DoubleLinkedList.javaAPI DocGlassfish v2 API8445Fri May 04 22:35:20 BST 2007com.sun.jdo.spi.persistence.utility


public class DoubleLinkedList extends Object
This class defines a thread-safe double linked-list. The list is usable by any class that implements the com.forte.util.Linkable interface. This class allows a linkable object it be inserted or removed from anywhere in the list. RESTRICTION: An object can only be a member of 1 list at a time.

Fields Summary
public Linkable
Head of linked list.
public Linkable
Tail of linked list.
public int
Size of linked list.
Constructors Summary
public DoubleLinkedList()
Default constructor.

		this.head = null;
		this.size = 0;
		this.tail = null;
Methods Summary
public synchronized LinkablegetHead()
Return the object at the head of a linked list.

		return this.head;
public synchronized intgetSize()
Return size of the linked list.

		return this.size;
public synchronized LinkablegetTail()
Return the object at the tail of a linked list.

		return this.tail;
public synchronized voidinsertAtHead(Linkable node)
Insert an object at the head of a linked list.

		if (node instanceof Linkable)
			if (this.head == null)
				node.setNext(null);				// Fixup node nextlink.
				node.setPrevious(null);			// Fixup node backlink.
				this.head = node;				// Insert node at head of list.
				Linkable oldHead = this.head;	// Fixup current head node.
				oldHead.setPrevious(node);		// Set backlink to new node.
				node.setNext(oldHead);			// Fixup new node nextlink.
				node.setPrevious(null);			// Fixup new node backlink.
				this.head = node;				// Insert node at head of list.
			if (this.tail == null)				// If list was empty,
				this.tail = node;				// Insert node at tail of list.
public synchronized voidinsertAtTail(Linkable node)
Insert an object at the tail of a linked list.

		if (node instanceof Linkable)
			if (this.tail == null)
				node.setNext(null);				// Fixup node nextlink.
				node.setPrevious(null);			// Fixup node backlink.
				this.tail = node;				// Insert node at end of list.
				Linkable oldTail = this.tail;	// Fixup current tail node.
				oldTail.setNext(node);			// Set backlink to new node.
				node.setNext(null) ;			// Fixup new node backlink.
				node.setPrevious(oldTail);		// Fixup new node nextlink.
				this.tail = node;				// Insert node at end of list.
			if (this.head == null)				// If list was empty,
				this.head = node;				// Insert node at head of list.
public synchronized voidinsertIntoList(Linkable afternode, Linkable newnode)
Insert an object anywhere into the linked list.

afternode the new node will be inserted after this node
newnode the new node to be inserted

		if ((newnode instanceof Linkable) && (afternode instanceof Linkable))
			if (this.tail == afternode)			// If inserting at the tail,
				this.insertAtTail(newnode);		// Use insertAtTail method.
				Linkable nextnode = afternode.getNext();
				newnode.setNext(nextnode);		// Point to next node.
				newnode.setPrevious(afternode);	// Point to previous node.
				afternode.setNext(newnode);		// Fixup backlink in afternode.
				nextnode.setPrevious(newnode);	// Fixup nextlink in next node.
public synchronized LinkableremoveFromHead()
Remove and return an object from the head of a linked list.

		Linkable node = this.head;
		if (node instanceof Linkable)
			this.head = node.getNext();	// Set head to next node.
			if (this.head == null)		// If we emptied the list,
				this.tail = null;		// Fixup the tail pointer.
				this.head.setPrevious(null);// Clear head node backlink.
			node.setNext(null);			// Clear removed node nextlink.
			node.setPrevious(null);		// Clear romoved node backlink.
		return node;
public synchronized voidremoveFromList(Linkable node)
Remove the specified object from anywhere in the linked list. This method is usually used by the object to remove itself from the list.

		if ((this.size <= 0) || ((this.head == null) && (this.tail == null)))
		if (node instanceof Linkable)
			Linkable p = node.getPrevious();	// Reference to previous node.
			Linkable n = node.getNext();		// Reference to next node. 

			if (p == null)			// Is this the first (or only) node in the list?
				this.head = n;		// Yes, set the head of the list to point to the next.
				p.setNext(n);		// No, set the previous node to point to the next.

			if (n == null)			// Is this the last (or only) node in the list?
				this.tail = p;		// Yes, set the tail to point to the previous.
				n.setPrevious(p);	// No, set the next node to point to the previous.

public synchronized LinkableremoveFromTail()
Remove and return an object from the tail of a linked list.

		Linkable node = this.tail;
		if (node instanceof Linkable)
			this.tail = node.getPrevious();	// Set tail to previous node.
			if (this.tail == null)			// If we emptied the list,
				this.head = null;			// Fixup the head pointer.
				this.tail.setNext(null);	// Clear tail node nextlink.
			node.setNext(null);				// Clear removed node nextlink.
			node.setPrevious(null);			// Clear removed node backlink.
		return node;
public synchronized java.lang.StringtoString()
Return a string representation of this DoubleLinkedList object.

String representation of this object.

		/*		boolean dif = ThreadContext.lgr().test
			(	// Check for trace flag sp:1:1
		String buf = "DoubleLinkedList@\n";
			buf = buf + "      head = " + this.head + "\n";
			buf = buf + "      tail = " + this.tail + "\n";
		buf = buf + "      size = " + this.size + "\n";
        return buf;

		return null;