Fields Summary |
public static final int | KEY_EVENTMajor ID for an event on a key. |
public static final int | PEN_EVENTMajor ID for a pointer event. |
public static final int | COMMAND_EVENTMajor ID for an Abstract Command. |
public static final int | REPAINT_EVENTMajor ID for a repaint event. |
public static final int | SCREEN_CHANGE_EVENTMajor ID for a screen change event. |
public static final int | INVALIDATE_EVENTMajor ID for an invalidate event. |
public static final int | ITEM_EVENTMajor ID for an item event. |
public static final int | PEER_CHANGED_EVENTMajor ID for a item's native peer state changed event. |
public static final int | CALL_SERIALLY_EVENTMajor ID for a call serially event. |
public static final int | FOREGROUND_NOTIFY_EVENTMajor ID for a foreground notify event.
public static final int | BACKGROUND_NOTIFY_EVENTMajor ID for a background notify event.
public static final int | ACTIVATE_MIDLET_EVENTMajor ID for a activate MIDlet event. |
public static final int | PAUSE_MIDLET_EVENTMajor ID for a pause MIDlet event. |
public static final int | DESTROY_MIDLET_EVENTMajor ID for a destroy MIDlet event. |
public static final int | SHUTDOWN_EVENTMajor ID for a shutdown event. |
public static final int | ACTIVATE_ALL_EVENTMajor ID for a pause all event. |
public static final int | PAUSE_ALL_EVENTMajor ID for a pause all event. |
public static final int | MIDLET_CREATED_NOTIFICATIONMajor ID for a MIDlet created notification. |
public static final int | MIDLET_ACTIVE_NOTIFICATIONMajor ID for a MIDlet active notification. |
public static final int | MIDLET_PAUSED_NOTIFICATIONMajor ID for a MIDlet paused notification. |
public static final int | MIDLET_DESTROYED_NOTIFICATIONMajor ID for a MIDlet destroyed notification. |
public static final int | DISPLAY_CREATED_NOTIFICATIONMajor ID for a Display created notification. |
public static final int | FOREGROUND_REQUEST_EVENTMajor ID for a foreground request event.
- intParam1 = IsolateID
- intParam4 = displayID
public static final int | BACKGROUND_REQUEST_EVENTMajor ID for a background request event.
- intParam1 = IsolateID
- intParam4 = displayID
public static final int | SELECT_FOREGROUND_EVENTUser request to show the midlet selection screen, if any.
- stringParam1 = 1 if midlet should be selected from the
list of aunched midlets, if 0 then possibility to launch midlet is needed.
public static final int | PREEMPT_EVENTMajor ID for a preempt event. |
public static final int | MIDLET_START_ERROR_EVENTMajor ID for a MIDlet start error event. |
public static final int | EXECUTE_MIDLET_EVENTMajor ID for a execute MIDlet event.
- stringParam1 = id;
- stringParam2 = midlet;
- stringParam3 = displayName;
- stringParam4 = arg0;
- stringParam5 = arg1;
- stringParam6 = arg2;
public static final int | MIDLET_DESTROY_REQUEST_EVENTMajor ID for a request to destroy a MIDlet event. |
public static final int | FOREGROUND_TRANSFER_EVENTMajor ID for an foreground handoff event.
This is a request to the AMS to transition the foreground
from a current MIDlet to a target MIDlet
(by application ID and classname).
- stringParam1 = current FG MIDlet ID
- stringParam2 = current FG MIDlet class
- stringParam3 = target MIDlet ID
- stringParam4 = target MIDlet class
public static final int | EVENT_QUEUE_SHUTDOWNThe event will shutdown the event queue when processed. |
public static final int | FATAL_ERROR_NOTIFICATIONThis is sent to the AMS isolate when an application isolate
has fatal error. |
public static final int | FC_DISKS_CHANGED_EVENTMajor ID for a JSR 75 FileConnection disks changed event. |
public static final int | TEST_EVENTReserved for testing. |
public static final int | MIDLET_RESUME_REQUESTSent to the AMS isolate when a paused MIDlet is requesting to be
moved to active state. |
public static final int | NATIVE_MIDLET_EXECUTE_REQUESTSent by the native system to request a MIDlet be created and started. |
public static final int | NATIVE_MIDLET_RESUME_REQUESTSent by the native system to request a paused MIDlet be resumed. |
public static final int | NATIVE_MIDLET_PAUSE_REQUESTSent by the native system to request a MIDlet be paused. |
public static final int | NATIVE_MIDLET_DESTROY_REQUESTSent by the native system to request a MIDlet be destroyed. |
public static final int | NATIVE_MIDLET_GETINFO_REQUESTSent by the native system to request a MIDlet be destroyed. |
public static final int | NATIVE_SET_FOREGROUND_REQUESTSent by the native system to request a MIDlet be in the foreground. |
public static final int | SET_FOREGROUND_BY_NAME_REQUESTSent by the Automation API subsystem to request a MIDlet
be in the foreground.
- stringParam1 = MIDlet's suite ID
- stringParam2 = MIDlet's class name
public static final int | ROTATION_EVENT |
public static final int | MIDLET_RS_PAUSED_NOTIFICATIONMIDlet resources paused notification |
public static final int | MMAPI_EVENTMajor ID for MMAPI event |
public static final int | AMMS_EVENTMajor ID for AMMS event |
public static final int | SCREEN_REPAINT_EVENTThe event to repaint entire screen |