* @(#)StackTrace.java 1.0 02/02/03
* You can modify the template of this file in the
* directory ..\JCreator\Templates\Template_1\Project_Name.java
* You can also create your own project template by making a new
* folder in the directory ..\JCreator\Template\. Use the other
* templates as examples.
package myprojects.stacktrace;
import java.awt.*;
import java.awt.event.*;
class StackTrace {
public StackTrace() {
public int method1() {
return method2();
public int method2() {
return method3();
public int method3() {
// Deliberately generate a divide by zero arithmetic exception
int num=46;
int denom=0;
return num/denom;
public static void main(String args[]) {
System.out.println("Starting StackTrace...");
StackTrace mainFrame = new StackTrace();