RepositoryConfigpublic class RepositoryConfig extends HashMap This class represents a repository configuration. A repository can
be either a domain, a node agent, or a server instance. Configuration
specific to each (DomainConfig, AgentConfig, InstanceConfig) is
derived from this class. A repository config consists of the following
1)repositoryName -- domain or node agent name (e.g. domain1 or agent1)
2)repositoryRoot -- the parent directory of the repository (e.g.
$installDir/domains or $installDir/agents)
3)instanceName -- the optional server instance name (e.g. server1)
4)configurationName -- the optional configuration name of the server
instance (e.g. default-config).
Using (repositoryName, repositoryRoot, instanceName, configurationName)
syntax. Here are the following permutations:
1)For a domain: (domainRootDirectory, domainName, null, null) e.g.
("/sun/appserver/domains", "domain1", null, null)
2)For a node agent: (agentRootDirectory, agentName, "agent", null) e.g
("/sun/appserver/agents", "agent1", "agent", null). Note that the instance
name of a node agent is always the literal string "agent".
3)For a server instance (agentRootDirectory, agentName, instanceName,
configName) e.g.
("/sun/appserver/agents", "agent1", "server1", "default-config")
The RepositoryConfig class is an extensible HashMap that can contain
any attributes, but also relies on two system properties being
1)com.sun.aas.installRoot -- installation root directory stored under
2)com.sun.aas.configRoot -- configuration root (for locating asenv.conf)
stored under the K_CONFIG_ROOT key. |
Fields Summary |
public static final String | K_INSTALL_ROOT | public static final String | K_CONFIG_ROOT | public static final String | K_REFRESH_CONFIG_CONTEXT | private String | _repositoryName | private String | _repositoryRoot | private String | _instanceName | private String | _configurationName |
Constructors Summary |
public RepositoryConfig(String repositoryName, String repositoryRoot, String instanceName, String configName)Creates a new instance of RepositoryConfig
The K_INSTALL_ROOT and K_CONFIG_ROOT attributes are implicitly set
_instanceName = instanceName;
_repositoryName = repositoryName;
_repositoryRoot = repositoryRoot;
_configurationName = configName;
put(K_INSTALL_ROOT, getFilePath(SystemPropertyConstants.INSTALL_ROOT_PROPERTY));
put(K_CONFIG_ROOT, getFilePath(SystemPropertyConstants.CONFIG_ROOT_PROPERTY));
/* Since the changes for the startup, we have the problem of refreshing
* config context. So, by default, I am making a change to refresh the
* config context. If some processes (e.g. start-domain) have already
* created a config context, then they should explicitly say so.
| public RepositoryConfig(String repositoryName, String repositoryRoot, String instanceName)
this(repositoryName, repositoryRoot, instanceName, null);
| public RepositoryConfig(String repositoryName, String repositoryRoot)
this(repositoryName, repositoryRoot, null);
| public RepositoryConfig()
| public RepositoryConfig(String instanceRootString)Creates a new instance of RepositoryConfig defined using the
system property com.sun.aas.instanceRoot. It is assumed that this
system property is a directory of the form:
final File instanceRoot = new File(instanceRootString);
final File repositoryDir = instanceRoot.getParentFile();
_instanceName = instanceRoot.getName();
_repositoryName = repositoryDir.getName();
_repositoryRoot = FileUtils.makeForwardSlashes(repositoryDir.getParentFile().getAbsolutePath());
_configurationName = null;
put(K_INSTALL_ROOT, getFilePath(SystemPropertyConstants.INSTALL_ROOT_PROPERTY));
put(K_CONFIG_ROOT, getFilePath(SystemPropertyConstants.CONFIG_ROOT_PROPERTY));
Methods Summary |
public java.lang.String | getConfigRoot()
return (String)get(K_CONFIG_ROOT);
| public java.lang.String | getConfigurationName()
return _configurationName;
| public java.lang.String | getDisplayName()
return getRepositoryName();
| protected java.lang.String | getFilePath(java.lang.String propertyName)
File f = new File(System.getProperty(propertyName));
return FileUtils.makeForwardSlashes(f.getAbsolutePath());
| public java.lang.String | getInstallRoot()
return (String)get(K_INSTALL_ROOT);
| public java.lang.String | getInstanceName()
return _instanceName;
| public java.lang.Boolean | getRefreshConfigContext()
return ( (Boolean) get(K_REFRESH_CONFIG_CONTEXT ) );
//this will never be null, because constructor initializes it to false
| public java.lang.String | getRepositoryName()
return _repositoryName;
| public java.lang.String | getRepositoryRoot()
return _repositoryRoot;
| public void | setConfigurationName(java.lang.String configurationName)
_configurationName = configurationName;
| public void | setInstanceName(java.lang.String instanceName)
_instanceName = instanceName;
| public void | setRefreshConfingContext(boolean refresh)
this.put(K_REFRESH_CONFIG_CONTEXT, refresh);
| protected void | setRepositoryRoot(java.lang.String repositoryRoot)
_repositoryRoot = repositoryRoot;
| public java.lang.String | toString()
return ("repositoryRoot " + _repositoryRoot + " repositoryName " + _repositoryName +
" instanceName " + _instanceName + " configurationName " + _configurationName);