Methods Summary |
public java.lang.Object | clone()
SheetPropertiesRecord rec = new SheetPropertiesRecord();
rec.field_1_flags = field_1_flags;
rec.field_2_empty = field_2_empty;
return rec;
protected void | fillFields(org.apache.poi.hssf.record.RecordInputStream in)
field_1_flags = in.readShort();
field_2_empty = in.readByte();
public byte | getEmpty()Get the empty field for the SheetProperties record.
return field_2_empty;
public short | getFlags()Get the flags field for the SheetProperties record.
return field_1_flags;
public int | getRecordSize()Size of record (exluding 4 byte header)
return 4 + 2 + 1;
public short | getSid()
return sid;
public boolean | isAutoPlotArea()??
return autoPlotArea.isSet(field_1_flags);
public boolean | isChartTypeManuallyFormatted()Has the chart type been manually formatted?
return chartTypeManuallyFormatted.isSet(field_1_flags);
public boolean | isDefaultPlotDimensions()Indicates that the default area dimensions should be used.
return defaultPlotDimensions.isSet(field_1_flags);
public boolean | isDoNotSizeWithWindow()Do not size the chart when the window changes size
return doNotSizeWithWindow.isSet(field_1_flags);
public boolean | isPlotVisibleOnly()Only show visible cells on the chart.
return plotVisibleOnly.isSet(field_1_flags);
public int | serialize(int offset, byte[] data)
int pos = 0;
LittleEndian.putShort(data, 0 + offset, sid);
LittleEndian.putShort(data, 2 + offset, (short)(getRecordSize() - 4));
LittleEndian.putShort(data, 4 + offset + pos, field_1_flags);
data[ 6 + offset + pos ] = field_2_empty;
return getRecordSize();
public void | setAutoPlotArea(boolean value)Sets the auto plot area field value.
field_1_flags = autoPlotArea.setShortBoolean(field_1_flags, value);
public void | setChartTypeManuallyFormatted(boolean value)Sets the chart type manually formatted field value.
Has the chart type been manually formatted?
field_1_flags = chartTypeManuallyFormatted.setShortBoolean(field_1_flags, value);
public void | setDefaultPlotDimensions(boolean value)Sets the default plot dimensions field value.
Indicates that the default area dimensions should be used.
field_1_flags = defaultPlotDimensions.setShortBoolean(field_1_flags, value);
public void | setDoNotSizeWithWindow(boolean value)Sets the do not size with window field value.
Do not size the chart when the window changes size
field_1_flags = doNotSizeWithWindow.setShortBoolean(field_1_flags, value);
public void | setEmpty(byte field_2_empty)Set the empty field for the SheetProperties record.
this.field_2_empty = field_2_empty;
public void | setFlags(short field_1_flags)Set the flags field for the SheetProperties record.
this.field_1_flags = field_1_flags;
public void | setPlotVisibleOnly(boolean value)Sets the plot visible only field value.
Only show visible cells on the chart.
field_1_flags = plotVisibleOnly.setShortBoolean(field_1_flags, value);
public java.lang.String | toString()
StringBuffer buffer = new StringBuffer();
buffer.append(" .flags = ")
.append("0x").append(HexDump.toHex( getFlags ()))
.append(" (").append( getFlags() ).append(" )");
buffer.append(" .chartTypeManuallyFormatted = ").append(isChartTypeManuallyFormatted()).append('\n");
buffer.append(" .plotVisibleOnly = ").append(isPlotVisibleOnly()).append('\n");
buffer.append(" .doNotSizeWithWindow = ").append(isDoNotSizeWithWindow()).append('\n");
buffer.append(" .defaultPlotDimensions = ").append(isDefaultPlotDimensions()).append('\n");
buffer.append(" .autoPlotArea = ").append(isAutoPlotArea()).append('\n");
buffer.append(" .empty = ")
.append("0x").append(HexDump.toHex( getEmpty ()))
.append(" (").append( getEmpty() ).append(" )");
return buffer.toString();
protected void | validateSid(short id)Checks the sid matches the expected side for this record
if (id != sid)
throw new RecordFormatException("Not a SheetProperties record");