SHA1Impl.javaAPI DocAndroid 1.5 API9000Wed May 06 22:41:06 BST


public class SHA1Impl extends Object implements SHA1_Data
This class contains methods providing SHA-1 functionality to use in classes.
The methods support the algorithm described in "SECURE HASH STANDARD", FIPS PUB 180-2,

The class contains two package level access methods, - "void updateHash(int[], byte[], int, int)" and "void computeHash(int[])", - performing the following operations.

The "updateHash(..)" method appends new bytes to existing ones within limit of a frame of 64 bytes (16 words). Once a length of accumulated bytes reaches the limit the "computeHash(int[])" method is invoked on the frame to compute updated hash, and the number of bytes in the frame is set to 0. Thus, after appending all bytes, the frame contain only those bytes that were not used in computing final hash value yet.

The "computeHash(..)" method generates a 160 bit hash value using a 512 bit message stored in first 16 words of int[] array argument and current hash value stored in five words, beginning HASH_OFFSET, of the array argument. Computation is done according to SHA-1 algorithm.

The resulting hash value replaces the previous hash value in the array; original bits of the message are not preserved.

Fields Summary
Constructors Summary
Methods Summary
static voidcomputeHash(int[] arrW)
The method generates a 160 bit hash value using a 512 bit message stored in first 16 words of int[] array argument and current hash value stored in five words, beginning OFFSET+1, of the array argument. Computation is done according to SHA-1 algorithm. The resulting hash value replaces the previous hash value in the array; original bits of the message are not preserved. No checks on argument supplied, that is, a calling method is responsible for such checks. In case of incorrect array passed to the method either NPE or IndexOutOfBoundException gets thrown by JVM.

arrW - integer array; arrW.length >= (BYTES_OFFSET+6);
only first (BYTES_OFFSET+6) words are used

        int  a = arrW[HASH_OFFSET   ];
        int  b = arrW[HASH_OFFSET +1];
        int  c = arrW[HASH_OFFSET +2];
        int  d = arrW[HASH_OFFSET +3];
        int  e = arrW[HASH_OFFSET +4];

        int temp;

        // In this implementation the "d. For t = 0 to 79 do" loop
        // is split into four loops. The following constants:
        //     K = 5A827999   0 <= t <= 19
        //     K = 6ED9EBA1  20 <= t <= 39
        //     K = 8F1BBCDC  40 <= t <= 59
        //     K = CA62C1D6  60 <= t <= 79
        // are hex literals in the loops.

        for ( int t = 16; t < 80 ; t++ ) {

            temp  = arrW[t-3] ^ arrW[t-8] ^ arrW[t-14] ^ arrW[t-16];
            arrW[t] = ( temp<<1 ) | ( temp>>>31 );

        for ( int t = 0 ; t < 20 ; t++ ) {

            temp = ( ( a<<5 ) | ( a>>>27 )   ) + 
                   ( ( b & c) | ((~b) & d)   ) + 
                   ( e + arrW[t] + 0x5A827999 ) ;
            e = d;
            d = c;
            c = ( b<<30 ) | ( b>>>2 ) ;
            b = a;
            a = temp;
        for ( int t = 20 ; t < 40 ; t++ ) {

            temp = ((( a<<5 ) | ( a>>>27 ))) + (b ^ c ^ d) + (e + arrW[t] + 0x6ED9EBA1) ;
            e = d;
            d = c;
            c = ( b<<30 ) | ( b>>>2 ) ;
            b = a;
            a = temp;
        for ( int t = 40 ; t < 60 ; t++ ) {

            temp = (( a<<5 ) | ( a>>>27 )) + ((b & c) | (b & d) | (c & d)) +
                                                             (e + arrW[t] + 0x8F1BBCDC) ;
            e = d;
            d = c;
            c = ( b<<30 ) | ( b>>>2 ) ;
            b = a;
            a = temp;
        for ( int t = 60 ; t < 80 ; t++ ) {

            temp = ((( a<<5 ) | ( a>>>27 ))) + (b ^ c ^ d) + (e + arrW[t] + 0xCA62C1D6) ;
            e = d;
            d = c;
            c = ( b<<30 ) | ( b>>>2 ) ;
            b = a;
            a = temp;

        arrW[HASH_OFFSET   ] += a;
        arrW[HASH_OFFSET +1] += b;
        arrW[HASH_OFFSET +2] += c;
        arrW[HASH_OFFSET +3] += d;
        arrW[HASH_OFFSET +4] += e;
static voidupdateHash(int[] intArray, byte[] byteInput, int fromByte, int toByte)
The method appends new bytes to existing ones within limit of a frame of 64 bytes (16 words). Once a length of accumulated bytes reaches the limit the "computeHash(int[])" method is invoked on the array to compute updated hash, and the number of bytes in the frame is set to 0. Thus, after appending all bytes, the array contain only those bytes that were not used in computing final hash value yet. No checks on arguments passed to the method, that is, a calling method is responsible for such checks.

intArray - int array containing bytes to which to append; intArray.length >= (BYTES_OFFSET+6)
byteInput - array of bytes to use for the update
from - the offset to start in the "byteInput" array
to - a number of the last byte in the input array to use, that is, for first byte "to"==0, for last byte "to"==input.length-1

        // As intArray contains a packed bytes
        // the buffer's index is in the intArray[BYTES_OFFSET] element

        int index = intArray[BYTES_OFFSET];
        int i = fromByte;
        int maxWord;
        int nBytes;

        int wordIndex = index >>2;
        int byteIndex = index & 0x03;

        intArray[BYTES_OFFSET] = ( index + toByte - fromByte + 1 ) & 077 ;

        // In general case there are 3 stages :
        // - appending bytes to non-full word,
        // - writing 4 bytes into empty words,
        // - writing less than 4 bytes in last word

        if ( byteIndex != 0 ) {       // appending bytes in non-full word (as if)

            for ( ; ( i <= toByte ) && ( byteIndex < 4 ) ; i++ ) {
                intArray[wordIndex] |= ( byteInput[i] & 0xFF ) << ((3 - byteIndex)<<3) ;
            if ( byteIndex == 4 ) {
                if ( wordIndex == 16 ) {          // intArray is full, computing hash

                    wordIndex = 0;
            if ( i > toByte ) {                 // all input bytes appended
                return ;

        // writing full words

        maxWord = (toByte - i + 1) >> 2;           // # of remaining full words, may be "0"
        for ( int k = 0; k < maxWord ; k++ ) {

            intArray[wordIndex] = ( ((int) byteInput[i   ] & 0xFF) <<24 ) |
                                  ( ((int) byteInput[i +1] & 0xFF) <<16 ) |
                                  ( ((int) byteInput[i +2] & 0xFF) <<8  ) |
                                  ( ((int) byteInput[i +3] & 0xFF)      )  ;
            i += 4;

            if ( wordIndex < 16 ) {     // buffer is not full yet
            computeHash(intArray);      // buffer is full, computing hash
            wordIndex = 0;

        // writing last incomplete word
        // after writing free byte positions are set to "0"s

        nBytes = toByte - i +1;
        if ( nBytes != 0 ) {

            int w =  ((int) byteInput[i] & 0xFF) <<24 ;

            if ( nBytes != 1 ) {
                w |= ((int) byteInput[i +1] & 0xFF) <<16 ;
                if ( nBytes != 2) {
                    w |= ((int) byteInput[i +2] & 0xFF) <<8 ;
            intArray[wordIndex] = w;

        return ;