RepositoryConfig.javaAPI DocGlassfish v2 API8661Fri May 04 22:24:30 BST 2007com.sun.enterprise.admin.servermgmt


public class RepositoryConfig extends HashMap
This class represents a repository configuration. A repository can be either a domain, a node agent, or a server instance. Configuration specific to each (DomainConfig, AgentConfig, InstanceConfig) is derived from this class. A repository config consists of the following attributes: 1)repositoryName -- domain or node agent name (e.g. domain1 or agent1) 2)repositoryRoot -- the parent directory of the repository (e.g. $installDir/domains or $installDir/agents) 3)instanceName -- the optional server instance name (e.g. server1) 4)configurationName -- the optional configuration name of the server instance (e.g. default-config). Using (repositoryName, repositoryRoot, instanceName, configurationName) syntax. Here are the following permutations: 1)For a domain: (domainRootDirectory, domainName, null, null) e.g. ("/sun/appserver/domains", "domain1", null, null) 2)For a node agent: (agentRootDirectory, agentName, "agent", null) e.g ("/sun/appserver/agents", "agent1", "agent", null). Note that the instance name of a node agent is always the literal string "agent". 3)For a server instance (agentRootDirectory, agentName, instanceName, configName) e.g. ("/sun/appserver/agents", "agent1", "server1", "default-config") The RepositoryConfig class is an extensible HashMap that can contain any attributes, but also relies on two system properties being set: 1)com.sun.aas.installRoot -- installation root directory stored under the K_INSTALL_ROOT key. 2)com.sun.aas.configRoot -- configuration root (for locating asenv.conf) stored under the K_CONFIG_ROOT key.

Fields Summary
public static final String
public static final String
public static final String
private String
private String
private String
private String
Constructors Summary
public RepositoryConfig(String repositoryName, String repositoryRoot, String instanceName, String configName)
Creates a new instance of RepositoryConfig The K_INSTALL_ROOT and K_CONFIG_ROOT attributes are implicitly set

        _instanceName = instanceName;
        _repositoryName = repositoryName;        
        _repositoryRoot = repositoryRoot;
        _configurationName = configName;
        put(K_INSTALL_ROOT, getFilePath(SystemPropertyConstants.INSTALL_ROOT_PROPERTY));        
        put(K_CONFIG_ROOT, getFilePath(SystemPropertyConstants.CONFIG_ROOT_PROPERTY));   
        put(K_REFRESH_CONFIG_CONTEXT, true);
        /* Since the changes for the startup, we have the problem of refreshing
         * config context. So, by default, I am making a change to refresh the
         * config context. If some processes (e.g. start-domain) have already
         * created a config context, then they should explicitly say so.
public RepositoryConfig(String repositoryName, String repositoryRoot, String instanceName)

        this(repositoryName, repositoryRoot, instanceName, null);
public RepositoryConfig(String repositoryName, String repositoryRoot)

        this(repositoryName, repositoryRoot, null);
public RepositoryConfig()

public RepositoryConfig(String instanceRootString)
Creates a new instance of RepositoryConfig defined using the system property com.sun.aas.instanceRoot. It is assumed that this system property is a directory of the form: //

        final File instanceRoot = new File(instanceRootString);        
        final File repositoryDir = instanceRoot.getParentFile();               
        _instanceName = instanceRoot.getName();
        _repositoryName = repositoryDir.getName();
        _repositoryRoot = FileUtils.makeForwardSlashes(repositoryDir.getParentFile().getAbsolutePath());
        _configurationName = null;
        put(K_INSTALL_ROOT, getFilePath(SystemPropertyConstants.INSTALL_ROOT_PROPERTY));        
        put(K_CONFIG_ROOT, getFilePath(SystemPropertyConstants.CONFIG_ROOT_PROPERTY));  
Methods Summary
public java.lang.StringgetConfigRoot()

        return (String)get(K_CONFIG_ROOT);
public java.lang.StringgetConfigurationName()

        return _configurationName;
public java.lang.StringgetDisplayName()

        return getRepositoryName();
protected java.lang.StringgetFilePath(java.lang.String propertyName)

        File f = new File(System.getProperty(propertyName));
        return FileUtils.makeForwardSlashes(f.getAbsolutePath());
public java.lang.StringgetInstallRoot()

        return (String)get(K_INSTALL_ROOT);
public java.lang.StringgetInstanceName()

        return _instanceName;
public java.lang.BooleangetRefreshConfigContext()

        return ( (Boolean) get(K_REFRESH_CONFIG_CONTEXT ) );
        //this will never be null, because constructor initializes it to false
public java.lang.StringgetRepositoryName()

        return _repositoryName;
public java.lang.StringgetRepositoryRoot()

        return _repositoryRoot;
public voidsetConfigurationName(java.lang.String configurationName)

        _configurationName = configurationName;
public voidsetInstanceName(java.lang.String instanceName)

        _instanceName = instanceName;
public voidsetRefreshConfingContext(boolean refresh)

        this.put(K_REFRESH_CONFIG_CONTEXT, refresh);
protected voidsetRepositoryRoot(java.lang.String repositoryRoot)

        _repositoryRoot = repositoryRoot;
public java.lang.StringtoString()

        return ("repositoryRoot " + _repositoryRoot + " repositoryName " + _repositoryName +
            " instanceName " + _instanceName + " configurationName " + _configurationName);