Mainpublic class Main extends Object Entry point for the layoutlib_create tool.
The tool does not currently rely on any external configuration file.
Instead the configuration is mostly done via the {@link CreateInfo} class.
For a complete description of the tool and its implementation, please refer to
the "README.txt" file at the root of this project.
For a quick test, invoke this as follows:
$ make layoutlib
which does:
$ make layoutlib_create <bunch of framework jars>
$ java -jar out/host/linux-x86/framework/layoutlib_create.jar \
out/host/common/obj/JAVA_LIBRARIES/temp_layoutlib_intermediates/javalib.jar \
out/target/common/obj/JAVA_LIBRARIES/core_intermediates/classes.jar \
Fields Summary |
public static final Options | sOptions |
Methods Summary |
private static int | createLayoutLib(java.lang.String osDestJar, java.util.ArrayList osJarPath, Log log)"Output: %1$s", osDestJar);
for (String path : osJarPath) {"Input : %1$s", path);
try {
CreateInfo info = new CreateInfo();
Set<String> excludeClasses = info.getExcludedClasses();
AsmGenerator agen = new AsmGenerator(log, osDestJar, info);
AsmAnalyzer aa = new AsmAnalyzer(log, osJarPath, agen,
new String[] { // derived from
new String[] { // include classes
"android.*", // for android.R
"android.pim.*", // for datepicker
"android.os.*", // for android.os.Handler
"android.database.ContentObserver", // for Digital clock
"*", // for TextView with autolink attribute
"", //
"", //
new String[] {
// Throw an error if any class failed to get renamed by the generator
// IMPORTANT: if you're building the platform and you get this error message,
// it means the renameClasses[] array in AsmGenerator needs to be updated: some
// class should have been renamed but it was not found in the input JAR files.
Set<String> notRenamed = agen.getClassesNotRenamed();
if (notRenamed.size() > 0) {
// (80-column guide below for error formatting)
// 01234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789
"ERROR when running layoutlib_create: the following classes are referenced\n" +
"by tools/layoutlib/create but were not actually found in the input JAR files.\n" +
"This may be due to some platform classes having been renamed.");
for (String fqcn : notRenamed) {
log.error("- Class not found: %s", fqcn.replace('/", '."));
for (String path : osJarPath) {"- Input JAR : %1$s", path);
return 1;
return 0;
} catch (IOException e) {
log.exception(e, "Failed to load jar");
} catch (LogAbortException e) {
return 1;
| private static int | listDeps(java.util.ArrayList osJarPath, Log log)
DependencyFinder df = new DependencyFinder(log);
try {
List<Map<String, Set<String>>> result = df.findDeps(osJarPath);
if (sOptions.listAllDeps) {
} else if (sOptions.listOnlyMissingDeps) {
} catch (IOException e) {
log.exception(e, "Failed to load jar");
return 0;
| public static void | main(java.lang.String[] args)
Log log = new Log();
ArrayList<String> osJarPath = new ArrayList<String>();
String[] osDestJar = { null };
if (!processArgs(log, args, osJarPath, osDestJar)) {
log.error("Usage: layoutlib_create [-v] output.jar input.jar ...");
log.error("Usage: layoutlib_create [-v] [--list-deps|--missing-deps] input.jar ...");
if (sOptions.listAllDeps || sOptions.listOnlyMissingDeps) {
System.exit(listDeps(osJarPath, log));
} else {
System.exit(createLayoutLib(osDestJar[0], osJarPath, log));
| private static boolean | processArgs(Log log, java.lang.String[] args, java.util.ArrayList osJarPath, java.lang.String[] osDestJar)Returns true if args where properly parsed.
Returns false if program should exit with command-line usage.
Note: the String[0] is an output parameter wrapped in an array, since there is no
"out" parameter support.
boolean needs_dest = true;
for (String s : args) {
if (s.equals("-v")) {
} else if (s.equals("--list-deps")) {
sOptions.listAllDeps = true;
needs_dest = false;
} else if (s.equals("--missing-deps")) {
sOptions.listOnlyMissingDeps = true;
needs_dest = false;
} else if (!s.startsWith("-")) {
if (needs_dest && osDestJar[0] == null) {
osDestJar[0] = s;
} else {
} else {
log.error("Unknown argument: %s", s);
return false;
if (osJarPath.isEmpty()) {
log.error("Missing parameter: path to input jar");
return false;
if (needs_dest && osDestJar[0] == null) {
log.error("Missing parameter: path to output jar");
return false;
return true;