Fields Summary |
public static final short | VARIETY_ABSENTThe variety is absent for the anySimpleType definition. |
public static final short | VARIETY_ATOMICAtomic type. |
public static final short | VARIETY_LISTList type. |
public static final short | VARIETY_UNIONUnion type. |
public static final short | FACET_NONENo facets defined. |
public static final short | FACET_LENGTH4.3.1 Length |
public static final short | FACET_MINLENGTH4.3.2 minLength. |
public static final short | FACET_MAXLENGTH4.3.3 maxLength. |
public static final short | FACET_PATTERN4.3.4 pattern. |
public static final short | FACET_WHITESPACE4.3.5 whitespace. |
public static final short | FACET_MAXINCLUSIVE4.3.7 maxInclusive. |
public static final short | FACET_MAXEXCLUSIVE4.3.9 maxExclusive. |
public static final short | FACET_MINEXCLUSIVE4.3.9 minExclusive. |
public static final short | FACET_MININCLUSIVE4.3.10 minInclusive. |
public static final short | FACET_TOTALDIGITS4.3.11 totalDigits . |
public static final short | FACET_FRACTIONDIGITS4.3.12 fractionDigits. |
public static final short | FACET_ENUMERATION4.3.5 enumeration. |
public static final short | ORDERED_FALSEA constant defined for the 'ordered' fundamental facet: Not ordered. |
public static final short | ORDERED_PARTIALA constant defined for the 'ordered' fundamental facet: partially
ordered. |
public static final short | ORDERED_TOTALA constant defined for the 'ordered' fundamental facet: total ordered. |
Methods Summary |
public XSObjectList | getAnnotations()Optional. A set of [annotation]s.
public boolean | getBounded()Fundamental Facet: bounded.
public short | getDefinedFacets()[facets]: get all facets defined on this type. The value is a bit
combination of FACET_XXX constants of all defined facets.
public XSObjectList | getFacets()
public boolean | getFinite()Fundamental Facet: cardinality.
public short | getFixedFacets()[facets]: get all facets defined and fixed on this type.
public | getItemType()If variety is list the item type definition (an atomic or
union simple type definition) is available, otherwise
null .
public StringList | getLexicalEnumeration()Returns a list of enumeration values.
public java.lang.String | getLexicalFacetValue(short facetName)Convenience method. Returns a value of a single constraining facet for
this simple type definition. This method must not be used to retrieve
values for enumeration and pattern facets.
public StringList | getLexicalPattern()Returns a list of pattern values.
public XSObjectList | getMemberTypes()If variety is union the list of member type definitions (a
non-empty sequence of simple type definitions) is available,
otherwise null .
public XSObjectList | getMultiValueFacets()
public boolean | getNumeric()Fundamental Facet: numeric.
public short | getOrdered()Fundamental Facet: ordered
public | getPrimitiveType()If variety is atomic the primitive type definition (a
built-in primitive datatype definition or the simple ur-type
definition) is available, otherwise null .
public short | getVariety()[variety]: one of {atomic, list, union} or absent
public boolean | isDefinedFacet(short facetName)Convenience method. [Facets]: check whether a facet is defined on this
public boolean | isFixedFacet(short facetName)Convenience method. [Facets]: check whether a facet is defined and
fixed on this type.