RegisterAction.javaAPI DocJBoss 4.2.1880Fri Jul 13 20:55:40 BST 2007xpetstore.web.webwork.action.customer

 * Created on 24-Feb-2003
package xpetstore.web.webwork.action.customer;

import xpetstore.domain.Customer;

import xpetstore.web.webwork.action.BaseAction;

 * @author <a href="">Herve Tchepannou</a>
 * @webwork.action
 *   name="register"
 *   success="register.vm"
public class RegisterAction
    extends BaseAction
    //~ Instance fields --------------------------------------------------------

    private Customer _customer = new Customer(  );

    //~ Methods ----------------------------------------------------------------

     * @return Customer
    public Customer getCustomer(  )
        return _customer;

     * Sets the customer.
     * @param customer The customer to set
    public void setCustomer( Customer customer )
        _customer = customer;