Methods Summary |
public static native int | close(long key)Close the specified Registry key.
public static native long | create(int root, java.lang.String name, int sam, long pool)Create or open a Registry Key.
public static native int | deleteKey(int root, java.lang.String name, boolean onlyIfEmpty)Delete the Registry subkey
public static native int | deleteValue(long key, java.lang.String name)Delete the Registry value
public static native java.lang.String[] | enumKeys(long key)Enumerate the Registry subkeys
public static native java.lang.String[] | enumValues(long key)Enumerate the Registry values
public static native int | getSize(long key, java.lang.String name)Get the Registry key length.
public static native int | getType(long key, java.lang.String name)Get the Registry key type.
public static native java.lang.String[] | getValueA(long key, java.lang.String name)Get the Registry value for REG_MULTI_SZ
public static native byte[] | getValueB(long key, java.lang.String name)Get the Registry value for REG_BINARY
public static native int | getValueI(long key, java.lang.String name)Get the Registry value for REG_DWORD
public static native long | getValueJ(long key, java.lang.String name)Get the Registry value for REG_QWORD or REG_DWORD
public static native java.lang.String | getValueS(long key, java.lang.String name)Get the Registry value for REG_SZ or REG_EXPAND_SZ
public static native long | open(int root, java.lang.String name, int sam, long pool)Opens the specified Registry Key.
public static native int | setValueA(long key, java.lang.String name, java.lang.String[] val)Set the Registry value for REG_MULTI_SZ
public static native int | setValueB(long key, java.lang.String name, byte[] val)Set the Registry value for REG_BINARY
public static native int | setValueE(long key, java.lang.String name, java.lang.String val)Set the Registry value for REG_EXPAND_SZ
public static native int | setValueI(long key, java.lang.String name, int val)Set the Registry value for REG_DWORD
public static native int | setValueJ(long key, java.lang.String name, int val)Set the Registry value for REG_QWORD
public static native int | setValueS(long key, java.lang.String name, java.lang.String val)Set the Registry value for REG_SZ