Clear all scores.returnwhether the clear was successful.throwsSecurityException if the caller is neither the current active scorer nor the system.
Disable the current active scorer and clear existing scores.throwsSecurityException if the caller is not the current scorer or the system.
Register a network subsystem for scoring.paramnetworkType the type of network this cache can handle. See {@link NetworkKey#type}.paramscoreCache implementation of {@link INetworkScoreCache} to store the scores.throwsSecurityException if the caller is not the system.throwsIllegalArgumentException if a score cache is already registed for this type.hide
Set the active scorer and clear existing scores.parampackageName the package name of the new scorer to use.returntrue if the operation succeeded, or false if the new package is not a valid scorer.throwsSecurityException if the caller is not the system.
Update scores.returnwhether the update was successful.throwsSecurityException if the caller is not the current active scorer.