThrowableInformation ti = new ThrowableInformation(new EmptyThrowable());
        String[] rep = ti.getThrowableStrRep();
        assertEquals(0, rep.length);
public voidtestGetThrowable()
Test that getThrowable returns the throwable provided to the constructor.

        Throwable t = new StringThrowable("Hello, World");
        ThrowableInformation ti = new ThrowableInformation(t);
        assertSame(t, ti.getThrowable());
public voidtestLineFeed()
Test capturing stack trace from throwable that just has a line feed.

        ThrowableInformation ti = new ThrowableInformation(new StringThrowable("\n"));
        String[] rep = ti.getThrowableStrRep();
        assertEquals(1, rep.length);
        assertEquals("", rep[0]);
public voidtestLineFeedBlank()
Test capturing stack trace from throwable that a line feed followed by blank.

        ThrowableInformation ti = new ThrowableInformation(new StringThrowable("\n "));
        String[] rep = ti.getThrowableStrRep();
        assertEquals(2, rep.length);
        assertEquals("", rep[0]);
        assertEquals(" ", rep[1]);
public voidtestNotOverriddenBehavior()
Test capturing stack trace from a throwable that uses the PrintWriter methods not overridden in log4j 1.2.14 and earlier.

        ThrowableInformation ti = new ThrowableInformation(new NotOverriddenThrowable());
        String[] rep = ti.getThrowableStrRep();
        assertEquals(7, rep.length);
        StringBuffer buf = new StringBuffer(String.valueOf(true));
        assertEquals(buf.toString(), rep[0]);
        assertEquals("a", rep[1]);
        assertEquals(String.valueOf(1), rep[2]);
        assertEquals(String.valueOf(2L), rep[3]);
        assertEquals(String.valueOf(Float.MAX_VALUE), rep[4]);
        assertEquals(String.valueOf(Double.MIN_VALUE), rep[5]);
        assertEquals("C", rep[6]);
public voidtestNull()
Test capturing stack trace from a throwable that passes null to PrintWriter methods.

        ThrowableInformation ti = new ThrowableInformation(new NullThrowable());
        String[] rep = ti.getThrowableStrRep();
        assertEquals(2, rep.length);
        String nullStr = String.valueOf((Object) null);
        assertEquals(nullStr + nullStr + nullStr, rep[0]);
        assertEquals(nullStr, rep[1]);
public voidtestOverriddenBehavior()
Test capturing stack trace from a throwable that only uses the PrintWriter methods overridden in log4j 1.2.14 and earlier.

        ThrowableInformation ti = new ThrowableInformation(new OverriddenThrowable());
        String[] rep = ti.getThrowableStrRep();
        assertEquals(4, rep.length);
        assertEquals("print(Object)print(char[])print(String)println(Object)", rep[0]);
        assertEquals("println(char[])", rep[1]);
        assertEquals("println(String)", rep[2]);
        assertEquals("write(char[])ite(charite(Stri", rep[3]);
public voidtestParsing()
Test parsing of line breaks.

        ThrowableInformation ti = new ThrowableInformation(
                new StringThrowable("Line1\rLine2\nLine3\r\nLine4\n\rLine6"));
        String[] rep = ti.getThrowableStrRep();
        assertEquals(6, rep.length);
        assertEquals("Line1", rep[0]);
        assertEquals("Line2", rep[1]);
        assertEquals("Line3", rep[2]);
        assertEquals("Line4", rep[3]);
        assertEquals("", rep[4]);
        assertEquals("Line6", rep[5]);