WebServiceInvocationHandler.javaAPI DocGlassfish v2 API8859Fri May 04 22:32:58 BST 2007com.sun.ejb.containers


public final class WebServiceInvocationHandler extends EJBLocalRemoteObject implements InvocationHandler
This is a proxy invocation handler for web service ejb invocations. A single instance of this invocation handler is used for all web service invocations to a particular ejb endpoint, so it must support concurrent use.
Kenneth Saks

Fields Summary
private com.sun.enterprise.deployment.WebServiceEndpoint
private Class
private Class
private com.sun.enterprise.InvocationManager
private boolean
private Map
protected static final com.sun.enterprise.util.LocalStringManagerImpl
Constructors Summary
public WebServiceInvocationHandler(Class ejbClass, com.sun.enterprise.deployment.WebServiceEndpoint endpoint, Class serviceEndpointIntfClass, Map invocationInfoMap)

        ejbClass_ = ejbClass;
        serviceEndpointIntfClass_ = serviceEndpointIntfClass;
        endpoint_ = endpoint;
        hasHandlers_ = endpoint.hasHandlers();
        Switch theSwitch = Switch.getSwitch();
        invManager_ = theSwitch.getInvocationManager();
        invocationInfoMap_ = invocationInfoMap;
Methods Summary
public java.lang.Objectinvoke(java.lang.Object proxy, java.lang.reflect.Method method, java.lang.Object[] args)

        try {
        // NOTE : be careful with "args" parameter.  It is null
        //        if method signature has 0 arguments.

        Class methodClass = method.getDeclaringClass();
        if( methodClass == java.lang.Object.class )  {
            return InvocationHandlerUtil.
                invokeJavaObjectMethod(this, method, args);    

        Object returnValue = null;
        Invocation inv = null;

        try {
            // Invocation was created earlier in the web service dispatching
            inv = (Invocation) invManager_.getCurrentInvocation();

            inv.ejbObject = this;
            // things can become hairy here. This handler may have been created 
            // with a dummy SEI to satisfy the EJB container. In such cases, we must
            // find the right method object on the SIB.
            if (endpoint_.getServiceEndpointInterface().equals(ejbClass_.getName())) {
                // we need to substiture the method object
                method = ejbClass_.getMethod(method.getName(), method.getParameterTypes());
            inv.method = method;
            inv.clientInterface = serviceEndpointIntfClass_;

            inv.invocationInfo = (InvocationInfo)

            if( inv.invocationInfo == null ) {
                throw new EJBException
                    ("Web service Invocation Info lookup failed for " +
                     "method " + inv.method);

            inv.transactionAttribute = inv.invocationInfo.txAttr;

	    // special handling of jaxrpc endpoints (identfied by mapping file)
            if(endpoint_.getWebService().hasMappingFile()) {
		if( hasHandlers_ ) {
		    // Handler performed method authorization already
		} else {
		    StatelessSessionContainer container = 
			(StatelessSessionContainer) getContainer();                

		    boolean authorized = container.authorize(inv);
		    if( !authorized ) {
			throw new AccessLocalException
			    ("Client not authorized to access " + inv.method);
	    } else if ( hasHandlers_ ) {

		// jaxws enpoint
		// authorization was done in security pipe
                // Now that application handlers have run, do 
                // another method lookup and compare the results 
                // with the original one. This ensures that the 
                // application handlers have not changed
                // which method is invoked.

                Method methodBefore = inv.getWebServiceMethod();

                if (methodBefore != null && !methodBefore.equals(inv.method)) {
                    inv.exception = new UnmarshalException
			  "Original Method {0} does not match post-handler method {1}",
			  new Object[] { methodBefore, inv.method }));
		    throw inv.exception;

            ComponentContext ctx = container.getContext(inv);
            inv.context  = ctx;
            inv.ejb      = ctx.getEJB();
            inv.instance = inv.ejb;


            // Enterprise Bean class doesn't necessarily implement
            // web service endpoint interface, so we can't directly
            // dispatch through the given method object.
            Method beanClassMethod = ejbClass_.getMethod
                (method.getName(), method.getParameterTypes());
            inv.beanMethod = beanClassMethod;
            inv.methodParams = args;
            returnValue = container.intercept(inv);
        } catch(NoSuchMethodException nsme) {
            inv.exception = nsme;
        } catch(InvocationTargetException ite) {
            inv.exception = ite.getCause();
        } catch(Throwable c) {
            inv.exception = c;
        } finally {
            if( inv.ejb != null ) {
                // Do post invoke tx processing so that a commit failure
                // will be visible to web service client.
        if (inv.exception != null) {
            if(inv.exception instanceof java.lang.RuntimeException) {
                throw (java.lang.RuntimeException)inv.exception; 
            } else if (inv.exception instanceof Exception) {
                throw inv.exception;
            } else {
                EJBException ejbEx = new EJBException();
                throw ejbEx;
        return returnValue;
        } finally {